《Married To The Don》T H I R T Y


" You're going to work already? " I groaned rosing my body up from the cloud soft bed.

I never ever wanted to this bed but life sucks and you needed to get up and started the day.

" Yes. And, I want you to behave and stay home, okay? It's not safe for you to go out anymore. " Seth said in a serious tone while rolling his sleeves up to his elbow.

He had on his usual white shirt dress with a few buttons undone and tucked into his black slack. His shiny brown locks was falling down to his forehead messily as if he had been running his hand through them multiple times and not even cared to style it.

My husband was a walking sex. I just wanted to lock him up in this room and never went out to let another female species got a looks of him ever again. I thought as I shamelessly eye fucking him.

" Stop giving me that looks or we both won't ever leave this room again. " Seth groaned putting his Rolex on his wrist.

" I don't mind that. " I winked.

" I will see you soon, little vixen. Take care. " Seth chuckled kissing my forehead before taking his phone from the bedside table and left.

I pouted at sight of him leaving before getting up and started getting myself ready for the day. If he really thought I would obey his command, the guy must have no brain at all. I was definitely going to leave this house sooner or later and nothing was going to stop me.

I ran my hand through the rails of clothes with a sad expression on my face. I wouldn't be able to fit into them anymore in the near future. My baby bump was already visible if I didn't hide it properly and soon I would become a bloody whale.

" The things I'm willing to sacrifice for you. So, don't be a brat and stop torturing mommy okay? " I said patting my bump.

I put on a short black long sleeves blazer bodysuit that had a deep v neck showing a little of my chest, to go with it I decided to put on a knee high heeled boots and a small black handbag to complete the outfit. I then put on a little amount of make up and decided to call it a day as I just brush my hair and let it flow down to my waist.


Victoria was already sitting on the dining table with a scowl on her face which I assumed because she had to sit on the same table with Kaitlyn. The girl had been sharing meal with us since Steven came back. He insisted that it was only better if she ate with us since her father was a family friend and all.

" Are we going somewhere today? Why are you all dress up? " Victoria asked when she saw me walking into the room.

Kaitlyn looked up from her plate and eyed me up and down for what seemed like hours until she decided to stop and went back to eat her breakfast.

" Seth said you're not going anywhere today. " She mutter causing me to cock an eyebrow at her.

" And, he won't be happy if his wife goes out dressing like a slut. " Kaitlyn continued not meeting my eyes.

I took a deep breath before pulling a chair beside Victoria out and sat down. Victoria was already throwing daggers at her as the girl ate her breakfast liked she didn't just call me a bloody slut.

" Excuse me? What's wrong with my outfit? " I asked sipping the glass of orange juice that Victoria handed me.

" It seems like you dress up trying to impress men as if you don't already have a husband. " Kaitlyn replied putting another spoonful of food into her filthy mouth.

I never knew I had to dress up like a damn nun because I was married.

" I don't see why it's your business. Alana can dress up how ever the hell she wants. And, this outfit isn't even slutty for god sake just because you dress like a bloody nun doesn't mean everyone else has to do the same. " Victoria glared.

" Seth wouldn't like that. " she protested.

The nerves of this girl. Was this why she always wore clothes that covered up her entire body? To fulfill my husband's needs. If she really thought that, the girl didn't know my husband at all.

The man was a fucking pervert. He won't mind seeing some skin here and there.

" Please. Kaitlyn do me a favor and stop insulting my choice of clothes because you're just a bodyguard and have no say in this. What my husband likes and dislikes are my problems to think about not yours. " I said with a stern expression on my face.


She was about to protest when I cut her off.

" I dressed up everyday to make myself feel good and feel confident in my own skin. And, if Seth has a problem with that, he would have told me himself, you don't need to interfere in our marriage life. "

" I don't dress to impressed. I undress to impressed, sweetheart. And, if you want to know if I succeeded you can ask your Don. " I winked.

Victoria spat out her juice the moment I finished my sentence before getting into a fit of laughters. I shook my head smiling to myself before digging into my plate.

Despite the fact that this bitch just ruined my mood, I was delighted to finally be able to put something into my mouth without throwing up.

" Oh my god. I'm going to call Gianna and tell her the good news. You can finally eat something. " Victoria squealed pulling out her phone.

I sent her a warning looks not wanting her to spill the secret about me being pregnant. Kaitlyn was at the same table as us, and I didn't want her to know.

Even if the girl and her family had been working and sacrificed things for the Salvatore's family for decades, I somehow didn't trust her at all. There was something off about her, but I wouldn't dare tell Seth my thoughts just yet because I knew he trusted her just as much as he trusted Brandon, after all they were childhood friends.

" What's the news here? Why would Aunt Gigi be delighted just because she could eat? Is there something wrong with her? " Kaitlyn asked raising her eyebrow at Victoria causing her to gaped slightly realizing what she had just let slipped out.

Nosy little bitch.

" I've been having an upset stomach and haven't been able to eat for days. Mom had been worried. " I shrugged playing it cool.

" Right. " Kaitlyn let out a small smirk before turning back to her food.

It was the longest and awkward breakfast I had been to, Kaitlyn kept on still glances at me while Victoria cursed under her breath every times she caught Kaitlyn staring. I tried to eat as fast as I could so I could get the hell out of there but Victoria had another plan, the girl ate really slowly as if she didn't want to get the hell away from this Kaitlyn girl.

After, what seemed like years of silently eating breakfast Victoria and I got away from the bodyguard girl and went to find Noel and Dean forcing them to take us out of the house without Kaitlyn's knowledge.

I didn't feel like having her following me everywhere anymore, god I didn't even want her in the same house as me.

" Where are we going, ma'am? " Noel asked as Dean started the car.

" To your Don please. " I said leaning my back against the car seat.

The car engines roared before speeding off to the road. Victoria typed her away from my phone totally ignoring my presence. I kept my eyes on her trying to somehow gain her attention because this girl had never been quiet nor left me to myself like this.

" I'm going to ask for a new bodyguard. I don't like Kaitlyn. " I said suddenly gaining her full attention.

Victoria shoved her phone into her handbag before turning to me beaming form ears to ears. Her smile was so big liked a kid that just got an early Christmas present.

" Finally someone who sees it. Gosh, I knew it that we will be the best of friends forever and ever. " She beamed excitedly.

" What do you mean, Vic? Someone who finally see what? " I asked.

" Someone who dislike that bitch. I don't know why but everyone in the mafia worship her like a goddess hell they even thought she was going to make a great female Don. But, that was before you of course. "

The people thought Seth and Kaitlyn was going to get married? Was there any deeper story that I didn't know? Victoria briefly told me they were just a fling in high school there were nothing serious.

Were they in love with one and another?


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