《Unseen | ✔》12 | BOO


"My silence is just another word for my pain." — Unknown


I can't feel any pain, yet, I feel happy and peaceful. I crack my eyes open the slightest. Everything is green. I open my eyes even wider and sit up.

Two figures stand with their backs facing me. I squint my eyes and focus on them. Slowly, I sit up and glance around, my vision mainly on the two backs.

"Excuse me!" I call out to them. They don't even flinch at the sound of my voice. I stand up with ease and brush my hands off against each other.

"Excuse me!" I shout louder this time. No response. I sigh and start walking towards them. I'm hesitant at first but then I touch one of their shoulders.

Then, they turn around, revealing the two people I thought I would never see again.

"Mama, Papa?" I croak out through my blurry eyes. I throw my arms around both their necks and sob loudly.

Have I finally died?

"Not today," suddenly my mother speaks. My head snaps towards hers in confusion.


"Not today," she repeats.

"Wh - what are you talking about?" I manage to sputter out.

"Not today."

They are the same words, yet I am still as confused as ever. "Not today!" She screams with tears streaming down her face.

A warm hand touches my shoulder and my head snaps to my father's.

"It's not your time, Boo."

Boo. The nickname my dad used to always call me. It is only now that I start to cry. I now understand what they're saying.

They're sending me back to hell.

"No!" I scream. "Don't do this, please!" A flow of warm, salty tears stream down my face.

Everything suddenly becomes blurry and white.


"No!" I scream. My mum sobs harder and my dad smiles softly. I shake my head, but then they're gone and all I see is black and the horrible aches of pain that swarm through my body, making themselves known.

Was that all just a dream?

I cry in pain. The excruciating pain in my head worsens at the action. It feels like David keeps kicking it. He's not though and I am grateful for that.

I feel like I'm going to black out again, but then I hear laughs and shouts from a group of teenagers.

I try moving but that only creates more pain. I lay there and just wait until they either leave or do something I don't want them to.

As they get closer, the darkness gets thicker

"Guys..." One of them warns loudly.

"Is that - oh my god..." A female voice says softly.

A warm hand touches my cheek. Tingles. I've felt them before. I hum in response and snuggle closer to the warmth of the person.

"Isabelle..." The body says before everything vanishes.

Beeps are the only noise that fills my ears. I try cracking my eyes open but it is too bright.

After a few minutes of opening my eyes and then closing them again, I manage to keep them open. Everything is white. I look to my left to see a monitor that is monitoring my heartbeat.

There's a drip in my wrist and I can't feel anything either. I sigh in content. I've always felt pain and now...I don't feel anything. A door suddenly opens revealing a doctor.

Who took me to the hospital?

"Isabelle Thompson, correct?" The doctor suddenly asks with a smile. I nod my head.

"It's good to see you're awake. A few people have been waiting to see you." I look at him with confusion before realisation dawns in on me.


Gary, Kelly, and David have come back to recollect me.

"Some police officers will be coming in sometime soon because of the heavy assault you went through," the doctor pauses and then looks over at me. "Do you remember anything?"

I don't shake nor nod my head. He can think what he wants. "I'll go collect your friends." I freeze at the mention of the word friends.

Gary, Kelly and especially not David are nowhere near what people call 'friends'. The doctor leaves, leaving me to rest my head that's suddenly starting to throb. I close my eyes momentarily enjoying the silence.

For once, I feel safe. Obviously, not one hundred percent, but they can't do anything to me here.

Noises suddenly erupt through the door revealing a worried Lily, Adam and some other guy who I presume to be Nolan.

"Isabelle!" Lily croaks out before crying. She rushes over to me and engulfs me into a hug. "Who did this to you!?" She screams into my ear.

I don't say anything. I just stare, blankly.

Gary, Kelly, and David aren't here. Lily frowns and wipes the tears off her face.

"Isabelle, what happened?" I don't respond and only stare at her face.

No one can know.

Adam walks up to me and touches my arm softly. My eyes blink up to his before looking away.

The warmth... Adam saved me?

I look over to Nolan who's just standing in the doorway awkwardly.

"Oh Isabelle, that's Nolan, my twin brother," Lily says between hiccups, clarifying my suspicion. I stare for a few more seconds before blankly looking back down to the arm where Adam's hand still rests.

The tingles still erupt, although, it feels more like electricity zapping me.

Where are they?

"Isabelle..." Adams' voice comes out in just a whisper, like he may hurt me if it's louder.

"Please tell us who did this to you..." My attention turns back to Adam. Is he begging me?

Just like before, I look away and lay my head back on the pillow. Why did he save me? I want to go back to Mama and Papa.

It's not your time.

The words keep repeating themselves in my head.

Not today.

If it's not today, then when? I've tried multiple times yet everything gets in the way. Why must I live?

Just why?

"How is she?" A melodic like voice whispers from the doorway. A silence follows shortly after.

"I don't know..." Lily says so lowly that it is barely audible. "She hasn't said one word."

The lady starts walking towards my bed. Her cold hand touches my arm making my eyes snap open. I warily look at her for danger.


My shoulders relax but the rest of my body remains the stiff. "My names Caroline dear, I'm Lily and Nolan's mother," she explains. I frown but nod my head.

"Do you know who did this to you?" She asks softly. I stare at her like I did everyone else.

No emotion.

I quickly blink my eyes - for the hundredth time today - and look down at my lap. A sob breaks through Lily's mouth once again. Why does she keep crying for me?

Stay away from everyone and make no friends.

"We'll get there sweetie, she just needs time..." Caroline whispers rubbing soothing circles on Lily's back.

I look back at Adam to see him staring at me again. I don't think he has even taken his eyes off me.

My eyes never leave him and he never leaves mine, and that's how we remain.

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