《Unseen | ✔》2 | GLARES


I don't feel anything anymore. Not sadness, not happiness, not anger. I'm empty and emotionless.–Unknown


I was younger, and everything in the world seemed so carefree. Nothing could touch me. Neither mum or dad would let that happen.

Whenever a boy even looked me my father would be there, scowling at him. Whenever I fell over, my mum would be there, tending to the scrapes and cuts.

Now they aren't here. No, now mum and dad are both somewhere far better with each other. They had to leave me here though. Things change, maybe for the better, but mine for the worse.

My eyes flutter open only to meet with darkness. I feel around my surroundings to realise I am in the car, the same place I fell asleep. I sigh before turning my head to look out the window. I am home.

A cold shiver runs down my body before I open the car door and jump out. My feet hit the gravel, and I make my way up the driveway to the front door. Usually, by now, Gary is far too intoxicated to recognise who I am.

My fist connects with the door before I have any time to process anything. It flies open within a matter of seconds revealing a very intoxicated Gary.

Just as I thought.

"Ah, Isabelle, I see you have returned!" He slurs. "My dear, what happened to that face of yours? It was David, wasn't it?" His cold-hearted laughter fills the air.

"Uh, y-yes it was," I stutter.

"Serves you right! My boy is too funny..." A slight frown falls on my face. Funny, how?

"Gary, you have to get some sleep. We don't want you to get cold feet for that interview tomorrow now, do we?" Gary's face turns into an angry scowl.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He kicks me in the shin causing me to hiss in pain. When I look back up at him, he is gone.



I slump my way up the stairs to my little room. I sigh as I close the door and fall onto my bed.

My eyes close and then I fall asleep for the second time that day. I haven't gotten this much sleep for a long time.


Adam Black is someone you never want to mess with.

When I walk into school the next morning, I notice someone's eyes on me. Not knowing whose eyes they belonged to bugged me until lunch came.

That is when I see him. Adam Black. His glare penetrates straight through my body.

However, the thing is I'm not scared. Adam Black doesn't scare me. Why should he? I made eye contact with him when I accidentally run into him, and now he suddenly hates me, still not even knowing my name and who I am? Plus, it takes two people for a thing like that to just happen.

My face remains emotionless as I look straight back at him. I sigh before turning around and completely forget about lunch. I can't have people getting all angry with me like that.

I head straight to the back of the school. It is so easy to leave the school premises without anyone seeing you, and there's also a lot of trees to help out. I follow a familiar path to a barbwire fence. I slip my hoodie off and then place it on top of the spikes.

I quickly climb over before recollecting my hoodie and then continuing on my way. The distant sound of water alerts me. Suddenly, warmth spreads its way through my body. I start to run and smile when the wind tangles with my hair. Then, before I know it, I arrive at the rocks.

The small stream of water that follows its way through the forest, the colours of blue and green that surround me as I inhale slowly. I walk over to my favourite spot on the rocks. I always feel at peace here.

I don't have to feel scared. This is the one place where I can feel some peace. Of course, it is nearly impossible for me to feel at peace completely. Nevertheless, I take what I can get.


Sighing, I take my books out my bag and start studying with the rhythmic sound of water filling my ears.


I now stand in the chatter crowded halls of School. I turn around and look up at the clock on the wall. The time's two o'clock, which means I have a double lesson of P.E before the end of the day.

I start my way to the change rooms. Noise fills the air around me as I change into my Mary Heights P.E uniform. A few groans and complaints about how much the girls hate P.E fill the room.

I don't talk to people much. I enjoy people ignoring me. It's almost soothing not having to speak.

"Girls, get your asses over here right now. All the boys are waiting for you!" Our P.E teacher, Mr Clarrens, shouts. I roll my eyes at a few girls who squeal in excitement. Soon, Mr Clarrens leads the way to the gymnasium.

As we step into the room, I feel a familiar pair of eyes on me. I turn my head and look Adam Black straight in the eyes. His glare only makes my heart thump more against my chest. Again, my face is emotionless, but that doesn't show what is really going on inside me. No, I am not scared, but there is something else.

It's not too long after Adam and my stare off that Mr Clarrens has us running around the oval to warm our muscles up. Most boys are at the front with all the girls at the back.

Why is everything so stereotypical?

I feel a whoosh of wind past me as I finish my final lap. Lily Harley. She smiles warmly at me, but I look away, quickly.

"Today we will be playing a game of Volleyball," Mr Clarrens shouts. "I will be pairing you up with some people. If I read your names out, please find your team."

Mr Clarrens reads out the names one at a time. Finally, my name is called out.

So is Adams.

I turn my head to see Adam strolling towards me with little care in the world. Oh, how cliché could this get?

When he drew closer, I guess it finally hit him. After all, who wants to be with the girl that never talks? Adam glares at me with what seems to be a smirk breaking out on his lips.

I somehow find the willpower to block his presence next to me out and listen to what Mr Clarrens is saying.

"I'll be placing your teams against one another."

Our school has brilliant sporting teams, so Mr Clarrens has to be careful about how he chooses the teams.

Mr Clarrens splits our teams up, and the games start. One of the girls on my team serves first. The opposite side spikes the ball down the net, so I quickly dive and dig the ball up. Adam takes that as a queue to spike the ball back. We win that point and then rotate people off the bench on the court.

My hip is aching from when I dove to the ground. I quickly excuse myself from the game and ask for permission to go to the restrooms.

Once I am finally out of the gym, I reluctantly lift my shirt up.

Blue. Purple. Black.

I softly trace the skin. Pain shimmers its way up my body. A small whimper escapes my mouth, but no tears fall.

David did this to me.

He did this to me a lot, on a regular basis.

My life is far from ordinary. Is there even such a thing?

My day continues, no more stare offs between Adam and I or any more silent crying in the bathroom. My exterior is as cold as death.

They will never see me weak.

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