《Unseen | ✔》27 | FRIENDS


"A true friend is the greatest of all blessings."


but keep a smile on my face for the rest of the day after Adam had confessed his feelings for me. We eventually found our way out of the beautiful forest and made our way back to the house.

Lily asked me once we got home last night if I wanted to go shopping with her. I obviously couldn't resist and said yes.

So, now we both stand in front of my mirror, making sure we look okay for the day ahead of us.

"Ugh, I'm so fat!" Lily groans, pinching her thighs. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"You're not fat, Lily," I say. Lily laughs at me and gives me a playful shove.

"Dude! You're seriously so skinny, you have a thigh gap and everything," Lily yells, pouting her lips. I sadly smile at her and shake my head.

Not by choice.

"What?" She quickly asks. I glance at Lily and shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know..." I answer innocently. Lily grits her teeth out in annoyance and glares at me.

"Don't act all depressed on me now, tell me what I said!" She gently shoves me to the side and sits down on the side of my bed.

"It's just - well, I didn't really have a choice..." I whisper hoarsely.

"Didn't?" Lily asks. I shake my head and wave my hand dismissively.

"I'll tell you soon." Lily nods her head understandably and smiles at me, our previous conversation gone.

"Okay! You ready? I want to leave and get some new bikinis and - I'm sorry, I'm just so excited!" Lily squeals. I laugh and open my bedroom door, running out but only to collide with a broad chest.

Lily's loud laughter awakens me from my trace of dizziness. A warm hand touches my shoulder, tingles immediately spreading through my body. I smile at the warm fuzzy feeling and look up into the familiar grey eyes I have grown to love.


"Be careful today, Isabelle," Adam whispers. I roll my, eyes at him and smile.

"Sure, sure. Don't do anything stupid, okay?" I ask. Adam smiles and nods his head, pulling me into a hug. My heart flutters at the contact and my smile broadens as the familiar feel of tingles makes their way up my body.

"Oh. My. Gosh! I just got a perfect photo of you two smiling!" Lily squeals. Adam and I laugh and shake our heads in amusement.

"Adabelle!" Lily screams as she runs out the room. I grin at Adam as he does the same, his eyes twinkle with every chuckle that escapes his mouth, creating goosebumps down my body.

"Anyways, have fun with the boys. See you later?" I say quickly, trying to ignore that gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach. Adam nods his head and winks at me. I laugh and skip out the front door, jumping into the car where Lily is waiting for me.

"You guys are so tuning each other, everyone can see it," Lily suddenly says. I still at the words and my mouth twitches up into a smile, an unforgiving laugh spilling out my mouth.

"Yeah, totally!" I squeal in a high pitched girly voice. Lily looks over at me, a hand twirling her hair.

"Oh, my gosh, Isabelle! You're seriously such a whore, I love it!" I laugh and shake my head. Lily turns the car ignition on and backs out the driveway. I lay my head back on the headrest and close my eyes.

Yesterday's events come zooming back into my mind. I frown as I bring my hand back up to my lips, remembering everything. The way Adam's lips felt against mine, it was just so...perfect.

I sigh and fold my arms across my chest, ignoring the butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

"So, I was thinking that we do our overall shopping first. We'll buy some cute crop tops and shorts, and then later we'll get our bikinis!" Lily squeals excitingly. I nod my head in agreement while I sip my iced coffee.


"Sounds good," I mumble in between sips. Lily stares at me for a few seconds before shaking her head and jumping up from her seat.

"This is going to be so much fun. Are you ready? I'm ready. Let's just go already!" She takes a hold of my arm and drags me out the food court. I stumble but quickly regain my balance. I blow a sigh of relief when I check my iced coffee is fine.

We shop at a few stores, buying some cute shirts and shorts. Lily has the most honest opinion ever. If something literally looks shit on you, she'll either tell you or try hiding it, but that doesn't exactly ever work.

My fingers run over the clothing material of the many clothes on the rack. I look at a few things but dismiss them, not liking the way they looked when against my chest in the mirror.

Suddenly, Lily jumps out of nowhere and throws some Bikinis at me. I stare at them in fright for a little while which only results in Lily questioning if the swimsuits really look good.

"You don't like them, do you?" She mumbles, kicking her feet out.

I quickly shake my head clear of any wandering thoughts. "I do! Believe me, I really do!" I quickly explain. "It's just, I haven't really ever worn a bikini before and yeah..." I softly whisper.

Lily's eyes brighten at the words and she quickly pushes me into the changing room. "Quickly get changed and I'll try to find some other sexy ones!" The door closes as Lily retreats out the room, leaving me to look at my own bare body.

Slowly, I peel my clothes away from my body and cringe at the scars. So many scars cover my stomach and back that someone would think that I've been abused my whole life.

And that's true.

I slip the two-piece onto my body and shake my head in annoyance. Finally coming to a conclusion that I'll have to show Lily one day, I open the changing room doors and find Lily pacing around the room like a rat on steroids.

She turns around at the sound and smiles brightly at me. Her eyes quickly take in my body and I watch as her face grows paler and paler by every passing second.

"Isabelle - " Lily begins but I quickly cut her off.

Lily needs to know that my whole life I've been abused. She deserves to know the reasons I pushed her away before. It wasn't her fault that I ignored her and now she deserves to know the reasoning behind my crude actions.

I faintly smile at her and grab her shoulders, pushing her into the changing rooms.

"Lily, I need to tell you something..." I trail off. Lily nods at me for to continue.

And so I do. I begin by telling her the story of David and me as friends to the night my parents died, and finally, the night Adam and Lily both found me in the alley.

When I finish, Lily wipes her tears away from her eyes and hugs me tightly.

"Isabelle, I'm so sorry! I didn't realise and I should've but I was just - just - " Lily trails off. I smile sadly at Lily and shake my head.

"What's done is done, I guess..." I mumble. Lily nods her head and hugs me again.

"Isabelle Thompson, you'll always be my best friend and if that bastard comes close to you again, I'll make sure to kill him with my bare hands!" Lily exasperates. I laugh and I nod my head in agreement.

"And I won't stop you from doing that Lily, and that's a promise..."

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