《Unseen | ✔》20 | NO


Nothing haunts us like the things we don't tell."—Mitch Albom


things I thought Adam was going to say, but this? This one, out of all of them?

Really, Adam?

It's quite upsetting knowing that he only wants to know how I got the bruise. I was hoping that he'd perhaps, bring up our kiss...

The bruise was the least of my worries a few minutes ago. Do people enjoy making me sad and depressed?


"No," I say, running a hand through my hair.

"What?" Adam asks looking as if he's surprised.

"No," I repeat again. Adam frowns at me and crosses his arms across his chest.

"Why, though? Are you hiding something from me?" Adam presses further. I shake my head and stare into his eyes.


"Can you please stop saying no and give me a legitimate answer?"

"I've already told you what happened and I'm not repeating it, so, no."

Adam curses out in anger and abruptly stands up, causing people to look at us.

"Can we go somewhere else, please?" I ask in a small whisper. Adams' eyes soften as he nods his head.

We walk out the small Café and continue our way over to the park across the road. The chilly evening air creates goosebumps on my arms making me shiver.

I rub my arms and snuggle closer to my own body heat.

"So..." I start.

"How'd you get that bruise? And don't lie to me."

"I - I can't tell you..." I whisper quietly. Adam stops and grabs my arm. He pulls up my sleeve revealing a series of cuts and faint black bruises.

"Who did this to you, Isabelle? What are you hiding?" His voice is barely audible. I grunt in response and pull my arm back.


"Leave me alone..."

"I'm not going to leave you alone Isabelle. I can't leave you alone."

"Yes, you can. Just turn around and walk away. It's easy." Adam shakes his head and grabs my other arm, pulling the sleeve up.

"Please...Just tell me who did this to you," he begs. A sudden surge of anger pushes its way through me.

"Why should I tell you stuff about me when I don't even know you? I don't know your favourite colour or animal! For crying out loud, I didn't even know you were a boxer until this morning!" I cry out.

Adam - who is looking quite shocked - takes a hold of my hand and leads me over to a near park bench.

"You want to know about me?" I nod my head and rub my watery eyes. I'm such a fucking crybaby.

"Okay then, how about twenty questions?" I stay silent for a while before nodding my head.

"Okay...I'll go first then. What's your favourite colour?"

"Black." I stare blankly at Adam and scoff. "Living up to your last name I see, Black."

Adam grins at me and nods his head. "You betcha!" I laugh and shake my head before calming myself, all previous thoughts gone.

"My turn, what's your favourite hobby?" Adam asks. I stare into space and think.

Favourite Hobby? Do I even have a favourite Hobby?

"I - uh...running?" Really, running? I do like running, but really, Isabelle? I sigh and mumble some incoherent swear word under my breath.

"How long have you been Boxing for?" I inquire thoughtfully.

"Almost six years." Adam sticks his chest out as if he is trying to prove something to me.

"Mmm, that's not that long..." I whisper quietly but loud enough for him to hear.


"Excuse me!" Adam squeals.

"Shh, you're just sad I'm degrading your manliness."

"Wha - " I cut Adam off and put my finger up to his lips. "Shush, child."

Adam shakes his head and pushes my hand off him. "I am a lot manlier than you'll ever be!"

I burst out into a fit of laughter and shake my head. "I'm not even a male!"

"My point, exactly," Adam states. This makes me laugh even more. "You're the worst..."

"So I've been told..." A silence follows soon after. "My turn!" I pipe up. Adam nods his head and so I ask him the question that's been on my mind for a while.

"Why me?" Adam tilts his head to the side in confusion. "Huh?"

"Why me? Why did you decide to - I don't know, not hate me anymore?" Adams' face remains blank while he stares into my eyes.

"Because there was - still is something about you that kind of intrigues me? It's like you've been put through so much pain that you've just given up hiding it. When I first saw you, I thought you were this attention seeker, but then I got to know you more and you were just so...fragile..."

Quite surprised by his explanation, I just nod my head.


"Oh?" Adam asks. I nod my head again.


"Okay, now it's my turn." I smile at Adam, an indication for him to continue.

"Please tell me, Isabelle, who hurt you? Who hurt you so much that it's an effort for you to put a smile on your face? Please just tell me, who did this to you?" Adam's eyes are full of hope and despair. It's like he actually wants to help me.

Nobody wants to help me. I can't let my guard fall. They'll find me and hurt me again. If Adam finds out that I've been abused my whole entire life, then - I don't know what'll happen. I don't want anything to happen.

He can't know.

"No one...Just let it go," I whisper quietly. Adam shakes his head and turns his whole body towards me.

"Please, Isabelle..."

"I've just been grieving for my parents, it's normal." Adam shakes his head.

"Isabelle, how long ago did your parents die?" Adam says quietly. I freeze and look up at him with watery eyes.

"Eleven years." Now, the tears fall. I quickly wipe them away and stand up. "Leave me alone, Adam."

Adam grabs hold of my hand, "Isabelle - "

I rip my arm away from his grip. "No, I don't want to hear it. Please, just leave me alone, I don't need this right now."

"How am I supposed to help you when you won't tell me anything?" Adam yells. I scrunch my face up and turn around.

"I don't need your help. I'm fine." The words were so quiet that you had to strain your ears to hear them. He heard though.

I know he heard.

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