《Uncaging Wren》Chapter 10



I watch as Huxley lifts the man by his shirt collar until he's on his feet. Huxley's face is hard and angry, his chest heaving with harsh breaths.

I almost feel sorry for the guy. Huxley is terrifying.

"What the fuck part of 'no' is too difficult for you to understand." Huxley seethes and the guy tries to push away from him, but it's like he's shoving against a brick wall.

"Calm down man. She was being a bitch I was just trying to teach her a little lesson." The guy says and I gasp at his words, but Huxley goes deathly silent.

"What did you just call her?" He whispers in the guys face and I see the guy swallow, his eyes going wide as fear takes over.

"Look, bro..." the guy starts but Huxley cuts him off.

"I'm not you're fucking bro. Now repeat what you just called my girl." Huxley says and the guy begins to visibly tremble.

"Russ!" Hux calls.

"Yeah?" Russ says with a firm glare at the man in Huxley's grasp.

"Did you hear what he called Wren?" Hux asks and Russ nods.

"Pretty sure he called her a bitch." Russ says, his hands clenching into fists.

"Thought so." Hux says before dragging the man towards the back. I watch, horrified before I go to follow.

He pulls the man out in the back alley and shoves him against the wall, his hand going around the guys neck.

"Hey man, I didn't know she was taken, alright? I'm sorry." He says and Huxley's jaw clenches.

"It shouldn't matter if she's taken or not. No means fucking no. A woman doesn't belong to a man. She makes her own goddamn choices. It doesn't surprise me no ones picked you." Huxley says.

The next moment he cocks his fist and punches the man square in the mouth. I hear the sickening snap of his nose as he cries out in pain, blood pouring from his mouth as Russ watches. I grimace at the sight, my stomach roiling at the sight of blood. Huxley looks over at Russ and Russ nods. It seems to be some kind of silent agreement because Huxley starts pummeling the guy, his fist moving so fast it's just a blur in the evening light. I watch as the man slumps, no longer able to bear his own weight.

My fear ratchets up a few more notches and I look to Russ to stop him, but he's standing rigid with his arms crossed over his chest. The man let's out a pathetic cry and I leap forward, grabbing Huxley's arm as I try to stop the brutal show.


"Huxley stop! You're gonna kill him!" I plead and Huxley let's out a low chuckle as he snaps his wrist, striking the man again.

"Wouldn't be the first time I killed a man." He murmurs, but I heard it.

When his words register in my mind I gasp and recoil from him, my eyes wide with fear. Huxley sees my reaction and his face hardens as he stops beating the man to a pulp. He takes the guy, lifting him slightly off the ground and throws him at Russ' feet.

"Get this piece of shit out of here. I don't want to see him in my bar again." Hux says and Russ nods, pushing the guy towards the door.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Russ says and goes inside, leaving me alone with a pissed of Huxley.

The cold evening air begins to seep into my bones. I wrap my arms around myself to keep from shivering. Huxley notices and walks towards me, going to wrap his arms around me but I shake my head, stepping back from him.

"What did you mean, Hux? Were you serious?" I ask and he nods.

"Are you willing to listen to me now?" He asks gently, but I shake my head, tears threatening my eyes as I try to reconcile the sweet, quiet boy I grew up with as a killer.

"I can't." I choke out as a sob tries to break free. "I can't do this right now." I say and Huxley sighs, running his hand down his face.

"When, Wren? When are you going to listen to me? To let me fucking explain? I'm trying to give you time. To let you make the decisions here but this is killing me!" He shouts and my body begins to quiver from the cold and my emotions.

"I don't see why it matters to you so much. It was so easy for you to up and leave me, I don't see why talking now means so much to you." I say and he sighs, reaching out to grab my arm and pulling me into his chest. I let out a sigh of relief as his warmth embraces me.

"Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever done. You'd understand if you listened. Just one time. Open your mind to what I have to say. Listen to me without interrupting or running away." He pleads.

"Fine." I say and Huxley pulls back to look at me, shock clear on his face.


"Really?" He asks and I nod.

"But not right now. Tomorrow night. Come to my house." I say and he nods, tucking my head under his chin as he holds me closer.

"Whatever you want, little bird." He murmurs as he kisses my hair. I sigh and pull away, looking down at my dress.

"I probably shouldn't have worn this. I was basically asking for unwanted attention." I say bitterly and Huxley snarls, pulling me back into a firm hug.

"Don't you dare say something like that. You listen to me, Wren. You could stand in the middle of that bar naked and it still wouldn't give anyone the right to touch you against your will. You understand?" He asks firmly and I nod into his chest, letting his scent soothe my nerves.

"I think I'm gonna go home." I say and he nods.

"Give me a second and I'll drive you home. I don't think you should stay alone tonight." He says and I give him a coy look.

"You fishing for an invitation?" I ask and he chuckles, swiping his thumb along my cheekbone as he eyes me affectionately.

"No. But I wouldn't turn it down." He says and I huff out a laugh.

"I'll ask Liv." I say and he chuckles again, kissing the top of my head.

"Whatever you want, baby girl." He says sweetly and part of my heart leaps at his pet name for me. I sigh and pull away from him, walking back into the bar where people are still enjoying their evening like nothing happened.

"I handled the asshole." Russ says and Huxley nods.

"Thanks, man. Sorry I lost it a little." Hux says and Russ barks out a laugh.

"A little?" He teases and Huxley chuckles. "It's fine. I would have done the same. No one messes with our girls." He says firmly and my heart warms with affection for him. Liv wanders up to me and wraps me in a hug.

"You ok? That guy grabbed you hard." She says, inspecting my wrist where a bruise is forming. Huxley growls at the sight, taking my hand and rubbing the area gently as if he can smudge away the offending mark.

"I'm fine. Would you stay with me tonight?" I ask and Liv nods.

"Of course. Let me get some stuff from home first." She says hugging me again.

Russ agrees to take Liv home and drop her off at my house while Huxley drives me home in my car so he can catch a ride back to the bar with Russ. I slide into the passenger seat, content to relax and try to forget about this night. Not even a minute into the drive, Huxley's hand wanders over to mine and nudges me gently. I look up at him, a small smile creeping on my face and I take his hand. He threads his fingers with mine, rubbing my wrist gently with his thumb. I let the gentle motion soothe me, choosing to focus on that and nothing else.

He gets to my house and walks me inside, checking around like Russ always does and waiting for Liv to arrive.

"You gonna be alright?" He asks and I nod, slipping my shoes off.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." I say and he sighs, going to reach for me but stopping himself at the last minute.

"I'll be back tomorrow. About five?" He asks and I nod again.

"That's fine." I say just as Russ pulls up outside my house and Liv gets out.

"Where's your phone?" He asks. I hand it to him and he puts his number in.

"I just got a cell phone. Call me if you need anything." He says firmly and I look at him confused.

"You just got a phone?" I ask and he nods.

"Didn't need one before." He says quietly, reaching out to cup my cheek. I take a step towards him, my body apparently doing whatever it wants. He wraps his arms around me gently, pressing a firm kiss to my head.

"Sleep good, my little bird." He murmurs just as Liv walks in the door. I watch him leave and he turns back to look at me again.

"Lock it, baby." He says pointing to the door and I nod, closing the door and locking it with a small smile.

"God damn, Wren. That man is smitten." Liv says and I roll my eyes at her, but my heart patters at the thought.

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