《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Bonus Chapter {Edited}


Today everyone decided to gather at our place. Xavier decided to celebrate new year in our house with all our family and friends.

The kids were in the living room along with Xavier and Ryan watching Marvel movies. Xavier and Ryan both loved these movies so they ditched us to join the kids.

Skylar and i just finished cooking the dinner. Amanda and Mom both decided to make the deserts as they both make delicious cakes.

"Mom is the cake ready?" I asked as i approached both ladies.

"Almost." Amanda said

"Just give us a few more minutes dear." Mom added and i nodded. I walked toward Skylar and helped her to set the table in our backyard. The weather was perfect and at midnight we will be able to watch some firecrackers directly.

"The kids are so excited about tonight." Skylar chuckled and i nodded.

"I know. If Xavier did not put that movie they would have been here looking at the Sky all the time." I said and she laughed.

"I know. Remember they did that last year." She said and i nodded.

"Hey kiddo where are our grandchildren?" Dad asked coming with Nathan.

"Hey dad. They are all in the living room." I said and he nodded.

"We bought some firecrackers for them." Nathan said grinning.

"Oh no let them have dinner first then you can gave it to them." Skylar said and i agreed. If Nathan give that to them they would not want to eat but to keep playing with that.

"Fine. We will keep them till dinner ends." Dad said and Nathan sighed.

"HEY EVERYONE DINNER IS READY!" Mom shouted coming with Amanda outside.

The kids were the first one to ran to us.


"Mwommy Mwommy. Dwaddy does not want to cwome." Alaïa said coming to hug my legs.

"Mwmmy dwaddy too does not want to cwome." Hailey said to Skylar. Skylar looked at me and i arc an eye brow.

"Ok kiddo we will go and see daddy. All of you wash your hand and take a seat ok?" I said and all nodded.

"Mwommy take me." Adelisa said pouting. I chuckled and pick her in my arms.

Skylar and i walked into the living room to see both our husband looking at the movie.

"Come on! What is he waiting?" Ryan whinned looking at the screen and Skylar sighed beside me.

"I have 3 kids to look after." She murmured and Adelisa giggled on my hips.

"Shut up dude! Just watch the movie." Xavier said throwing a pillow at Ryan. He ignore it and suddenly jumped.

"Yes! Yes! He did it!" He shouted and sat down.

"Calm the fuck down dude." Xavier hissed and i put my hands on Adelisa's ears. She giggled and removed my hands.

"Adelisa go out dear. Mommy is going to look after daddy ok?" I said and she nodded. I put her down and she ran outside.

"YES! BEAT HIS ASS!" Both jumped on the couch standing up and high five. Skylar and i just look at them in disbelieve.


Both freezes hearing our voices.

"Shit." Both murmured looking at each other. They slowly turned around and saw Skylar and i. They smiled sleepishly and jumped off the couch.

"Hey babe." Ryan said walking to Skylar.

"Dont babe me. What the heck was that?" She asked and Ryan sighed.

"We just got carried away." He said and Skylar rolled her eyes.


I turned to Xavier and saw him looking anywhere but me.

"Xavier.." I warned and he looked at me.

"Sorry we got carried away." He said and i sighed.

"Well both of you will clean up later." I said looking at all the mess. They both sighed and nodded.

"Let's go. The kids are waiting for us to have dinner." Skylar said and we walked out.

I took a seat near Alaïa while Xavier went to Adelisa.

"So kids eat up. Nathan and i have a surprise for you after." Roger said and the kids squealed.

We had our dinner and we had our dessert. It was delicious.

"Ok kids here it is." Roger grinned giving them the bags.

"You bought firecrakers!" Tyler gasped looking at Skylar who just smiled at her son.

"Let me light them kiddo." Ryan said and light some for them.

They were smiling widely.

I felt an arm wrapped around my waist from behind and i did not had to look up to see who it was. He kissed my head and leaned on my shoulder.

"I could get use to see this." He murmured looking at Alaïa and Adelisa smiling happily.

"They are happy." I said and he chuckled.

"Come on Grace you like to do it too." Dad said and i chuckled.

I walked toward him and took some too. Skylar joined me and in the end Martha and Amanda joined us too.


"Ok kids 10 seconds before the count down." Ryan said carrying Tyler. All the kids were tired playing. Skylar was carrying Hailey, i was carrying Adelisa while Xavier had Alaïa.

"Count with me ok?" Xavier said and the kids nodded.












Many firecrackers were heard and seen in the sky. The kids gasped looking around while Xavier wrapped his hand around my waist and duck to kiss me.

"Ewww!" Both kids said giggling and we pulled away.

"That's not nice." Xavier pouted at them and they giggled.


Soon it was already 1 Am and all the kids were asleep. Everyone decided to stay here for the night since it was late.

At last after checking on the kids, i walked into the living room to see Xavier already sleeping there. I chulcked and walked to toward him. I kissed his cheeks and he opened his eyes slowly.

"Sleep with me." He murmured sleepy and i chuckled again.

"You are on the couch Xav." I said and he groaned.


"Fine move over." I said as i laid beside him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"Good night baby." He murmured.

"Goodnight babe." I said and closed my eyes.

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