《Unseen | ✔》15 | LEAVING


Falling down is how we grow. Staying down is how we die.—Brian Vaszily


correct, Isabelle," the nurse says quietly.

"So, my step parents are no longer my guardians but I still have a house?" I question in confusion.

"Yes, you're eligible age to live without any parents or guardians as you are now eighteen."

I stare at the nurse in awe. I'm free. After years and years of praying that someone - something, would set me free, it finally has come. I didn't really care if I had died. Anything was better than waking up to the people who would haunt my dreams at night.

I jump up and attack the nurse with a hug.

"Thank you!" I repeatedly say. She stumbles back in surprise, but soon regains her balance and awkwardly pats my back.

"You're welcome?" I nod my head and rub eyes.

After the nurse left, Lily and I sat down and began packing my things. I didn't actually have any things, they were Lily's but she said I could keep them. I stand up and reach over to grab my jacket but am stopped my Lily.

"Why are you so happy to not have anyone care for you anymore?" She whispers. Surprised, I stare Lily in the eyes, not bothering to blink.

"I - " but I cut myself off. I can't tell anyone. Everyone would hate me and think of me as a broken girl. Even if that is true, and it is, people would pity me. I don't want pity.

"My parents are dead," I say bluntly. It is the easiest explanation, and for once, I'm not lying.

Well, partly...

Lily's eyes water. "Why didn't you tell me?" She sobs. I shake my head, a sad smile present on my lips.


"It was a long time ago, I just lived with my godfather and soon after, he'd gotten married to my mother's best friend..."

"Oh..." Lily softly whispers.

I look down to my thighs. My previous cuts and bruises are still faintly present, but everyone just thinks that they are from that night.

"Are you ready?" A male voice speaks from the doorway. Our heads snap over to the guy but relax when we realise it is Adam. Adams brows are creased into a frown. I look at him with a questionable look on my face but he just shakes his head.

"Yep!" Lily jumps up and pulls me along with her. We walk over to the door and look around the room one final time. I've come a long way since that night.

I look over at Adam and Lily and give them my best smile. I'm not particularly sad. Heck, I'm ecstatic knowing I'm not going to be with the people that hurt me, but, it is upsetting knowing that I am the one that had caused the hell in my life. I am and will always be a disappointment to my parents.

"Alright, let's go then," Adam says and shuts the door. He turns around and smiles back at me, "You ready Prezioso?"

Adam grabs a hold of my hand and leads me out the hospital with Lily trailing not too far behind. It is when we got to the entrance - or rather the exit - when I feel the butterflies arise in my stomach. I have to get a job now and have to pay the bills. At least my parents left behind a fair bit of money for when I turned eighteen.

Lily's hand rests atop of my shoulder, "we're here for you Belle, don't forget that..." I give her a courageous smile and then take my first step into the outside world. The cool breeze hits my face. I breathe in the scent of freshly cut grass from the park across the road and the roses that sit on bushes just outside.


I follow Adam and Lily to the car, all while enjoying the sun and air on my skin.

Adam looks back at me and winks in which I only shake my head to and laugh. We reach the car and I hop in the front seat.

"You ready to face life, Belle?" Lily asks. I smile and just roll my eyes. "I don't know...with you guys, maybe?"

Lily snorts out in laughter. "We'll proabaly make you want to rip your hair out of your scalp!" The driver's seat door opens, revealing an extremely confused Adam.

"What'd I miss?" Both Lily and I shake our heads in amusement. Adam pouts and sits in his seat.

"Fine, be that way then..."

After a forty-five minute drive, I finally arrive at the house that was placed under my name for when I turned eighteen. It is small but it works.

"This place is legit the best!" Lily squeals hysterically.

"Shut up, Lily," Adam grumbles.

"Nah..." Lily retorts back. While Lily and Adam continue to bicker, I take a look around the house. It holds one bedroom, with a study and all the other general rooms a house needs.

I walk into the kitchen and breathe in the faint scent of home. My old home.

"Shut the fuck up, Adam!" I hear Lily squeal from the other room. I roll my eyes, ignoring my friend's banter.

I walk around the kitchen when I come to a sudden stop. Laying there, on the kitchens breakfast bar, is an envelope with my name written on it.

I stare, frozen completely.

"Do you know what a will is, Boo?" Papa asks.

I nod my head. "Yes Papa, it's something you put on your bike or car!"

Papa shakes his head and grins at me. "Not that wheel, you silly goose."

"Oh..." I mumble sitting down on one of the dining chairs. Papa looks down at the letter on the table and continues scribbling random stuff down.

"A will is..." Papa begins without looking up but cuts himself off. "Okay, if something were to happen to Mama or Papa, say we get hurt and die - which will never happen because we've got too much to live for," he rambles on. "But if something were to happen, then we would need to have a place for where all our stuff goes..."

"Even the car?!" I squeal.

Papa nods his head. "Hopefully this one I'm writing right now will never have to be used..."

"Yeah, hopefully, you'll never die -- like, ever..." I whisper in response.

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