《Vincent & Ezra》birth


Judah February Bruno was born at 3:37am on a rainy Tuesday morning.

Saying Vincent and I were in love was the understatement of the century. I loved her so much I could've squeezed the tiny life out of my precious little girl.

Judah was absolutely perfect, she looked just like Vincent which made me roll my eyes internally because I grew her in me, but it was fine.

But the one catch was; she had set of lungs on her. When she cried, there was absolutely no mistaking it was her. Seconds after I have birth to her she cried, and ms. girl didn't stop until hours later.

The morning after I gave birth, she finally had calmed down and the nurse who had introduced herself when Vincent was taking a shit came back in. She was looking directly at Vincent, who was standing shirtless while doing skin to skin with Judah.

A wide smirk formed on her makeup caked face, "Oh, this must be daddy." She observed, reaching out to touch his bicep. He couldn't even yank his arm away like how he wanted because he had Judah in his hands.

What a freakin' weirdo.

Vincent looked at me wide eyed, and I could read his face as plain as day, 'what the fuck is she doing.'

I spoke up answering her, "This is my husband Vincent, Vin this Kelly, our nurse."

Vincent didn't even acknowledge her, he just sat down with me on the bed, holding my tiny Judah in his behemoth hands which made my heart melt.

Two out of my three favorite beings. I miss my Barbie.

Donnie was gracious enough to catsit Barbie, he was excited to let Fran meet her and wanted to see how she'd react to a cat, because he wanted one now too.


Lucas was not thrilled.

I began rubbing his back as Kelly walked closer over to the bed, reaching out to touch his shoulder and I sat a little straighter as he tensed, "That's a very beautiful baby, such a pretty name too, takes after her father it seems."

"She does." I smiled at him, and he turned his head to give me a wink.

"Well I for one am happy to see you're being nicer to your husband today, doesn't seem like that was the case yesterday."

Is she seriously referring to me yelling at Vincent while I was delivering his literal child fully natural? I pushed a watermelon out of my actual vagina so he could have a child, I think he can manage my yelling at him for a moment.

The nurse reached for him for a third time, and he spoke up, "Get the fuck out of here you dumb bitch."

She looked surprised, "Excuse me?"

"Quit touching my fuckin' arm and disrespecting my wife, and get us a new Goddam nurse."

"I'm sorry, I I-"

"I don't give a flying fuck what you were doing, get us a new fuckin' nurse before I kill you."

She scrambled out of the room, and a new male nurse came a few minutes later, actually doing his job and checking Judah's and I vitals.

He left a few minutes later, and he reassured me, "She's dead for speaking to you that way."

I nodded my head because I figured that was the case, "Thank you daddy."

He rolled his eyes and went to make a remark, but Judah let out a small little noise and it melted my heart and I couldn't help but look up at my Vinnie and whisper, "We made this."


He smiled at me and nodded, giving me a kiss on the top of my head, "Well, you did most the heavy lifting, so I'll give you all the credit."

"How kind of you." I rolled my eyes, as he began changing Judah's diaper.

"So, what were you thinking of for a push present?" He asked, and I furrowed my brows, "A push present?"

What the hell is even that?

"A present you get for pushing the baby out of you. What gift do you want?"

"Um, I don't know, what're you thinking?"

He shrugged his shoulder, "Well anything you want, I guess. Another car? A boat, new jewelry or an island? Anything you want."

"You'd buy me anything I asked for anyways, so there's really no point in that."

"Shut up," He smiled, "Let me do something for you sweetheart."

"I don't know, maybe some new jewelry? Some to match my other stuff?"

"Anything you want baby." He confirmed, and placed Judah back on his chest.

"A vacation would be nice though, but we can't really travel with a newborn."

"When she gets a little older I'll take you anywhere you want. You name it, we'll go there."

"Deal." I confirmed.

Later that night we were sitting on the hospital bed, and I was eating a sandwich when I heard a knock on the door. Vincent yelled out a come in before I could even react, and two older men with pristine suits I'd never seen before walked in with large briefcases.

He grinned, "Vincent, nice to see you again. I was happy to hear you called, decided I'd come down to see you myself."

"Thank you for coming, Johnson. Ezra, baby this is Johnson and Morgan, they own a private business that deals in jewelry."

"Wow, I didn't know you guys did house calls." I joked, and the taller man smiled, "We don't, but we made a special trip for the big man himself. We owe this guy a lot." He confirmed and I smiled.

They sat the three briefcases down, and opened it up revealing golden jewelry lined up in neat rows, every piece more extravagant than the last.

Holy shit. He got me actual jewelry delivered to the hospital.

"Wait outside." Vincent instructed, and he answered back, "Of course, Sir."

They left the room, and Vincent told me, "Pick out however many you want, if you want more options I'll have them brought."

"Vincent." I deadpanned and he shook his head.

"Don't argue on this, you get a minimum of three, no less. Pick whatever you want, baby."

I ended up picking three beautiful rings, because I did just push his baby out and I figured he would pitch a fit if I didn't want anything, so I placed the rings on my fingers and admired them.

He let Morgan and Johnson back in, and they packed up their belongings as Vincent told them, "I'll have Bernie forward the payment." He confirmed, and he gave a chaste goodbye.

Vincent sat on the bed with me, "You didn't have to do all that." I told him, and he just smiled, "I know I didn't. I wanted too, there's a difference."

"You spoil me." I told him and he laughed, "You gave me a child, if anyone is spoiled here it's me."

"You know what you're right." I told him, and he let out a, "Not funny."

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