《Married To The Don》T W E N T Y- S I X


" What the hell, Vic? " I sighed rubbing my temples as I stood up from my seat.

The girl had just poured her whole cup of tea on my blouse creating a big yellow stain. God. It wasn't my day today, was it?

I turned my head toward Victoria before raising an eyebrow at her. She was standing there holding her empty staring and scanning me up and down for what seemed like hours before her face turned into pure shock.

" Come with me. I need to talk to you. " she squealed taking my hand into hers before pulling me out of the room leaving Brandon to do all the documents alone.

The guy was so lost in his work that he didn't even notice us leaving.

Victoria basically dragged me into the nearest room possible and shut the door before turning back to scan my body once again. I watched her absorb every inches of my body until her eyes landed on my stomach.

Feeling uncomfortable and insecure I put my arms around the area trying to hide as much of it as possible.

" You do look a little chubbier. " she said rubbing her chin.

What the hell? Who said that to a woman? I glared daggers at her causing her to smile apologetic at me.

" Describe to me your dream sandwich right now? " she said resting her hands on both of her hips.

" What? You're acting weird, Vic. I want to finished those stupid documents right now not describe a fucking sandwich. " I scoffed.

" Are you hungry? " she asked.

" Of course yes. I haven't eaten since this morning. I would really love a banana bread sandwich with nutella ham lettuce a slice of tomato and bacon right now. " I blabbered out in my one breath.

Victoria looked at me liked she had just seen ghost.

" What? " I groaned.

" That explain the lavender scented candle I lighted a few days ago. I knew it doesn't smell like shit. " she said looking liked she was in a deep thought.

" What are you on about? Look I want to take a shower. I smelled like tea. You're being weird. " I scoffed.

" And, you're definitely pregnant. " she squealed hugging me.

Pregnant ? A baby? What?

" Come again? " I said in a low voice trying to process what she was telling me.

" You have been really grumpy lately. And, don't get me started with your temper. You shot a guy because he brought you your fucking tea thirty seconds late. "


" But, let's go to the hospital to be sure. "

Without waiting for my response Victoria dragged me into her car and sped off to the hospital and because of my shock stage, I just let her did whatever the hell she wanted.

Could I really be having a child?

Victoria parked her car inside the hospital parking spot. Looking around to see if anyone was there, she handed me a spare sweatshirt in her car muttering the word change. I took my stained blouse off revealing my bare stomach.

Sitting in only my bra I turned my gaze down and stared at the now exposed stomach. Victoria followed my gaze then stopped at the same exact spot. This went on for what seemed like hours before we both snapped back into reality.

" Holy shit. That's definitely a fucking bump. " she squealed.

" If I was really pregnant, I don't think i was supposed to be showing at this early stage. You're imagining shits. " I scoffed pulling the sweater over my head.

There was indeed a tiniest hard looking bump on my stomach if you really looked very closely and really carefully. But, I just couldn't believe the fact that I might be pregnant right now.

Seth and I planned to have children, yes. But, not right now. Not when there was a death sentence on the father's head.

And, definitely not when we still couldn't figure our relationship out. How would we love a child when we couldn't even love each other?

" Congratulations, Mrs Salvatore. You're almost six weeks pregnant. "

And that lady and gentleman was when I burst out into tears liked a mad woman not caring who was watching me.

" I'm fucked. I'm so fucked. " I cried hugging Victoria as the doctor walked out of the room giving us some space.

" Obviously. You're pregnant. " she grinned patting my back.

" Now is not the time to joke around. " I sobbed.

" We barely know each other. And, we just got married for fuck sake. How are we going to take care of a child? " I said between my sob.

" The idiot is in a coma for god sakes. I can't do this alone. " I sobbed.

" You're going to do just fine. I will be there for you with each and every steps. Seth will be there. The whole family will be there, Lana. You don't have to worry about a thing. " she said smiling.


" I'm going to be a mother. " I said quietly.

The thought of how my mother raised me made me cringed to my core. I swore with my life that I would never treat my child like that. This baby was going to be so loved.

Maybe this pregnancy was a miracle to fulfill our marriage, we would bond to love each other by this little child inside of me, just maybe.

" I'm going to be an aunt. " Victoria squealed jumping up and down.

" But man, did my brother move fast. Seth just couldn't take his hands off you, could he huh? " she then chuckled earning a slap from me.

" Keep this a secret for now. " I said taking away the smile on her face.

" What? No. We are so going to celebrate this little Salvatore. " she shook her head in disagreement.

" Not until I knocked your stupid brother out. That bastard knocked me up. "

" We have a deal. Knock him out then we celebrate. " Victoria laughed taking my hand for a handshake.

Let's just hope no enemy of ours found out about our child for now. I would do literally anything to protect my child.

Victoria and I then paid off the doctor to change my test results from pregnant to just a food poison just in case someone followed us here.

" Take this money. And, if someone else beside the two of us know about this be prepared to kiss your life and your family lives goodbye. You have heard my surname before, haven't you? " I said handing her an envelope containing a hundred thousand pounds.

Because Victoria had a couple of hundred thousand pounds laying around in her purse and her car. Stupid rich people, they were extra as fuck.

The doctor nodded her head furiously before swearing to never utter a word about this little information.

" Come on, genius. Let's go back to the estate. Seb just called your husband dearest woke up from his little nap. " Victoria beamed taking my hand in hers rushing out of the hospital.

My heart was pounding in excitement as my face broke into a big grin. He finally woke up. After all this time. Which meant I wouldn't have to deal with his work anymore.

I pushed the door opened revealing my smiling in laws obviously happy that their son and brother had finally woke up. My eyes traveled through the room before meeting the grey orbs that I had missed so much these passing weeks.

He was sat on the hard uncomfortable bed with lesser tubes attached to his body, the bruises had been fading away, but he was still looking as handsome as ever. I was expecting something liked a smile from him when we matched eyes but to my disappointment he just held a confused expression on his face with one of his eyebrow raised at me.

" Who are you? " he asked making my heart dropped to my stomach.


" Why was she here? " the person in black leather threatened the poor doctor with a knife pressing to her neck.

" Exposing my patient privacy is against the hospital rule. I can't tell you, I'm sorry. " the young doctor said slightly shaking.

She came into work together expecting a normal day liked every other day that she worked here, but everything went downhill. First, diagnosed the famous Madam Salvatore with pregnancy and then threatened not to tell a single soul.

And now, this person was hoping for the answer that she couldn't say. The doctor herself must admit that Madam Salvatore was a genius and knew what was she doing, she knew someone would come and asked about her pregnancy.

She must be in some danger if the news was broken out maybe that was why she was so keened on keeping it a secret, it was the least she could as a doctor protecting the soon be mother and an innocent child by keeping her mouth shut.

" Tell me if you don't want your family and yourself to die in my hand. " the person in leather threatened her once against adding the pressure to her neck.

She was an orphan for screaming out loud. The doctor mentally snapped in her head.

" J-just an upset stomach. " the doctor breathed out.

" That wasn't hard, was it? " the person chuckled pushing the doctor toward her desk.

" Don't tell a single soul about this. " the person said before walking out of the room thanking god that the woman wasn't pregnant liked he or she had assumed.



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