《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Epilogue {Edited}


Grace's Pov:

Three years later*

I woke up by giggling and to something move on top of me. I heard Xavier groaned and try to move but unfortunately, I was on top of him.

I opened my eyes and saw my two daughters sitting on top of us.

"Morning Mwommy." Alaïa said smiling. She still speaks some words wrongly.

"Morning baby," I said as I moved.

"Happy birthday princess," I said and hugged her. She giggled and hugged me back. I looked at my second daughter who is two years old, Adelisa was on top of his father who was still sleeping. Her full name was Adelisa Elle Knight. She frowned and looked at me.

"Dwaddy swtill Sleeping." She said cutely in her small voice.

"You want to wake daddy up?" I asked and she nodded eagerly.

"Then kiss him," I said and she smiled. Xavier was kinda ticklish of her kisses and it was really funny to see them fighting.

She started her work and Xavier started to stir and smiled.

He was definitely up now.

He remained silent and let Adelisa continue. All of a sudden he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her on him. She squealed loudly as she tried to escape.

"You woke the monster up," Xavier said in a playful voice. Adelisa tried to move by was tickled by her dad.

When they were done, Alaïa went on her dad and hugged her.

"Morning Dwaddy." She said.

"Morning my little princess. Happy birthday." He said and kiss her forehead.

Alaïa smiled and came back to me.

"Mwommy. We need to get ready. Grandma and Grandpa will be hwere soon." She said and I chuckled. We invited my parents, Xavier's parents, Skylar and Ryan for her birthday party and she was really excited about it.

"Ok let's take a shower and get you two ready," I said and they nodded.

"Mwommy cwan we bath together?" Adelisa asked and Alaïa squealed.

"Yes please mwommy." She pouted and I nodded

"Ok but let me take your dresses here," I said and they nodded.


"Can I join?" Xavier asked and the girls giggled.

"Nwo daddy," Adelisa said smiling.

"You cwannot see us," Alaïa added making Xavier pouted.

"I did bath you both once." He pointed and they giggled.

"Alright, I'm going to take your dresses ok?" I said and stood up. I let them with Xavier and went into their room. Alaïa accepted to share her room with Adelisa as it was too big for her.

I walked to their closet and take out two dresses. I walked back to my room and saw only Xavier.

"Where are they?" I asked as I put the dresses on the bed.

"In the bathroom." He chuckled and I nodded. I walked to the bathroom but the door was locked.

"Alaïa. Open the door." I said and heard small footsteps. The door opened and I walked in closing it behind me.

"Why did you lock it?" I asked.

"Daddy wanted to come in." She giggled and I sighed.

"But baby you should never lock the door when there is not an adult with you. You could have been a trap if the lock were broken." I said and she frowned.

"Sworry mwommy." She said and I kissed her forehead.

"It's ok. Just don't do it again ok?" I asked and she nodded.

"Now let's get in the tub," I said and she giggled again. I looked at Adelisa and she was near the tub touching the water. I help Alaïa stripped and called Adelisa to help her too. I put them both in and then I stipped but I stayed in my bra and underwear. I put the soap and bubbles started to form. The girls squealed as I get in with them. They started to play while I bath them.

After 10 minutes they were done. I stepped out of the tub and walked to grab the towel. I then dried them and put a towel on both. I also dried myself since I had to take a shower too.

"Let me get you to dress up," I said and they nodded. However, they squealed loudly as Xavier came in the bathroom. They hide behind my legs as Xavier came toward them.


"Now Daddy!" Adelisa screamed as he grabbed her and walked out. Alaïa remained with me as we walked out. I get her dress first since Xavier was busy playing with Adelisa.

Once done I called Adelisa to get her dress up.

"Now that you are done you can join me in the shower," Xavier said and I chuckled.

"No. I need to be quick to get everything ready." I said knowing how many minutes I would be inside with him.

"Girls. Mommy took a shower with you right?" Xavier asked and the girls nodded.

"Then it would be fair if she took one with me right?" He asked again and I raised an eyebrow. The girls giggled and nodded.

"See. Even they are with me on this." He said coming toward me. He leaned and kissed my lips.

"Ewwww!" Two girls screamed and ran out.

"Careful!" I shouted as they were out.

"Now let's get in," Xavier said and I rolled my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist dragging me in. However, once the door was closed, I was pushed against it while Xavier started to kiss me.


After 30 minutes, I was already out of the bathroom looking for an outfit. I felt an arm around my waist and kisses being placed on my neck.

"Not again Xav," I said and he chuckled.

"Not my fault. You are tempting right now." He said as I had a towel around me.

"Well I can't find anything to wear," I said and he sighed.

"Let me see." He said and went through my clothes.

"Wear this." He picked one outfit and I smiled. His choice was always great.


When I was done, I came downstairs to prepare the party. The girls were in the living room watching Disney movie while Xavier went out to take the birthday cake.

I took this opportunity to decorate part of the dining room.

Just when I finished Xavier came back with the cake and we place it on top.

We heard the doorbell rang and two loud squealed making me and Xavier chuckled.

"They are here," Xavier said and we walked to the door. He opened it and two kids came running in followed by Skylar and Ryan.

"Hey!" I hugged Skylar and she hugged me back. Xavier and Ryan did the bro hug and went in the living room while Skylar and I walked into the kitchen.

Skylar and Ryan had One boy and one girl. Their son's name was Tyler Ethan Walker and their daughter name was Hailey Esther Walker. When I was pregnant with Adelisa, Skylar was pregnant with Hailey. We were both surprises that we got pregnant at the same time. However, Adelisa was a few days older than Hailey.

"Wow, you did that?" Skylar asked looking at the decor.

"Well yeah. She loves pink and panda." I said and she smiled.


After 30 minutes, we called Alaïa to cut her cake. By this time, my parents and Xavier's parents were already here. They bought lots of gifts for her.

She came in the middle and cut her cake. We sang her birthday songs while Xavier took some pictures of her.

The day went on by the kids playing and the adult relaxing. They all had dinner before they left. They even helped us to clean up. Both Adelisa and Alaïa were really tired.

Xavier put them to bed while I was taking a shower. When I was done I went direct to lay on the bed while Xavier went to take a shower.

I was already asleep when I felt the bed dipped and arms around my waist.

That is it guys the end of this book. Hope you like it and please don't forget to vote and comment.

P.s I am writing my fourth book and it will be out soon. So follow me so that when I post it you will be notified ;)

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