《The billionaire want me ♡ {Completed}》Chapter 30: honeymoon{Edited}


Grace's Pov:

After two hours, here I was sitting in Xavier's private jet. He was right beside me as we took off to where he wanted us to be.

"Did you tell our parents?" I asked and he nodded.

"I told them before the wedding. I wanted to leave the wedding night but dad was right. We were really tired." He said and I chuckled.

"So where are we going to stay?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Not in a hotel though." He said and I nodded confused.

Then where the hell were we going to stay?


After two more hours, we reached. We sat in a car who drove us around.

"We are about to reach." The driver said and we nodded.

When we reached, we stepped out and walked inside the mansion. I gasped it was so beautiful.

"That's beautiful," I said walking near the pool.

"And it's all ours," Xavier said and my eyes widened.

"You book it all?" I asked and he chuckled.

"It's my mansion Cupcake. It's our mansion now." He said and I was shocked. I sometimes forgot that I got married to a billionaire. Of course, he would have a mansion in another country.

"Now let's enjoy our honeymoon and relax. The three of us deserve that." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

"Let's go to the pool," I said as the weather was perfect for that and he nodded.

"Whatever you want babe." He said.

We walked to our bedroom which was really beautiful.

"Oh I did not buy a swimsuit," I said sighing.

"There is one in the closet. I kinda bought it before coming here." He said and I chuckled.


I walked into the closet and found them.

I try it on and it was good. Looking at the mirror, I glanced at my flat stomach. How big will it look after a few weeks. I walked outside and found Xavier.

"I knew this would look good on you." He smirked.

"Of course you knew," I said as I walked downstairs. I knew he was following me as I could hear his footsteps.

I walked to the pool and walked to the stairs.

"Easy there. We don't want you to slip." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I am good Xav. I am not going to slip." I said and he scoffed.

"We don't know that. Accident happens you know." He said and I sighed.

"I am fine. Relax." I said and he sighed. I intertwined our finger as I walked further in the pool. The water was perfect not too cold. It was warm.

I let Xavier's hand and swim a little further in. I let my muscle relax as I swim in the silence.

I squealed when I felt a hand pulled me back.

"The heck Xavier. You scare me." I said and he laughed.

"Sorry, I just wanted to pull you on me." He apologized still smiling. I wrapped my hand around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.


After being in the pool for literally 2 hours, we stepped out of the pool. The weather was more chilly and it was already dark.

"Go in the bathroom first you are freezing," Xavier said and I nodded.

I walked into the bathroom and took a warm shower. Once done, I dress up and stepped out.

"What are we going to have for dinner?" I asked as I was hungry. Xavier went into the shower not bothering to close the door.


"I don't know what do you want to eat?" He asked as he turns on the shower.

"I can cook something," I suggested.

"Aren't you tired? I can order something out. Maybe pizza?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Why not. I am going to be in the living room." I said.

"Ok. Put the t.v on there are good movies at this time" he said and I chuckled.

"Will do."

I walked out and into the living room. I sat on one of the couch with a pillow on my laps.

Xavier was right when he said that there were good movies. There really was.

After 20 minutes, Xavier joined me on the couch.

"I already ordered the food. It will be here in 10 minutes." He said and I nodded. I leaned on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"When is the next appointment to the doctor?" He asked playing with my hair.

"I am already three weeks pregnant. I have to meet her in my 10th weeks." I said.

"That's ok. Just let me know and I will take you. I am not too good at remembering stuff." He said chuckling to himself.

"Will do." I murmured about watching the movie.

The bell goes off and Xavier stood up. I paused the movie and walked into the kitchen to take two plates and two drinks. For me water.

I walked back into the living room and found Xavier opening the pizza box.

I handle him his plate and fill mine with some hot pepperoni pizza. Yummy!


After 35 minutes we were done. I cleaned up while Xavier went to take out the trash. When I finished I was exhausted.

I did not even do much...

I sat down beside Xavier and laid my head back on him. This time I felt my eyes closing and I let them closed.

The only thing I remember was a kissed being placed on my forehead and me being lifted.

"Sleep well, my two princesses.",

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