《Married To The Don》T W E N T Y- E I G H T


" And, that my man was how your wife got you the answer you need. " Brandon said slamming his laptop shut.

We were sitting in my office discussing business and drinking. It felt great to be back. I had just been released from the doctors a few days back and was allowed to leave the house again by my wife today. I had to say that she did a great job running the place. The papers work were even more organized than ever before.

Brandon had shown me the clip of Alana torturing Ben and his daughter. And, man did she look hot as fuck while she was at it. Watching her walking around the room with deadly weapons swirling in her hands liked that was such a turn on.

" Again. Where did my father find her? That woman is incredible. " I grinned taking a sip of my scotch.

I felt like I hit the jackpot marrying her. The woman was perfect in every ways from her goddess looks to her personality. She had managed to hold me captive and now tied me to her completely with our child, not that I minded though.

" Whipped. " Brandon grumbled under his breath.

I raised an eyebrow at him daring him to continue making fun of me. But, the boy knew who he was messing with so he gulped and shut up.

" So Russian ? " I said taking a deep breath.

" What are we going to do? Do you have a plan? " he asked leaning toward the desk.

" You bet I do. Alana's and our child life are my biggest weakness right now, they will be the main target. Fortunately, no one has known about the baby yet. " I said clutching the scotch glass in my hand.

If they found out about the life growing inside of my wife, there would be even more danger coming her way. The thought of them touching my family boiled my blood so before those fucking Russian got to them I would have to destroy each and everyone of the bastards first.

" Your wife is smart enough to hide her pregnancy. But, I doubt that they won't find out, eventually the news will break, don't you think? " Brandon asked.

" Not if I kill each and everyone of them first. No one messes with my wife and my child. " my grip on the glass tightened shattering it into pieces.

Brandon swallowed looking at now bloody hand as the glass cut deep into it. Alana was going to throw a rant about this.

" The plan will start later today. I'm going home now, Alana has been left alone for too long. Also tell someone to clean up this mess. " I said rosing out of my chair.


" Wait. Aren't you going to tell me this plan of yours? " Brandon asked stopping me in my track.

" Not now, Brandon. " I said before stalking out of the room.

I drove like a mad man to the estate not liking the idea that my wife was alone even if she had bodyguards hanging around her all the time. We might not be the normal husband and wife but I did care for her so protecting her was my main priority.

I parked the car and looked around the property eyeing our new security system. I had put more men around and inside the estate, more security cameras and more coded gates which only insiders knew about. People would not go in or near the estate without my permission.

The last break in was no technical mistake, there had to be a fucking traitor, an insider to be exact. I trusted my security team there were no way intruders could get in without helps.

" You're back. " a pale looking Alana greeted as I walked into the living room.

She was sitting on the couch with Noel and Dean standing on both of her sides. All kind of fruits and juice were scattered over the glass table, a sight of this would give my mother a stroke because according to her no one should brought food into her living room especially not on her luxurious table.

" Are you feeling well, mi amor? " I asked with concerns.

" No. I think I'm going to die. " she sighed slumping her body to the couch.

I took a seat beside her pulling her weak body into my arms. Her health wasn't great at the moment. I remembered waking up to her vomiting in the middle of the night a couple of days ago, the sight completely broke my heart and I couldn't even do anything to help.

" Have you eaten anything at all? You looked extremely pale. " I said stroking her cheek.

" No. I'm starving but I can't eat. I will throw up the moment food touches my tongue. Your child is the pain in the ass. " Alana sobbed into my chest.

" I'm sorry, baby. I didn't know it could be this bad. " I soothed rubbing the small of her back gently.

She sighed in response burying her head deeper into my chest.

" My dear, Alana do you think you can eat this salad? You shouldn't have an empty stomach. " my mother came rushing in the room with a bowl of green salad.

Alana shook her head sighing at the sight of the salad. This caused my mother to frown slightly, truly concerned about her daughter in laws health.

" How about pizza? " Victoria ran inside holding a box of pizza up in front of our faces.


Alana once again shook her head and this time holding her fingers up pinching the bridge of nose clearly not wanting to smell the pizza.

" Do you want anything at all, baby? " I sighed rubbing her back.

" Yes. " she finally said after taking her sweet time thinking.

The three of us mother Victoria and I grinned at her response waiting to fulfill her wish.

" What is it, my dear? I will have someone get it right away. " mom said smiling while Victoria nodded eagerly.

" I want to throw up. " Alana blurted before rushing out of my grip to the bathroom.

" The girl needs to eat. " Victoria sighed slumping down onto the couch.

" She has been eating so little the pass month and I thought she was just busy with work. Who knows your child is the reason. " Victoria concerned for her friend.

" I hate the fact that I couldn't do anything to help at all. " I rubbed my temples in frustration.

Seeing her liked this made me second guess my decision of having many children. I didn't want to see my wife in such stage.

Damn. Now I sounded like a love sick puppy.

" The first trimester is the worst. You don't have to worry too much, son. It will be over soon. Just be there to get her anything instantly before she lost her appetite. " mother said patting my shoulder.

I nodded in response before following Alana into our bedroom. She was already laying on our bed, asleep with the duvet covering almost of her body. Well, at least she could get her sleep in peace. I pecked her forehead and went to get ready for bed.

I carefully slipped under the cover trying not to wake her up. My hand moved over to her stomach, getting under her shirt I started caressing the little bump gently.

" Be good to mommy, baby. I think you're supposed to make her hungry not make her lose her appetite, yeah? " I whispered to the little bump.

I finally managed to fall asleep after talking like a creep to our baby as Alana slept through the night totally unaware of our little secret conversations.

It was four in the morning when I felt someone poking my cheek. I stirred slightly to the disturbing touch before groaning and opening my eyes to match with the pair of baby blue orbs staring at me.

" Why are you awake? It's still early. " I said stroking my wife's cheeks fully awake now.

" I'm hungry. " she whispered.

My face broke into a big grin hearing this. Baby really did listen to daddy's request. I noted in my head to gift my child a bloody plane on its first birthday for being such a good kid.

" What do you want? I will go get it. " I asked grinning at her.

" I'm craving garlic ginger and mayonnaise. " Alana pouted.

What the actual fuck? Were we having the devil's child or something?

" Come again? " I asked not sure if I heard her correctly.

" Are you saying I'm weird? I'm having your child and your child wants that not me. " she said holding in her tears as her eyes were now becoming glassy.

Oh dear god. Alana was so sensitive these days. One wrong and I was doomed.

" No. You can have whatever you want, mi amor. I will go get it for you. " I said and she nodded now smiling.

Wow. These mood swings though.

I rushed down the staircase and into the kitchen. The chefs were already there preparing for the family breakfast so I asked them for the three horrible things that shouldn't have existed in the same era at all.

I then ran out of the kitchen with multiple garlics gingers and a jar of mayonnaise. The chefs did raised an eyebrow at me definitely judging the food combination but with a glare from me they fucked off and got out of my way.

" Brandon? " I asked as I saw a dark shadow running down the hallway.

" S-Seth? You're up? " he stuttered looking at me.

" Alana's hungry. " I shrugged eyeing him up and down.

He was dress in black clothes as if he didn't want to be seen in the dark. He had sweat dripping down his forehead as he looked anywhere but my face.

" What are you doing here at this hour? " I asked.

" E-er nothing. I forgot some paperwork in your office. I got to finish it today. " he said scratching the back of his head.

" Okay? Did you get it? " I asked cocking an eyebrow at him.

" Yes. I gotta go now. " he said rushing out the door not waiting for my response.

I pulled my phone out of my pants pocket and rang one of my men.

" Have your under boss followed right now. He's leaving the estate. Keep a close eyes on him. " I said before hanging up.

I walked back into our room and gave Alana her food. Watching her eat something for the first times in day made me sighed in relief even her choice of food was weird as fuck.

" What do you think about Brandon, baby? " I asked suddenly gaining her attention.


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