《Vincent & Ezra》dead


Pulling up to the warehouse, my nerves were at an all time high. I'd hoped with my whole heart I made the right decision. I needed to keep the people I love safe, and I knew this was the only option.

After all this was my father causing the issues.

I got out of the black suv, and slowly made my way into the the creepy building, following the booming grunting sounds.

What the fuck is that noise?

I walk around the corner, and see Donnie lying slumped over on the floor, in a puddle of blood.

He looks dead

I scramble over to him, dropping to my knees and flipping him over as he groaned, "Donnie?! Donnie wake up!" I yell, tapping his face, "Donnie!" I shook him and he opened his eyes, a small smile forming, "Ezra."

Thank god he's alive.

A dark voice pulls me out of my panic, "Don't worry little girl, he's alive."

I turned around to face my father, who was leaning against the wall, grinning.

"Why did you do this to him? You could've killed him!" I yelled, clenching my fist.

He chuckled, "Wrong, little girl." He shook his head, "You could've killed him, after all, this is all your fault."

I stood to my feet while shaking my head, "Okay, I'm here, let Donnie go, I gave you what you wanted."

"If he can get up and walk to the car, he may go." He decided, and I looked to Donnie. He tried to get up, and I made a move to help him, but my dad pulled out his gun, pointing it at Donnie.

"If he can't move on his own, he can't leave."

"What is wrong with you! Why can't you just leave us alone?" I demanded.

"Why would I?" He asked with a smirk, "You owe me everything, I raised you, fed you, clothed you, the least you could do-"

He was interrupted by a sound outside, a loud car horn honking, and my dad looked in the direction the noise came from, then looked back at me with a glare on his face. He rushed over to me, reaching out and wrapping my hair around his fist. He drug me with him to the front window, pulling down the shade and peaking out, but I while I couldn't see who it was, I had a really good guess,"Seems like we have a uninvited guest," he sneered, "Open the front door. Now."

I slowly walked over to the door with my dad standing right behind me, a gun pointed at my back.


I walk out, and saw Vincent standing there with his hands up, "David you fuckin' idiot."

"Get inside, and don't try anything or else a bullet goes into her."

"I'm not going in that fuckin' house. Bring your fat ass out here." He demanded.

Oh great, we're toast.

My father immediately pushed the gun to my temple, walking forward with death grip on my arm, "I told your stupid ass not to tell him, yet you do the one thing that I told you not too!"

"Hey!" Vince shouted at my father, "You think I don't track my wife, fuckface? I know where she's at at all times, she didn't have to tell me a thing."

If anyone was listening, they would have no other choice than to believe Vincent, hell, I almost believed him, but I knew he was bluffing.

I shakily pressed on his name on my phone, my words coming out more frantic than I meant too, "Vincent?"

"Ezra, baby, what's wrong?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Nothings wrong." I choked back a cry, "I'm going to dinner tonight, with Donnie, so I probably won't be home until later."

"Okay?" He questioned, "that's all?"

"And um, the lawn crew called today."

"The lawn crew?" He confirmed, his voice growing more hostile, "What did they want."

"I told them I couldn't talk and they would need to call you, but I won't be home until later tonight."

"Okay, that's fine. I'll make sure to give them a call back." He confirmed, "I'll see you in a bit, baby."

"You want me to believe you just happened to track her here? I don't fucking believe it." He confirmed, pulling me closer to him.

"Yeah, well I don't give a fuck." Vince deadpanned, "What do you think will come of this? You kill your own daughter, and then what?"

"Oh, I'm not going to kill my little Ezra," My father flashed a sadistic smile, "You will, if that's what you decide."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked.

"Start from the beginning." Vincent encouraged.

"Gladly," my father spoke, "I assume you remember Martin, yes?"

"What about him?"

Why is Vincent even letting him speak? What's going on?

"Martin was a coward. Couldn't man up enough to take what he wanted, that's the difference between him and I." He began, "I figured he had fucked up my plan, so I had to improvise a little, and that takes us to Alice, poor little idiotic Alice." He shook his head, "Alice would've done just about anything to been loved, kinda pitiful really. Didn't take much convincing on my end to make her think that Vincent really wanted her."


"How did you get Carl to agree to this?" Vincent asked, but I had a feeling he already knew.

he's stalling, but why?

"Ah, Vincent, Carl Lintrell really did meet with me for a marriage proposal to Alice, but I found an opportunity instead. I paid him, an overwhelmingly large sum to confirm our story, but it will pay off when I take over as Don," He laughed, "Oh, silly me. I'm getting ahead of myself."

"I admit, I underestimated you, Vincent. I underestimated your love for my daughter, and I realized that after your rejection to Alice, which may I say, did surprise me." He laughed, "Though I did gain new information from my mistake, and I figured I could use it against you."

"I got an idea, outsource the work, have people kidnap Ezra and grab the transition of power paperwork all in the same time frame, I knew if Ezra was missing you wouldn't question missing paperwork, hell I figured you wouldn't even notice. But those idiots ruined my plan, admittedly a mistake on my end."

"And finally, Ezra. My sweet little, Ezra." He shook his head, clicking his tongue in a tsk noise, "I knew you would come if I took your friend. You're so predicable, Ezra. You were a weak, pathetic child and now you're a weak, pathetic woman."

"You were a terrible father, you made me that way by treating me like a dog and not a daughter."

"Shy little thing finally grew a fucking back bone, huh? Getting fucked by the Don gave you a little confidence, did it? Should've had you fucked years ago, maybe I wouldn't of had to beat it out you." He sneered.

"Fuck you." I spat at him.

"Oh Ezra, you best not speak to your new Don that way." He shook his head.

"Vincent will never let you take over."

"Oh sweetheart, he doesn't have any other choice. Somehow you have the man so pussy whipped that he'll do anything, Alice was kind enough to let that slip. Well, that being, before I put a bullet in her." He chuckled, as if anything he said was funny.

I looked over at Vincent, but my father interrupted, "Choose, Vincent. Either your wife or your title."

Vincent didn't hesitate, "I'll sign everything over to you, the title, the money, everything."

"That's what I like to hear." He smirked, "You're a fool, you know that? Giving up the most powerful position in the country, more money and respect than can ever be asked for, all for some pussy," he shook his head, "A travesty, if you ask me."

"Good thing no one ever asked you, fuckin' dickhead. That's the fuckin' difference between me and you David, a real man would put his wife's life before his own, no hesitation. A job means absolutely nothing to me without Ezra. You're no man David, and if you think you'll have support from the families you're more stupid than I thought you were."

"I've had enough out of you." He taunted Vincent, grabbing the side of my face harshly, "Quit fucking around and sign the position over to me."

Vincent's jaw clenched, "It's a lot more than a fuckin' signature to transfer being Don, you absolute moron."

"Then go get everything in order," He deviantly smiled, "I'm obviously a patient man, I'll wait."

"I'm not leaving without my wife." Vincent demanded.

"I'm not letting my insurance walk out. Get the paperwork and come back here."

Not even his daughter, just his 'insurance'.

Vincent looked deep in thought before looking directly at my dad, "I'll be back in a few hours, but if she loses as much as a strand of fucking hair, deals off."

He's isn't going to actually leave me with my dad? This wasn't his actual plan, right?

"Ezra." He caught my attention, "Say bye, baby."

I looked directly into Vincent's eye's, pissed that he would leave me here with considerably the worst man on earth, and then I realized something.

He wasn't saying goodbye to me, he's letting me say goodbye to my dad.

I looked at Vincent and slowly nodded my head, then looked at my father with tears in my eyes, "Goodbye, dad."

I knew I shouldn't have been sad. I wasn't legitimately sad over the loss of David Gallo, per say, but more sad over the fact that my whole family was gone.

My mother, my sister, and now my father.


My father sneered, "What the fuck are you-"

But he didn't get to finish his sentence, as a bullet flew straight through his head.

And then my dad was gone.

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