《Unseen | ✔》25 | WEEKENDS


"Always remember, someone's effort is a reflection of their interest in you."


back to school went by extremely slow. I'm glad Friday's here because it means we get to ditch the day of boring lectures and go on a mini-vacation.

"Isabelle!" I hear Lily scream. It hadn't come to my attention until today that Lily was a massive control freak. I look at Lily and give her a little shake of my head.

"Don't shake your head at me, Missy! Get your fucking ass down here right now and help me put Adam's shit in the car!" I roll my eyes and laugh and at how ridiculous my friend is behaving.

Lily glares at me.

"Fine..." I mumble.

"Thank you!" She huffs.

I walk back into the family room where Adam's luggage was everywhere. For someone who says he's 'manly', he sure does have a lot of clothes. He even packed more than Lily and that's difficult to accomplish.

"You're such a pussy!" I hear Lily scream from the kitchen. I hear Adam groan in pain making me laugh again even harder.

"Fine! I'll help, geez woman!" Adam yells. A few seconds later I find Adam standing in front of me with a scowl on his face.

"I hate her," he mumbles.

"Awh! We love you too, Adam!" Lily shouts back from the kitchen. I roll my eyes and chuck a ton of bags into Adams' arms.

"You got the rest," I say, flipping Adam off as I walk out the room. Lily high-fives me and smiles.

"Oh, this weekend is going to be good..." I nod my head in agreement.


I hear ringing in my ears and groan. "Turn the fucking music down!" I scream, trying to get the screeching noise of rock music out my head.

"Fuck off, Isabelle!" Nolan shouts back. I sigh and fold my arms across my chest in annoyance.

Four hours.

Four fucking long hours and we've had this crappy music on. Adam turns arounds and smiles, winking at me in the process.


"You alright there, Prezioso?" He asks, a hint of concern in his voice. I scoff and glare at him, fed up with my friend's noise. After a few more minutes of listening to the screeching sounds of people dying, I grab my earphones out and stick them in my ears.

I honestly have no idea why I didn't do this before. Oh well.

I wish Lily was in this car right now. It would be helpful if I had her sarcastic ass next to mine, threatening to punch both of the boys in the face.

I quickly grab my phone and text, Lily.

Isabelle: Whose car are you in again? I'm fed up with Nolan and Adam's music! Ugh.

Lily: I've told you soooo many times! Damion, remember? DAMION. And sucks to be you ;))

Isabelle: Piss off. Just save me, okay? Next pit stop if we even have one? Please, pleaseeee????

Lily: Umm you're probably going to wanna stay with the boys..."

Isabelle: Why?

Lily: Have you been living under a rock this whole time? Damion and I are dating you dipshit!

I stare blankly at my phone until the realisation hits me.

"What the fuck!?" I scream. The car comes to a halt and I hit my head against the front seat.

"Ow!" I say, rubbing my forehead. Adam turns around quickly, eyeing me carefully.

"What? You okay?" He asks worriedly. I grin at him and nod my head.

"Yeah, didn't know Lily had a boyfriend, that's all," I say, sighing as I run my hand through my hair.

"What!?" Both Adam and Nolan say simultaneously. I freeze and look up at them.

Lily: Don't tell Adam and Nolan btw, they'll probably kill the poor guy. I wanna introduce them myself.

Well, crap...

"Um..." I awkwardly scratch my head and wince at the boy's faces. They both glare at me before turning back around in their seats.

"What's his name?" Nolan asks through clenched teeth.

"Uh - I don't know?" I stutter.

"Just fucking tell me, Isabelle!" Nolan shouts. I flinch and raise my hands up in surrender.


"Fine, fine," I mumble. "It's Damion."



Both boys say at the same time. I awkwardly sit in my seat as the boys speed off towards the beach house.

Isabelle: Whoops?

Lily: Bitch.

Isabelle: Sorryyyy.

We pull up to a beautiful house just in front of a beach. I stare in awe at how beautiful the place is and slowly open the door.

"You like it?" Adam asks from behind me. I nod, still gob-smacked at the beautifulness of the place. I haven't ever been to the beach before for a swim because of all the bruises and scars that cover my body.

I still don't want to go swimming.

I look behind the house where a massive forest full of trees and mountains lay. This place is my ideal getaway.

Lucky I have rich friends.

"There those fuckers are..." I hear Nolan gruffly say from behind me. Suppressing my laughter, I turn around and sit on the hood of the car, preparing myself for what is to come.

A small, blue car pulls up into the sandy drive-way. Lily jumps out the car and glares at me, I blow a kiss back to her and grin. Lily rolls her eyes and turns around, revealing a guy who I assume to be Damion.

I nod my head, a smirk on my face, and give her the thumbs up. Suddenly, Damion is thrust into the car, Nolan and Adam holding him. Lily's eyes pop out of their sockets while I just sit back and enjoy the show.

"What the fuck bro!? You're not allowed to date my sister, you fuckwit!" Nolan screams, shaking poor Damion by the collar.

I laugh, quickly covering my mouth with my hands. Adam looks over at me, narrowing his eyes.

"Fuck off, Nolan!" Lily screams, kicking Nolan in the shin. Nolan yelps in pain, letting go of Damion in the process.

"Dude!" Damion yells, straightening his shirt. "What the fuck man!?"

Nolan rolls his eyes and shrugs his shoulders in annoyance.

I suddenly feel a nudge on my shoulder. I turn around and find Lily grinning up at me, nodding her head towards the house. I smile at her and grab her arm, pulling her towards the door.

We walk inside and I look around in amazement. Lily and Nolan are seriously so rich. Of course, I already know this because of that night.

"So, do you approve?" Lily suddenly asks. I jump in fright but then laugh and nod my head.

"I did approve. I think Nolan and Adam killed the poor guy," I whisper. Lily laughs and nods her head in agreement.

"Probably..." Lily pauses and turns to look at me, her face turning serious.

"Hey, Isabelle, can I ask you a question?" I nod my head. "Sure."

"Uh - Do you like Adam?" My body tenses as the question struck me, making me speechless.

"No, why?" Lily eyes me before shrugging her shoulders.

"Just wondering..." she mumbles.

I've never really given this question much thought because of how hectic my life was. Adam's my friend and I love him for that.

Even if my answer is a twisted truth, my minds always find it's way of wondering.

I can't keep running anymore. The past is the past and the present is the present. My heart always flickers with quick rhythmic pulses when I think of him and butterflies tickle my insides too.

Even though a crush is nothing more than someone you like or 'lust' after, I'd say that Adam could fit somewhere in that category. Maybe I am falling? Maybe Lily is right?

Maybe - just maybe, I like Adam Black.

What now though? What happends after the girl realises she likes the bad guy. Where does she go now?

He can decide because I'm too tired of being the one to chase. They can chase me.

I'm the Lion, not the prey.

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