《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Chapter 32: Baby shower {Edited}


Grace's Pov:

7 months later (due date in two months)

"Babe are you ready?" Xavier asked from the living room.

"Just one more sec!" I yelled as I put my earings. I chuckled my make up one more time and did my hair.

"Hurry babe. We are gonna be late." He said and I groaned.

"I'm done. I am coming." I said and grabbed my purse. I took my phone and slowly made my way downstairs. If Xavier found me running he would kill me. We were going to the special place where Mom and Amanda help Skylar with my baby shower.

I walked in the living room where Xavier was. He saw me and smiled.

"Damn my babies are hot." He said and I chuckled.

Skylar was the one who chooses my dress and I really like it when I first saw it.

"Let's go we gonna be late," I said and he nodded. Before leaving he leaned and pecked my lips earning him light red lips. I checked and I passed my finger to wipe it off.

He intertwined our finger and we walked to the car.


Arriving there, we parked and stepped out of the car.

"Mom wanted some nature view so she chooses something close to it," Xavier said and I nodded. I was eager to see the location.

We walked and I gasped as I looked around. It was beautiful.

They decorated it simply. I smiled as I saw them by one of the tables. I hugged them as they came to me.

"This is so beautiful," I said looking around.

"Glad you like it," Amanda said smiling.

"I love it," I said truly.

"Well let's have lunch first and then we will cut the cake," Skylar suggested and we nodded. We all walked to the table and sat down. There were many flavours of food in the middle and we soon dig in.


"So Grace what do you want it to be?" Nathan asked.

"I don't mind. I will love him or her equally." I said and they chuckled.

"And you son," Amanda asked and Xavier shrugged.

"Just like my wife said." He said smiling.

"Well, time to cut the cake and to find out," Skylar said excitedly. Inside the cake, there is one colour that is going to reveal the baby sex. If it was pink then it means I would have a baby girl but if it was blue then it means I would have a baby boy.

"I will bring cake," Ryan said and stood up. He ran to the other end and disappeared. Xavier intertwined our hands and we stood up.

Ryan came back with a troller which was also decorated.

I chuckled as I saw the cake. We walked behind it and stood up.

"Ready guys?" Dad asked and we nodded.

"I will blow those after you cut the cake," Nathan said as he showed us some tubes filled with colourful papers.

"Ok 1..2..3!" Skylar screamed and we cut the cake. We took out a piece of it as the same time Nathan blow the tubes.


It is a girl!

"Its a girl!" Amanda and Mom screamed.

I looked at Xavier and saw him looking at the cake with unshed tears. I put my hand on his arms and he smiled at me.

"I was right. I will have another princess." He said smiling widely.

"Yeah, we are having a princess," I said and he hugged me tightly as he could. My big bump was not helping.

"Oh my god, we need to go shopping now," Skylar screamed and I nodded.

I turned to Xavier and said." We need to do the nursery room too."


He pecked my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist." Don't worry love this will be done quickly."

Mom cut the cake and distributes the cake among us. We sat down and started to talk about the baby name. All the name were common and I couldn't choose any of them.

"Sir they are here." A man came to us.

"Who?" Xavier asked confused.

"The media sir." He said and Xavier nodded. I frowned at him. The man left us and Xavier turned toward me.

"Babe. I completely forgot to tell you that the media wanted to talk to us." Xavier said and I groaned.

"I don't want to talk to them," I said.

"You won't have to. I will be the only one to talk. I think they will take some pictures of us." He said and I sighed.

"I don't want to...." I sighed.

"Why did you even call them?" Nathan asked looking at them from distance.

"I did not. They kept on following wherever I was going. I kinda knew they will come here." He said and Amanda sighed.

"These people seriously need another job." She said making us chuckled.

"Ok let's go," I said standing up. He wrapped his arms around my back as we started to walk to wherever they were.

I was surprised to see so many people in the backyard of this place.

"Our baby is the new headline for the moment," Xavier said and believe me when I say I don't like that. I was seriously starting to hate those people. I don't want my baby to be on the headline of some stupid news!

I blanked my disliking toward them and force a smile. Xavier pulled me next to him as his bodyguard guide us to the centre. As soon as we reached they started to take pictures.

"Mr Knight, how do you feel about this kid? Your new heir for your business." One asked and I don't know why but I felt angry at him. He was seriously getting on my nerves and my hormones were not helping at all.

"I am proud to be a father and whatever she wants to be I am completely fine with that. I won't force her into anything and now I am requesting you all to leave us alone. We want to keep anything else private." Xavier said coldly and the crowd went silent.

Way to go baby...

After some more pictures, we walked back to our family.

"Took you long," Skylar said as we reached.

"Yea,h they kept on taking pictures...." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Ry are they going to be the same with me?" She asked Ryan and he shrugged.

"Of course they will be like that," Xavier said earning a glare from Ryan.

"I don't want them to be in my baby live," Skylar said and Ryan nodded.

"Don't worry I will make sure of that Babe." He said and Xavier scoffed.

"Good luck with that. Like I didn't try." Xavier said and Ryan glared at him. I think he was just trying to ease Skylar. It was cleared that she did not like that.

"Xavier shut the hell up." He said and Xavier raised an eyebrow.

"I am telling the truth." He said and before Ryan speak again I intervene.

"Ok let it for now. Let enjoy the evening." I said and they nodded.

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