《Married To The Don》T W E N T Y- S E V E N


" You fucking asshole. How dare you? " I bursted into tears as my palm hit his cheek making a slapping sound.

All of my in laws including Brandon looked at me gaping at my sudden anger toward Seth. Victoria on the other hand leaned against the door frame with her arms across her breast grinning for ears to ears.

" I will not allow you to lose your fucking memories, hell do you need me to slap it back into your head? " I screamed between my sobs.

Gosh. I felt like a damn psychopath but whatever.

" Alana, you know he can't control this kind of things. He didn't ask to lose his memory. " Brandon protested. I glared at him before turning back to my pathetic excuse of a husband.

" Brandon is right. " Seth shrugged. What the fuck?

" How the hell can he remember all of you but not me? " I glared.

" You better remember me right now or I will gladly detach your dick from your balls cut it in haft shove haft of it up your ass and the other haft down your fucking throat. "

" How dare you ask me who am i after you impregnated me? You horrible bastard. " I sobbed hitting his chest not caring if he was hurt.

" W-What did you just say, mi amor? " he asked catching my arms mid air.

I looked at him in confusion before bursting into tears once again. I was all over the place. I had to deal with all the works and then found out I was pregnant right after and to top it all off my husband didn't even remember me but now he was acting like he knew me. What was this?

" I'm pregnant. " I cried out earning gasps all around the room.

" So much for keeping it a secret. " I heard Victoria scoffed under her breath. I could see her rolling her eyes from here.


Seth's face broke into a full grin showing off his dimples before he pulled me into his chest kissing my head while whispering sweet nothing into my ears.

" By the way, he was only joking when he asked you who you are. If you haven't noticed. The bastard didn't forget a thing. " Sebastian cleared out the confusion.

" And, Amen to his dick. " Brandon added laughing.

Well. Thank you for only clearing the confusion after I slapped your brother, kind sir.

" I'm going to be a father. Gosh. Thank you so much, baby. " Seth chuckled pecking my lips.

" Look at him. Your son is whipped. " Steven laughed putting an arm over his wife's shoulders. Gianna nodded at her husband in response as she continued to stare at us in awed.

Seth and I stayed in the same position for a very long time both not wanting to let one another go, we had been separated for the last few days and it had not been that great for me.

" I can't believe there will be a new addition to our family soon. I'm going to be a fucking aunt. " Victoria squealed hugging Gianna who seemed to have burst into tears.

" We're going to be grandparents. " she cried at her husband earning a grin from him.

Gosh. So much tears. Looking at her crying I felt like I wanted to cry again.

" I thought I would never see the day the Don expecting his baby. " Brandon chuckled giving Seth a side way bro hug because I was kinda in the way.

" I'm happy to be an uncle but man your pull out game is weak as fuck. " Sebastian said jokingly.

Gianna smacked the back of her youngest son head the moment he finished his sentence.

Victoria burst out into a fit of laughters with Brandon joining in soon after. I buried my head into Seth's chest totally embarrassed, wishing that the ground would just opened up and swallowed me.


" I meant I could pull out but why would I want to? That is a broke ass irresponsible men move. I was ready to have a child and can actually afford a child unlike somebody who's still spending Daddy's money. " Seth chuckled as he pulled me into his laps.

" Your adulting game is weak as fuck, mate. " he continued.

" Your brother ain't wrong, Seb. " Steven shrugged backing his elder son up.

" Why you're coming at my son like that? " Gianna giggled pulling pouting Sebastian for a hug.

Our family stayed inside the room for a few hours talking and gushing around about the bundle of joys in my belly. Gosh. I was overwhelmed with all the smiles happy tears and laughters but for the first time in my existence I felt warmth and happy.

Having a full family liked this had always been my dream as I had never had this kind of family moments, the family I was supposed to grow up with had been broken after my father and mother divorced and all.

These were all new for me. And, I couldn't be more grateful that I had a chance to experience this.

" How are you feeling, baby? " Seth asked running his hand up and down my back as I sat on his laps.

He acted like he hadn't been shot on the leg. This man was insane.

" Okay. Just overwhelmed. " I said.

Everyone had left us alone giving us the privacy that we both had silently longed for.

" You know I heard everything you said? Your health wasn't that great at the moment hmm? " he asked.

" I'm fine that you're up now. " I grinned.

" Are you happy to have your handsome husband back? Or are you just happy to give my job back to me? " he chuckled pressing me closer to his chest.

" Both. " I said smiling.

" Heard you did a really great job running the empire. Dad couldn't stop praising you despite Brandon's complains that you're a worse boss than me being grumpy and all. "

" Don't listen to a thing Brandon said. He's a liar. " I said pouting.

" Sure. " Seth chuckled sarcastically.

" I had missed you. " he exhaled making my stomach stirred slightly.

" I had missed you too. " I said and he nodded tightening his grip on me.

We stayed in the same position for what seemed like hours in silence not uttering a word just listening to the beeping sound on the machine and to the rhythm of our heartbeats.

His strong arms wrapped around my body liked I could disappear if he let go. My head was pressed against his chest and arms around his waist trying my best not to hurt his wound.

I was glad that I was finally home again. I thought taking a deep breath enjoy the moment while it lasted before returning back to reality we both had to face sooner or later.


I looked at the husband and wife holding on to one another for dear life through the glass door that separating me from them with anger raging through my vein.

" Enjoy it while you can. " I gritted under my breath before storming off down the hallway.

I swore with my life to break the both of them apart no matter what it took not even if it was my pride.

" Hello? " I said bringing the phone closer to my ears as I stepped out of the estate.

" I have made my decision. I will continue working for you. " I said before hanging up the phone.


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