《Unseen | ✔》8 | KISSES


We all have stories we'll never tell.


point in my life where I thought everything happened for a reason. Like my parents dying, the abuse, David ditching me to be as abusive as them. But then I woke up from that little fairy tale. Maybe some things do happen for a reason, just not my life.

I can't go to school. My lip is dripping with blood and it's all swollen. Wow. Let's see what excuse I can make this time...

I can't find one because I've already used them all. I can't cover my lips up with concealer and foundation, although, it wouldn't be a bad idea to invest in some lipstick. Red. That could work.

For now, I'll have to skip a couple of days so then I can sneak out to Lily and Nolan's party. I haven't officially met Nolan. According to Lily, he's a massive douche but I wouldn't put that up to him as they are siblings. Twins even.

I sigh and gently pat at the swollen, bleeding lip with an iced flannel. The shock of pain every so often from my ankle would slither its way up my body. I hate being broken. I hate a lot of things actually.

I hate my body. My family. Lying. Not being able to have friends. Who am I kidding? I hate my life. But there is one thing, or - more importantly - a person who I no longer hate. I don't know how I feel about him.


His name still feels foreign on my tongue. Adam. I don't like him though, that's for sure. I still don't understand why for the past two weeks he's been calling me that word.


I'm not precious to anyone. Especially him. I can't trust him yet. He sleeps around with countless of girls who have fallen under his perfect charm. Well, that's what everyone else says anyway.

I quickly dry my hands with a towel and step out of the bathroom and head towards my room. I feel a deathly silence follows me around like a cloud.

Quietly, I open my bedroom door and slip inside. They won't know I wasn't at school. David's away at a camp for his soccer team or something like that. I don't keep tabs on where David is going unless I'm there with him. He's someone dark.


Black is something I always take the joy out of. My favourite colour. I see black a lot. The colour helps me sleep when I get knocked out or when I get dressed. It's always a constant thought on my mind. Everything I think about is black.

But sometimes I hate it, because, sometimes it's a little too much. Black. Black. Black. I wish I have a little more white in my life.

I snuggled further into my covers. I seem to smile more lately. I almost forget about my life when I'm around Lily. She's like a candle that flickers in and out. I need some light and at the moment, she's my only source.

Just when I think sleep is going to take me, I hear a thud on my window. I bolt straight up from my sleeping position, my breaths quick from fright. Cautiously, I creep towards my window. Headlights of a car are on out near my driveway. I look a little closer to realise that someone is leaning against it.


What is he doing here? If Gary or Kelly wake up to see a car out the front with basically my name printed on it, I'm so dead.

Adam waves his hand at me to get out. I can't, my lip, it's too noticeable. The bruise on my forehead. The bruises. I shake my head.

I sense the frown that falls on Adams' face. Suddenly I hear a ding on my phone. I walk over to my dresser and read the message.

Come on Prezioso, I wanna take you somewhere ;)

How the hell did he even get my number? Only three people have it; Gary, Kelly and David.

How the hell did you get my number?

Just trust me. Please?

Nope. There is no way in hell I'm going to trust Adam Black. No. No. And no.

Isabelle: Sorry, I don't trust people like you...

Adam: People like me? Ouch, I'm wounded, Prezioso.

Isabelle: Whatever.

Adam: We won't be out for long, I swear!

Isabelle: Fine...I'll be out soon.

I'm dead. I'm so dead. Oh my gosh. What am I doing?

I limp over to my makeup table and apply as much foundation and concealer as I can to hide my bruises. It still doesn't completely hide them but it'll do. I put my hoodie on and use it to hide the rest of my face.


Mainly my lip.

I grab my phone and climb out the window. The cold winter breeze hits my face. I take in a deep breath and walk over to Adam who's sitting on the hood of his car on his phone. When he hears footsteps, he quickly glances up and smiles at my approaching.

"Good evening, Prezioso." Adam gives me a curt nod and jumps off the car.

"Hi..." I trail off.

Adam stares at me for a few seconds before getting in the car. "You coming or not?"

I jump in the car and buckle my seatbelt in.

"Don't you have a motorbike?" I ask.

"Touche' princess," he nods his head. "This is my mothers," he replies before driving back out onto the street.

"Oh..." is all I manage to croak back.

After a twenty-minute drive, we finally arrive at the place Adam wanted to take me to.

I look around in amazement. It is beautiful. The distant city lights are so far yet they seem so close. I gaze up at the sky and take it in. Stars dot all over the night. The moon is full letting me marvel at its beauty. I smile a genuine smile. A smile that I haven't had in years.

"Why did you take me here?" I manage to whisper. I still stare in amazement as the city lights twinkle right before my eyes.

"I needed to get out and thought that you would want to as well." His stare penetrates through the side of my head.

Subconsciously, I pull my hoodie closer to my face, afraid that he'll find out.

"Am I growing on, Adam Black?" I ask jokingly. Adam chuckles next to me and I see in the corner of my eye him move a little closer.

Adam Black. The school's bad boy. I don't know why, but lately, I've been doubting that title. He doesn't seem like a 'bad boy'. He seems more mysterious for some unknown reason. I sigh and snuggle closer into my hoodie letting all my worries be set free.

I would be happy to stay here forever if I could.

I feel Adams hand brush mine. My head snaps to his. His eyes are darker than usual. I get lost. His eyes show so much pain. They hold a lot of pain.

And I just want to take that pain away.

His hand reaches up to my face and cups my cheek. My heart races. Tingles of warmth spread through my body. I like this feeling. I have never felt it before.

It's like I'm wanted.

Adam slowly leans in. I panic. What am I meant to do? Do I lean in as well? Oh wow. This is horrible.

His lips are so close to mine. I want to get as far away as possible but that feeling disappears when they softly touch my own.

I then let my body take control. His lips are so soft. I moan in response and push my body closer to his. My hands are now tied around his neck, pulling at his hair.

Adam turns us around so now I'm leaning on the car. He pushes me so my back is against it making me gasp. That gives him entrance and his tongue explores my mouth. He grabs onto my hoodie and pulls it down.

His hands tangle in my hair. I smile into the kiss and then break away staring into his eyes. He stares right back giving me a smile. Then it goes. The smile turns into a frown.

"Isabelle..." Adam begins. "What happened to your lips?"

I freeze and push him off me. He can't know, I won't let that happen.

"Isabelle..." Adam grinds his teeth in anger. "What happened to your lips?" He repeats.

He takes a step closer and pulls my hair back away from my face revealing the other badly covered up bruises.

"Oh my gosh..." He trails off.

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