《Get Married Or Die | Editing》VIII


I was again in Rafael's damn office again.

The office I wanted to run away so much. Rafael's cold gaze was now set on me. Lorenzo was sitting next to his brother, he looked as if he was completely relaxed despite the tense atmosphere surrounding him.

"Eliana, did you attack this man?" Rafael asked in a calm voice, just like his brother he didn't seem bothered at all.

"Yes," I thought this will end the conversation. Rafael will call the police, or shoot me or lock me in the cellar, whatever.

But he didn't do any of that.

"Why did you attack him?"

"Why do you keep questioning her? She just admitted it. I want police in here right now. This bitch is going to jail"

I looked at this man, shocked. It was hard to believe assholes like that exist in real life. He was really drunk and furious, it was clearly a bad mix. He really wanted to get me in trouble, even if he was the one who started the whole thing.

Because I was already aware of what violence he was capable of, I took a step closer to Rafael, hoping that no one will notice. He didn't look like he was angry at me. He was relatively a safe person to be nearby in this situation. If he noticed my move, he didn't comment on it in any way.

"Eliana I asked you a question" Rafael directed his stern gaze at me, and suddenly I wanted to take a step back. Okay, not safe, not safe. Shit.

"I- I- he wanted me to sit on his lap and drink with him, I told him to let me go because I am working, but he wouldn't"

"Oh, is that so?"

"Are you going to believe her, and not me? I have friends who will confirm my side of the story," the man said stubbornly.

"We should call an ambulance, I hit him with a glass bottle," I admitted quietly. Surprise flashed through Rafael's eyes, but it was quickly covered with a mask of indifference.

"That would explain why he's spewing nonsense," Lorenzo said, looking bored and slightly amused. "You hit him too hard"

I looked worriedly at the wound on the man's head. It stopped bleeding, but what if he's seriously injured because of me?

"He's going to be fine for now. Are you hurt somewhere?" Rafael asked matter-of-factly, from his expression I couldn't tell what he thinks.

What did Rafael mean by saying for now?

"I'm okay"

"Hey, are you going to keep ignoring me?" The man yelled.

Rafael stopped looking at me, and he focused on my attacker "I can assure you, you will have my undivided attention when I am back, but first I need to escort my fiancé home"


A flash of fear appeared on the man's face, but it quickly turned into anger.

"If you won't call the police right now, I will make sure to let people know how clients are treated here"

Rafael calmly took a few steps forward until he was in front of the man, then he reached to the pocket of his suit where the wallet was sticking out. He picked it without asking, opened it, and checked his ID.

"Larry. I'm afraid you don't understand the position you're in. If I was at your place, I'd stop making demands and wait until it's your turn to be dealt with" it didn't look like Rafael was bragging, more like stating the fact. "As for the police, there's no need to involve them, we can settle this among ourselves"

Larry snorted and by this reaction, I already knew he was a complete idiot.

"I mean as long as I get monetary recompense we might settle it," he admitted.

"How very kind of you!" Lorenzo said and started laughing. There was something scary in that laugh, he remained to me of a crazy villain right now, "You want our dear Eliana to pay you money for defending herself? What kind of scumbag are you?" Lorenzo asked.

"This is why I demand the police to get involved, I have several witnesses who will confirm that she attacked me first"

"Why would she do that?"

"I am not going to discuss anything else with you, you're clearly biased, you either pay me or"

"Or what? Do tell" As a person with bad self-preservation instinct, I could still realize this man is digging up his own grave in the bliss of unawareness while I was trying to make myself small and disappear. Can my invisibility powers activate? It's now or never.

"Or I will report to the police that you refused me medical help and haven't reported to law enforcement when your worker attacked me"

"Now, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you want to get us in trouble, Larry. That's very unfortunate. And that's a minor issue considering you touched one of our employees without consent" Lorenzo asked to pretend to be confused.

"I think we're capable of teaching Larry a lesson that will stick with him forever"

"Oh, that's an excellent idea" Lorenzo agreed.

"Eliana tell me with which hand that man touched you?" Rafael asked with light curiosity.

Why did he need that information? I looked at him confused but with a gaze he gave me I felt compelled to instantly answer.

"With both hands"

"Oh. That is really unfortunate" Rafael said as if he was feeling regretful right now but his face didn't portray any emotion of that sort. "If Eliana was just my employee I would cut off one or two off your fingers"


This is when Rafael's expression became dark. The man took a step away now in full realization of what kind of person he's dealing with, he was about to take another step back but he hit the wall that was Antonio's body.

I felt like my mind broke right at this moment.

What? What did he say? Cut off? I did not hear that correctly.

"But because Eliana is not just my employee, what should I do to deal with your transgression? Cut off both of your hands?" Rafael continued wondering out loud as if he was talking what color of his tie he should pick for tomorrow not severing someone's limbs.

"I told you she's lying!"

"Even if she was which I don't believe she is I wouldn't mind. If she'd asked me to get rid of your hand just because I'd do it, I love my dear Eliana this much"

"Stop it," I said with a trembling voice.

If my life was a book genre, it would be horror. I'm sure.

"Eliana dear, be quiet" Rafael instructed, reminding me that he has no feelings for me whatsoever, and he's just playing loving fiancé in front of his victim.

I had no intention to speak because I don't want to lose my tongue.

"That's enough, I'm leaving," Larry decided. Until now, he didn't realize it wasn't his choice when and how he leaves this office.

He didn't wait for anyone's permission. He just turned his back on the Vincenti brothers and was about to leave. Of course, he was stopped. Antonio grabbed him by the arm and forcefully kept him in place.

"Hey what are you doing let me go?!"

"I am sure Eliana asked you to let her go before she decided to smash the bottle over your head, right? I just want you to be reasonable Larry, there's no way I can let you go just because you asked, let's be fair"

"Wait," what the hell am I doing? "Can you just let him leave"

"Of course not"

"Please, please, I don't want anyone to be permanently hurt because of me"

"It wouldn't be because of you, but his own stupidity. It would be a risk to my reputation by showing him mercy"

"No, please, don't do this" Larry was now panicking.

I grabbed Rafael's arm, and he looked at me with a cold gaze, I instantly wanted to pull myself away from him but instead, I clung to his future and whispered.

"Please don't"

He leaned towards me and I leaned back as he whispered into my ear.

"What can you offer me to consider your request?"

Huh? What did he just say?

"I- What do you want?"

"Instead of 40% of shares of your company, let's say I want 50%"

"Are you serious right now?!" I pulled away, looking at him shocked. He smiled. He looked pleased with himself like a cat who just caught his prey.

"Do we have a deal or not? I don't care either way works for me"

"Okay, fine"

Lorenzo started laughing again, I wanted to punch him in the face so much. Another psycho.

"Thank you, thank you so much for your help, I am sorry I-" was that Larry speaking? To me? No. Nope, leave me alone. I wasn't looking at that man, the mere sight of him was filling me with disgust and hate.

"Well, you know what I think?" Rafael asked.

"Honestly, I am afraid to ask"

"If you're so easy to persuade, in six months your company will fully belong to me"

Then the realization hit me. It was true. If he blackmails me in any way, I will just give in... No, I can't from now on, I can't budge.

"Antonio, you've heard the lady. Teach Larry a lesson without doing permanent damage. Let's go kitten I will drive you home" Rafael instructed.

"No, wait. Do you intend to hurt him anyway?" I asked in shock.

"Of course. Next time be more specific when you negotiate with me"

He grabbed my hand and I followed him out of the room. I was so bothered by the recent events I couldn't argue any further.

He led me towards the parking lot and as soon as we sat down alone in the car the unwanted words left my mouth.

"You're a monster" It wasn't an accusation, it was a realization. I finally understood what kind of person I am dealing with. He will use my every weakness for his own gain.

"So is Harvey Snow. About one thing, you were right. To fight a monster you need a monster and now you have me"


Oktay this chapter is too dark but I don't have enough energy to fix it but I promise Rafael wouldn't really do that lmao.

I love reading your comments and I'm thankful for every vote that was left so far. Honestly, I don't know if this story is interesting, I'm just trying my best.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask I will answer whenever I can ♥️

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