《Uncaging Wren》Chapter 26



I watch Wren over the next week as she stews over her options for the diner. I know that's what she's thinking about. And I can tell she's anxious about the decision with the way she fidgets, the way she twirls her hair through her fingers or how she sighs heavily while looking out the window. I wish I could help her with this, but I know she needs to make this decision on her own. I can't push her to do what I think is best. At the end of the day, it's her business. But it's also one of her greatest accomplishments. Something she did all on her own, and I will never take that away from her. She needs to make this choice, because she's the one that will have to live with it.

I ponder this as I stir the food on the stove top, the scent of garlic wafting through the air. I hear the patter of Wren's bare feet as she wanders through the house, her leg now healed and not causing her any pain.

"That smells good." She says, ambling next to me and wrapping her arms around me, pressing her front against my back. The easy intimacy has me melting for her like the butter I just through in this pan. I lower the heat on the stove and turn towards her, folding her into my arms and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"I guess I should have made you some then." I say and she gawks at me, clear disbelief etched all over her adorable face.

"You didn't make enough for both of us?" She asks, scrunching up her face and pouting out her lip. The fake despair has a deep rumble of laughter billowing from me. She cracks a grin, unable to hold onto the joke any longer.

"Of course I made enough for you. I'll always feed my little bird." I murmur before pressing my lips against hers. She groans softly, her body leaning into mine and I tighten my arms around her.


A new song starts to play on the speaker I have hooked up to my phone and once I pull away from the kiss I start to sway her slowly. She rolls her eyes at me, but the playful smile on her face lets me know she loves the impromptu dance. She lifts her arms and wraps them around my neck, relaxing into me and allowing me to lead.

'They say nothing lasts forever, but they ain't seen us together. Or the way the moonlight dances in your eyes.'

The song plays gently in the background and Wren closes her eyes as she soaks in the moment.

"I love this song." She says quietly.

"Me too." I respond, holding her a little closer as I let the meaning of the words sink into my mind. Wren hums the song quietly before singing along.

'A love like that makes a man have second thoughts. Maybe some things last forever after all.'

She croons along and I chuckle a little, making her pull away at look at me curiously.

"What?" She asks.

"You're a terrible singer." I tease, pecking a kiss to her nose. She gasps in indignation and slaps my chest playfully before snuggling back into me.

"I suppose you're right. I should just let Luke sing it." She says bitterly and I chuckle again.

"I'll let you assault my ears whenever you want." I murmur against her head as she tucks her face into my neck. Her quiet laughter makes bursts of air brush across my skin, goosebumps developing along my body as I become very aware of the way our bodies are pressed against each other.

"I've come to a decision." She says, letting out another heavy sigh that I feel down to my soul.

"About the diner?" I ask and she nods, a sad look overcoming her face.

I stir the food and plate it quickly, pulling her towards the table and sitting down across from her. She picks up a fork and starts to play with the food and I reach across the table to hold her hand.


"What have you decided, baby?" I ask and her eyes flit up to mine. I give her hand a little squeeze of reassurance and she squares her shoulders before answering me.

"I'm going to rebuild the diner." She says firmly, almost as if she's convincing herself. My heart does a little leap of joy and I nod, running my thumb along the back of her hand to soothe her.

"Which option did you like?" I ask, taking a bite of food. She watches my mouth work and I clear my throat to get her attention.

"The more modern one. It makes sense to increase the dining room and the storage options were a lot better." She says and I nod in agreement.

"I'm glad you chose that one. It's gonna be amazing, baby girl. I promise." I say gently and she sighs.

"I want to change the name as well." She responds.

"To what?" I ask. When her eyes meet mine again, they're filled with tears and her bottom lip begins to tremble.

"Jim's." She answers and a fresh shot of pain lances through me. A lone tear tracks down her face and I pull on her hand to encourage her closer to me. She stands quickly and rounds the table, landing in my lap. I grunt a little at the impact as she curls herself into me. I wrap my arms firmly around her as she cries quietly.

After a few long moments she sighs heavily and pulls away. I wipe the moisture from her face with the pad of my thumb and give her the best smile I can muster.

"You know the old man would be proud as hell of you." I say and she nods, smiling back.

"Having the place named after him would have inflated his ego though." She says and I can't help but laugh a full belly laugh.

"You're right. But I think it will mean a lot. To Brenda and to the rest of the town." I say gently, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She leans into the touch, closing her eyes and sighing in content. She goes to stand, but I hold her tightly against me.

"Let me eat." She says annoyed and I shake my head.

"You can eat here." I say, grabbing her plate from the other side of the table.

"You're ridiculous." She says, squirming in my lap to try and get away. Her movements has my cock beginning to harden. I tighten my hands around her waist to get her to stop, groaning softly as I close my eyes to try and soften.

"What's wrong?" She asks as she sits still. "Oh..." She says. Her tone has my eyes popping open just in time to see a shit eating grin spread across her face. She wraps her arms around my neck and leans down to press her lips against mine.

She parts them slowly, her tongue slipping into my mouth. A sweet little groan slips from her and all efforts at getting my cock settle down go out the window.

"Wren..." I say in a warning tone as I pull away from her.

"Hux. My leg is fine. I'm fine. Now give me what I want." She says with a feisty little pout that only makes me harden further.

"And what is it that you want, little bird?" I ask, reaching up to run my thumb along her bottom lip.

"You, Hux. I want you." She whispers in my ear and I can't stop the small groan that slips from me.

"Well, I better give my girl what she wants."

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