《Vincent & Ezra》love


We did our usual morning routine, I got into the shower and Ezra went downstairs to make my coffee and breakfast, even after I told her she didn't have to anymore.

But I need to remind her how much I appreciate her doing it.

I walked down the stairs, and saw Ezra perched on her usual place on the counter top, and greeted my little wife, "Good morning, baby." I kissed her forehead, "I'll be home in a few hours and I'll text you when I'm leaving. Be ready for me when I get here."

"Yes, daddy." Ezra chuckled out, obviously wanting a rise out of me, a small blush on her cheeks.

I knew she was teasing, but fuck if Ezra calling me daddy didn't turn me the fuck on.

"I know you remember what I promised about that nickname, little one, and I'm holding you to it." I spoke in her ear and giving her a quick kiss, and went out the door.


I got off work earlier than usual, and decided to stop by the florist on the way home, to get some flowers for my wife.

I picked out some random flowers and let the florist tie them up, wrapping them in something that looked similar to parchment paper.

When I finally got home, I threw the keys on the entry table and looked around for Ezra. I didn't see her downstairs so I made my way to our bedroom, and when I walked in I saw Ezra standing in the mirror in white lingerie.

Holy fucking hell

I stand there like a pervert for a good minute with the flowers in my hand, just staring at my wife trying to control my hard on that was forming at an incredible pace.

She looked surprised at first, making a move to cover her hands over her chest, but suddenly dropped them back down to her sides which made me smile.

she's getting bolder

I slowly walked up behind her, and softly ran a single finger under the bra strap on her shoulder, lifting it up and flicking it back down to her skin. I then traced the underwire of her bra, before I decided to go lower, and began to trace the outline of her garter belt, pulling it out and letting it flick back down onto her skin.

I could see her pierced pink nipples pressing against the sheer fabric of the small bra she was wearing, I had realized that Ezra had her nipples pierced on our wedding night, the diamonds on the edge were begging to be covered by my mouth. Ezra was blessed with tits just big enough to fill my hand, and was firmer and perkier than anything I'd ever felt before.

"You like it?" Ezra's shy voice pulled me out of my head, slightly back into reality as she turned around to face me.

I pull her close to me by the garter belt, and nod my head slowly as she looks at the flowers, taking them from my hand, "You got me flowers?" She asked with a smile.

fuck I actually got it right

I take my thumb and start rubbing her nipple through the sheer fabric, "Figured you may like them."

Her face turned a light shade of pink as she continued on, "Vinnie. I've been thinking."


"I think when we come home, we should, continue our conversation from last night."

I turned my watch over, looking at the time, seeing that it was closing in upon two o'clock already.


No time to do anything

Fuck this fucking wedding

Alex and Ella's wedding was very beautiful and elegant, but very long. Too long. It went by slower than anything I'd ever sat through before, but I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the ceremony, or what I knew was going to happen after the reception.

Everyone was getting settled in at the reception room, walking around and greeting each other, when the bride, a young woman with short black hair who I'd just met today, approached Vinnie and I.

"Don and Donna," she greeted us, "Thank you so much for coming, I'm so honored!" She gushed, wide smile plastered on her face.

Her husband held out a hand for Vince to shake but quickly put it back down, before greeting him, "Don." He nodded.

I keep forgetting that he hates being touched

"Thank you for inviting us, it was a lovely ceremony," I spoke for both Vincent and I.

"Thank you, Ezra." He nodded at me, "Don, a couple of the guys are by the bar, if you want to go say hello?"

Vinnie nodded his head and turned to me, putting his hand on the small of my back, ushering me with him, but Ella stopped him with a squeal, "No ma'am! Come with me, you can finally meet some of the wives!" She cheered, and I looked to Vinnie for confirmation and he nodded his head, indicating I could go.

Ella walked us up to a group of a couple women that Vinnie had told me earlier were the new wives of some the husbands in the families.

We came to a stop in front of the group of women and I felt eyes on me. I turned around to check, and sure enough, Vinnie had his body facing my direction with his eyes on me, not joining in the banter around him.

"Hi everyone, this is Ezra, Vincent's wife." Ella greeted the women, making me turn my focus back to her.

"Ezra, this is Blair, Sarah, and Cat."

"Hello." I greeted.

"Wow, Ezra." A young woman who was introduced as Blair welcomed me, "I heard Vincent got married, but I was starting to question the legitimacy of it, yet here you are." She stated, as she twirled her brown hair around her finger, giving me a distasteful smile.

"Here I am." I agreed with a small laugh.

a little condescending, but okay.

Ella was called over somewhere else, but quickly apologized, leaving me alone with the group of women.

"Don't take this the wrong way or anything Ezra," Blair spoke getting my attention, "I just never figured the Don to get married to someone like you."

and what would be that right way to take that?

"I mean, I'm sure your great," She giggled looking at her friends, "I just figured that the Don would want someone from one of the families that has been around a little longer. I mean the 'Gallos' haven't been around that long, just your grandfather right?" She asked smugly.

"Yeah, that's right."

She decided it was good idea to keep going, "I just, I don't know, was shocked when my husband told me Vincent got married, to a Gallo especially. I just figured he'd chose different."

Why is she trying so hard to hurt my feelings?

Then it clicked, she wants Vinnie.

"Yet, he still chose me." I clarified.

She looked taken aback, "Well, he did meet with my family about an engagement, but-"


"But he found someone that he actually wanted as his wife. Got it." I smiled at her.

Jealous bitch

Blair changed the subject quickly, "Ezra, we were just talking about a little outing, you have to come out with us on Friday, we are doing mani's and pedi's, and getting lunch." She managed to spit out.

"I'll have to ask Vinnie, but I'm sure it won't be an issue."

She's delusional if she thinks I'd ever hang out with her

"Always the man in charge, that one," She giggled out, making her friends laugh in response, looking at me like she knew something I didn't.

"Especially in the bedroom." I giggled back out, admittedly a bit petty.

While I didn't exactly know how he was in the bedroom, these menaces in front of me didn't know that, and I wanted to rub it in their faces.

"Great, give me your phone number!" She demanded, smirk sliding off her face.

I rambled off my number that Vin made me memorize, and she put it in her phone.

"Oh my god, I just can't believe that dress that Ella is wearing? I mean, talk about cheap." Blair started, "I figured with that much money you could buy some taste."

I'd figure with that much money, you'd buy some class

The other girls all immediately hummed in agreement and looked at me for a response, "Oh, I thought it looked okay." I shrugged.

Her dress literally looks stunning.

"Oh yeah, totally! It's not that bad!" Blair forced out a laugh, "right girls?" Sarah and Cat nodded their heads.

"Um, what about Donnie? Is he going Friday?"

"Oh no! We don't invite that pretentious fruit anywhere. He's insufferable." Blair laughed outwardly.

Who did these girls think they were, talking about Donnie like that?

"I'd rather you not speak about Donnie that way."

"Oh, c'mon I didn't mean it like that. I was kidding. If you want to invite Donnie, let's invite him!" She cheered.

Catty, classless bitch

As soon as Blair understood I was not giving into her pettiness, she tried to shoo me away, "Hey, why don't you go ahead and ask Vincent if you can come with us Friday?" Blair asked me.

"Yeah, sure, excuse me."

Thank god

I made my way over to Vince who was actually speaking to the large group of men in front of him, commanding all the attention. God the things I'd do to him. Lucas was standing on his right and Donnie sat perched next to him on a bar stool.

He looks miserable. The guys don't include him in conversation, and neither do the women.

Vinnie was still talking to the men around him, but held his hand out, opening his arms signaling me to walk into his chest.

I pressed my front against him, laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around his torso, and mouthed an "I'm sorry" to Donnie, who furrowed his brows in confusion.

Vincent held me right against him, bringing his fingers through my hair. I tilted my head up and laid my chin on his chest to look at him and gave him a large smile, which he returned, giving me a kiss on my forehead before he began speaking to the group again.

Donnie moved closer to me, and I kept my position against Vin, only moving my head and began talking, "Insufferable bitches." I giggled out in a whisper.

"That they are, but don't make an enemy out of them for me, Ezra. You need some friends."

"I have you. You're more than enough."

"Ezra." He groaned, getting emotional.

"I don't want to befriend anyone like that, Donnie. They aren't good people. Let's just be a duo, okay?" I said, reaching out for his hand.

"Vincent, I think I'm in love with your wife." Donnie laughed out from beside me, causing Vinnie to look down at me with a soft smile, "I think I am too."

I tilted my head back to look at Vince when a voice from behind interrupted me, "Ezra?"

I quickly turned my head to face Martin Moretti, "Mr. Moretti." I spoke back as he reached his hand out to touch mine, but Vin pulled my hand back down against him.

Vinnie was quick to question out next, "How the fuck do you know my wife, Moretti?"

Vincent's words caused the group around us to stop talking, and Martin looked at Vincent with his eyes wide, then back down at me and questioned, "Wife?"

I flashed him my wedding band and ring in confirmation, which caused an even more confused look on his face, "Your father had said that he would give me a call, I didn't- I thought-"

Vin let him go on a moment longer than I though he would before interrupting, "Thought what?"

Martin took a couple of seconds to regroup himself, before replying, "I apologize, Vincent."

"I was just surprised to see that Ezra was married. I was under the impression that she-" he shook his head, "Never mind, my apologies."

"So you what? Want my wife?" Vinnie tensed under me, growing more irate.

"It, it- was months ago, Vincent."

Not using Vinnie's title twice? Does he want to be pulverized?

Vin looked pissed, I could feel his tense body from behind me, but before he could do anything stupid, I spoke, "It's fine, Mr. Moretti, but do not speak out of line to my husband or I again."

Vince didn't say anything else to Martin, which he took as his cue to walk away, but not before glaring right at me, which I assumed Vinnie didn't see because he got to keep his eyeballs.

I felt Vinnie lower down into my ear, whispering, "You handled that so good, baby." Which earned him a smile, and he tightened his grip on me.

After a few seconds I knew Vinnie was going to excuse us from the group, so I quickly caught Donnie's attention.

"Donnie." I spoke over at him, and he answered with a "Yeah?"

"Let's do our own thing on Friday. Nails and lunch?"

Donnie hesitated for a moment in surprise, regrouping himself before answering back, "I'd love that." He responded, wide smile on his face.

"Great, I'll text the details." I smiled at him, before Vince lightly squeezed my arm, asking if I was done talking to Donnie, and I nodded my head in a yes. Vinnie excused us to the group, but not before Donnie quickly shot out, "Ezra!"

I turned my head to see Donnie giving me a huge knowing smile and telling me to call him in the morning, which of course made me blush in return.

We stopped by the bride and groom again, and I congratulated them again, making sure to compliment Ella's dress before making our way back out to our car, right as Lucas ran out in a haste, calling mine and Vins name, "Ezra! Vincent! Hold on a sec!"

We both turned around, confusion on our face when Lucas spoke again, "Thank you Ezra, I don't think you understand how much that in there meant to Donnie."

"Of course, I love hanging out with Donnie." I answer.

"No, no, he appreciates that of course! But I mean choosing him over those heinous women. No one has ever done that for him, and I just- I know how excited he is to have you, so I just wanted to say thank you for making my husband so happy."

"Donnie has helped me with a lot, and I'm honored to be his best friend. I don't need a thank you for it."

We got into the car but didn't say much on the way home. I held Vinnie's large hand in mine, tracing over his small scars and tattoos.

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