《Until Forever (ROYAL RIDERS SERIES BOOK #1)》22| Confirm




I was sitting in the makeup chair in the green room while a hairstylist blow-dried my hair and the brand's stylist brought in all the outfits I'm meant to have pictures taken in. They brought in the entire rack and Demi stood up from where she was sitting on the couch, going through all the outfits once.

"Anything else you need?" the stylist asked.

"No, we already checked to make sure the outfits fit, so we're all good, thank you," Demi replied with a smile.

The stylist looked between us but didn't comment and just walked out. The photographer came in to check and glanced at the outfits once, my hair once. He was pretty quiet but I watched through the mirror as his eye got caught on Demi who was arranging the outfits in order. I stopped scrolling through my phone and listened to their conversation.

"You're Demi Vaughn, aren't you?"

She glanced at him, giving the polite smile she offers everybody. "Yeah."

"Oh, how come you're here?"

"I'm sorry?" she asked in confusion.

"Uh, I read recently in the papers that you aren't his assistant anymore, but..." he trailed off with an awkward chuckle. "Are you just here to watch?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm just here to keep him company. It's just a habit," she laughed, stepping back from the rack of clothes.

"Oh, no problem, that's fine. As long as he's comfortable with the clothing."

"Everything's good," she nodded.

He glanced at me and then back at her, hesitating.

"You can ask," I said suddenly, startling him. "You look like you have a question on the tip of your tongue."

He chuckled awkwardly. "It's private. I shouldn't be asking."

"You can ask," Demi shrugged, "it's not like you'll leak it to the public. Right?" She lifted a brow.

His smile slipped a little. "Of course not."

Her eyes met mine in the mirror and she gave me a small shrug.

"Ask," I repeated.

"Are you two... together? Officially? Can you confirm or deny that? It's all right if you can't, I understand. I'm just curious."

I stood up as my hair was finally done. And it looked the exact fucking same, just... fluffier. I walked over to the rack, grabbing the first outfit. "We can confirm," I mumbled, eyeing the outfit. It was a simple tracksuit with its logo on the left side of the front.


"Really?" His eyes widened. "You're dating?"

"It's a secret," Demi said. "Don't tell anyone."

"Unless you want to be sued," I said casually.

He shook his head quickly and cleared his throat. "Uh, I'll be waiting outside. Come out whenever you're ready." He left the room quickly, leaving just Demi and me alone.

I turned to her and we both stared at each other for a minute before she started laughing. "Why are you scaring him?" She sat back down on the couch, watching me.

"Because I don't want unnecessary articles going around," I mumbled, grabbing the first tracksuit, which was a navy blue set, and moved to the changing screen in the corner of the room. I went behind that and shrugged off my shirt, hanging it over the screen.

"City Scoop called James, he told me," she called out. "Your interview is scheduled for tomorrow. They'll send the questions in an hour or so but they said some questions will be unrehearsed. Be careful," she warned.

I grabbed the jacket and walked out from the screen, pulling it on. She looked up from her phone and at me. I grabbed the shoes and went and sat beside her, slipping them on. "I will. Plus, you'll be there," I said pointedly.

"I'll be behind the camera, Vince. Not in front of the lens with you. It's your interview."

"But I'm sure most questions will be about you." I stood up and she stood up with me. "You're a new face to the public, they didn't know you like this."

"Does it really make that much of a difference? Whether I'm your assistant or girlfriend, what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that we had sex, Tiffany."

"You said it yourself, we were drunk and we regret it."

"Did I say that?"

Her brows furrowed. "Didn't you?"

"Hmm, you're right. I did say we were drunk." She watched me carefully for a minute but before she could question me, I changed the subject. "Let's go." I held the door open for her and we walked out where a huge blue sheet was the background. There was our photographer, people in charge of lights, stylists on standby, the owner of the company, and a few other people.

"Good luck," Demi said, moving to stand to the side. I grabbed her arm, pulling her back. She stumbled into me and stared, blinking innocently. "What?"


"You knock with those words or you don't say them," I said slowly.

She eyed me in amusement. "Do you think you'll be jinxed if I say 'good luck' and don't knock?"


She chuckled softly and then knocked on the side of my head softly. "Go," she nodded towards the camera.

I walked over, glancing at her while the photographer told me exactly where to stand and what to do. I followed all orders, having all pictures taken in all outfits. With a hockey stick, with a soccer ball, with no prop. I was sitting on the floor, one knee propped up with my elbow resting on it. I rested my head on my fist, the lights went off, the camera shutter clicked, and I moved to stand up but stopped.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

I stayed seated, crossing my legs and pulling up the sleeves. "Something wrong?" I asked.

"There was a fan suggestion," he explained.

"What fan suggestion?" I questioned.

"To bring in puppies."

I blinked, staring at the photographer blankly. "Who suggested this?"

"Me!" I looked over at a younger girl. She only seemed to be in her teens and was standing next to the owner.

"Uh, that's the owner, Mr. Campbell's daughter. She's a big fan of yours," the photographer explained.

I sent her a small wave while she bounced up and down, watching in excitement.

"Would you be okay with that?" Mr. Campbell asked me, lifting a brow.

"Sure," I sighed, "bring in the puppies."

By the end of the shoot, the entire room was full of little dogs. "That's the last one! We're done!" the photographer announced. "Please take the dogs away."

I remained lying on the floor where I was with puppies running all around and over me. I looked to my right as Demi walked over and sat down, crossing her legs. She picked up a puppy off of me, scratching it while watching me. "I thought you didn't like dogs," she said.

"Who doesn't like dogs?" I frowned, patting the one that lay on my stomach.

"You smiled," she pointed out, "that's the first photoshoot that you smiled in."

I turned to her, tucking one arm under my head. "So?"

"So nothing. Maybe you should get a dog."

An employee came over, taking the dogs back.


I sat up, looking at the owner's assistant.

"Mr. Campbell says the shoot is complete. You're free to change and head back, we'll make sure the check is deposited to you," the woman smiled.

I nodded in understanding and stood up, holding a hand out for Demi.

She grabbed it and I pulled her up, taking her back to my dressing room. "You have dog hair all over you," she laughed, dusting some of it.

"Good thing these aren't my clothes then," I scoffed. "I need a shower," I mumbled, shrugging the jacket off quickly and tossing it on the couch. I grabbed the hem of the t-shirt I wore underneath and ripped it off, throwing it with the jacket. I kicked their shoes off and sighed, grabbing the water bottle and cracking it open. I glanced at Demi through the mirror and caught her staring at me.

When her eyes came up to my face and saw me in the mirror, she blinked away quickly, her cheeks turning pink. "Don't throw their clothes around," she mumbled, grabbing the jacket and t-shirt and folding them, leaving them on the couch.

I put the bottle back on and turned to her, leaning against the table and watching her.

She looked back over at me slowly, looking at my eyes. "What?"

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

"No... why?"

"You look like you have something to say." I pushed myself off the table and walked over to her.

She took a small step back as I neared her, standing barely an inch away. She looked up at me, tilting her head back. I lifted a brow, looking down at her. "Put a shirt on," she said softly, "that's what I wanted to say."

"Why?" I leaned down and she took a quick step back, her legs hitting the couch. "Does it bother you?" I smirked, leaning in.

She clicked her tongue in frustration and placed her hands on my chest, giving me a push. "Go change," she groaned. "I'm waiting outside."

I grabbed her hand, pulling her back and grabbing her waist when she faced me, pushing her onto the couch. She sat down, watching me with a soft glare in her eyes. "Relax. I'm just teasing you," I said, grabbing my own clothes.

"You? Are teasing me? Did the sun rise from the west today?" She feigned a gasp.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling softly. "Shut up."






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