《Alphas Betrayal》Chapter 13


Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

-Simon & Garfunkel

⚠️⚠️graphic content⚠️⚠️


The night of the ceremony is here.

The new Luna will be marked and a new bond for mind linking will be set for all pack members.

Meanwhile, I'm still locked in the basement. Starving. Trying to think of anyway that I can escape this hell hole. Just one chance is all I need.

I will never look back.

All I ever thought, was that I needed to wait it out and finish school. Getting an education was so important to me, but now, now I just need to run. Run as far as I can and never look back.

Never let him find me.

I'll die before that happens.

The snow falls on the ground and the tiny window, that I once used to escape before, which is now bolted shut, is completely covered with snow. I can no longer see outside. Time is slowly ticking away, reminding me of my empty future, the dark demise I'm destined for.

My gaze is fixated on the nighttime shadow, now consuming the window. Distracted by by thoughts, never even noticing the bulky figure coming from behind. A sudden prick to my neck jolts me back to reality. Pain engulfs my body, feeling as though my soul is being ripped in two.

I scream.

The pain intensifies, causing me to fall down. I grip the back of my neck, it feels like a thousand hot branding irons are piercing my skin. On instinct I try to claw it away, hoping for the slightest bit of relief. My attempt is futile, this pain can only mean one thing.

He marked her.

My mate marked another wolf.

Water pools in my eyes, a tear falls to the ground beside me. I can't help but laugh at what is now my life, to be locked in a cage while my mate takes another.


"Don't cry Octavia" I heard Atia say.

Trying to bring what little peace she can offer.

"Mate isn't our mate anymore. He's rejected us but we will be stronger. They will all regret their betrayal" she huffs, letting me feel the anger soaring through us both now.

My mind carries me back to Mrs Ollie, the short fleeting moment when she showed me compassion. My heart longs to see her again, to feel the warmth from her hand, a gentle mother's touch. I know that I'm undeserving of love, anyone who tried, just died in the end. I'm cursed for eternity to be unloved, to be alone in the darkness.

Everything is pitch black down here now, the snow on the window so thick, no light can shine through. I'm alone and cold. Shivering trying to find any bit of warmth in my dirty pile of rags I call a bed. I know I won't find sleep tonight, the pain still aching on my neck, and in my heart. I never wanted him as my mate, I'm not sad that he didn't mark me, but as much as we try to fight it, we can't help but feel the mate bond. It's a force that pulls us together, forever intertwining our souls, every emotion and every ounce of pain, felt by the other. He knows I can feel everything he's doing, and I know he can feel my hurt. He will brush it off, but his wolf will mourn, our wolves run on instinct, no matter how much the human side resists, the wolf will always want his mate.

Another wave of pain beings to consume me, jolts of lightning burning across my body. I scream out again, even though no one will come.

It hurts so bad.

He's completing the final step of the bond.


The official mating.

I feel sick. Like I could throw up any second.

The burning continues to ravish my body like branding irons. Every thrust inside of her feels like a knife is stabbing me.

God. When will it end.

On and off for what felt like hours this burning pain continued.

Finally it stopped.

As I lay my head down on the bed, I can't help but laugh at the unfortunate circumstances. A single tear slips down my cheek.

The day will come when he will atone for every tear I've shed.

I hope that day comes soon.

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