《Married To The Don》T W E N T Y- N I N E


" What do you think about Brandon, baby? " Seth asked while he watched me devoured my food.

My eyes snapped from the plate into his. I cocked an eyebrow trying to figure what he was thinking right now but found none, bloody boy knew how to conceal his emotion.

" He's annoying. " I shrugged and continued eating.

Gosh. Did it feel great to finally enjoy eating something without throwing up the next minute.

" I caught him leaving the estate. He lied about coming to get paperwork. How did his paperwork end up in my office? Brandon has never left his shits behind. " Seth said rubbing his face.

Did this guy really think his best friend was betraying him? Unbelievable. Brandon had multiple chances to murder me right on the spot and got away with it if he wanted to. And, I would be as good as dead right now. I had been working and left alone with him for hours everyday in the passed weeks.

" Seth, don't you even dare doubt your friend's loyalty. I don't know him that long but I know you can trust him. " I said patting his shoulder.

" I don't know. We can't trust anyone at the moment. I have been betrayed and fucked over by a certain friend before. " he sighed.

Who would have thought the Don had trust issues. But, again if he trusted everyone he wouldn't be here. He had a point doubting and suspected everyone, his empire would have crumbled to the ground long ago if he trusted every living creatures.

" And, who might that friend be? " I asked getting curious.

" That's a story for another day. " he replied taking the now empty plate from my laps.

Oh hell nah. I was so going to hear this story right here right now. I was willing to anything to force him into telling me everything even if I would have to shed a few tears in the process.


" Why? Don't you trust me? " I sighed acting hurt.

" What? No. It's just I don't want to relive the memory. " he panicked taking my hand into his.

I pulled away taking an extra deep breath.

" It's okay. I understand. " I acted as if I was about to cry before turning away from him and laid on the bed.

I heard him sighed before turning me to face him. Seth laid himself down next to me and started stroking my hair.

" I had just finished college alongside Brandon and our other friend, Dmitri Petrov to be exact. We were the dream team the trio trouble makers, we did all kind of things that college kids would do together. You know living our life to the fullest before facing the real world. "

" Dmitri was the heir to the Russian mafia at the time while I was the Italian's heir. Our family was allies father and his father worked together really well. " he continued.

" I had just learned that you have Italian blood in you when I read the Italian paperwork. I didn't even know my husband was part Italian. I was even oblivious to the fact that our last name is indeed Italian. " I sighed cutting him off.

I felt dumb. I didn't know shits about my own husband. What kind of wife was I?

We barely even knew shits about each other and was now preparing to have a child. The two of us had been doing this relationship thing the other way round of normal people would do.

" I know we barely know each other but I am willing to change that. After all of this chaos ended I promise. " Seth said assuring me as if he was trying to tell me that would be all make sense soon.


" Okay. Continue. " I said and he nodded before continuing.

" Dmitri and I promised to work together and help one another at each steps of our mafia life with Brandon working with us of course. "

" What changed ? " I asked getting even more curious.

I remembered him talking about the Russian with such sorrow rage and even a hint of hatred in his voice. And now he was telling me they were the best of friends. Shocking.

" Something happened that caused him to hate my guts. He thought what happened was because of me so he decided to break off whatever alliance we had back then and started a rivalry between us. "

" Dmitri made Brandon choose between the two of us. Both Brandon and I thought it was ridiculous as I didn't even do anything. It was all just plain misunderstood and obviously Brandon took my side, we grew up together after all and he knew it wasn't my fault. "

Now, that was horrible. Poor Brandon must had a hard time making decision.

" He chose you and you still doubt his loyalty? You're insane, Don Salvatore. " I scoffed slapping his hand away from my face.

" Brandon would never do what that Dmitri guy did or else he would have sided with him long ago. " I said. And, Seth nodded.

Something I wondered what the hell was going on in this guy thick skull.

" I know I know. I shouldn't be doubting him but I couldn't help but think about what happened in the past alright and I don't want a repeat of that. " Seth protested running a hand through his hair.

" And, now with yours and our child's life on the line I would not take any chances of making mistake. " he continued.

" You don't have to worry about me. I knew how to take care of myself and beside I have those annoying bodyguards you assigned for me. " I said.

Seth nodded before closing his eyes. He thought that unfinished story of him would satisfy me huh? The man never learned.

" Don't you dare close your eyes. Continue your bloody story. " I glared.

" Why is he after us now? After all this time? He would have take his revenge years ago. " I asked.

Seth opened his eyes with a concerned expression on his face as he was staring into my soul.

" Because I finally have something that he had lost. "

" And, if he is still the Dmitri Petrov I knew, I doubt he would stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. "

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