《Married To The Don》S E V E N T E E N


" Your invitations, ma'am? " the guard at the front door said as Victoria and I got out of the car.

" We're Brandon's friends. " Victoria said impatiently.

" Name? " he asked glaring at us.

I was impressed by Brandon's security, no one could snuck a metallic substance in, it was a weapon free party. I thought pulling my skirt down trying to feel the gun strapped to my inner thigh, that I had snuggled in successfully.

" Alana Salvatore. " I said.

" D-don Salvatore's wife? " the big scary looking man somehow didn't look so scary anymore as he trembled across his words.

" Damn right she is. Now, move. " Victoria said shoving pass him into the house with me.

We walked into a club-like party. Everywhere was colorful just as the lights in nightclub, people were drinking and dancing grinding on one another. I looked at the party in disgust, I had never been a party type of girl.

I spent my college time that was supposed to be my wild years, studying my ass off and practicing with mother to become a decent wife for a respectful man she thought he was.

" Can we go home now? " I asked still looking around.

" We got here a second ago, silly. " Victoria giggled handing me a drink.

Where did she get that from?

I looked at the alcohol in disgust before taking the glass filled with yellow liquid in my hand, was this champagne?

" I don't drink, V. " I confessed studying the glass.

" Consider it a boost of confidence to deal with Seth later. " she said encouraging me.

" I think I have enough confidence in me. " I shrugged but drinking the sinful liquid anyway.

Mother would never approved of this. A decent lady shouldn't drink. Her words echoed in my head as the burning liquid poured down my throat.


" That's my girl. Now, let's go upstairs. I think I spotted them. " Victoria said pulling me to God knew where.

We walked into a more private area on the first floor, my eyes scanned around the room trying to spot a certain pair of grey eyes, there was a circular couch in the corner of the dimly lighted room, with a big marble round table in the middle, sitting at the very end of the couch was Brandon King, the host of the party, a square glass in his left hand, and a skinny girl on his laps.

Victoria intensely shot daggers at the two as she tightened her grip on her champagne glass.

My eyes snapped back to the Greek God figure in the middle of the couch, I spotted him before he found me, there was my so called husband sitting in all his powerful glory with a girl on his laps drinking carelessly without a care in the world.

I grabbed Victoria's hand and walked toward the four. Our heels clicking against the polished floor snapping their attentions toward the sounds.

Seth's eyes found mine first before he trailed his gaze down from my neck to my feet then trailed back up again to hold my gaze. His sharp jaw tightened while his grey orbs darkened a little.

" Nice party, Brandon. " I said plopping myself on the couch with Victoria.

Brandon's eyes snapped from her before answering me.

" Nice to finally meet you properly, Alana. " he said.

" Likewise. "

" Not to be rude. But, why are you here? " he asked.

" V and I were out at a club with some friends until she told me that you're hosting a party. So, we ditched and came here. " I shrugged crossing my legs making sure that Seth would get a full view.


" You wear that out? " Seth barked.

I felt his burning gaze lingering on me but I brushed it off ignoring his existence.

" Damn right she did, get out of the house, stroll around the city, dinner at a restaurant, dancing in the club, all in this. " Victoria smirked at her boiling cousin.

" Talia leave. " he said with a stern looks on his face.

" What? Why? " the girl asked putting her head on his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

" Because his wife is here, duh. " Victoria said looking at the girl blankly.

" Eh. She can stay, we're leaving. " I said getting up only to be grabbed and pulled back.

I let out a groan as my head hit a hard chest before opening my eyes. Seth was looking at me with an unreadable expression on his face, we were having a heated staring competition for a few seconds, I only turned my gaze to the brunette haired who was now on the floor when she let out a scream.

Seth must have shoved her off him when I got up.

" I told you to leave. " he said.

" You can't just go to her and leave me. " she screamed in her high pitch voice.

" Jesus Christ. Leave before I shove my heels up your plastic ass. " Victoria snarled in annoyance.

Tarissa got up and left after this but not before sending glares my way, liked I just stole her man not the other way round.

" Get your pathetic arms off me. " I growled snatching Seth's arms off my waist.

" That's my girl. " Victoria whistled.

" Let's go we need to talk. " Seth said standing with my wrist in his hand.

" Nah. " I said shaking my head.

" Mi amor, get up. " he gritted his teeth.

I glared at him before crossing my arms over my chest. So, he wanted to talk huh. After, a whole week of disappearing on his own wife without explanation, he wanted me to go with him. The nerves of this guy.

" You're not leaving? " he asked with a stern look.

I shook my head.

" Brandon and Victoria out now. " he snapped at the two.

Brandon looked at him in horror as he grabbed the flinching Victoria out of the room, leaving me alone with this stupid asshole.

" Didn't I tell you to go home before dark? " he asked.

" Why? You can have fun but why can't I? "

" I'm working not having fun. " he groaned running a hand through his soft hair.

" Working in a party? With haft naked Tarissa on your lap? " I scoffed looking at him in disbelief.

" Her father sent the attackers after us. I've been figuring it out the past week, that's why I haven't been home. I'm sorry. " he said kneeling in front of me.

" What? I thought you're business partners. "

" That's the point. He betrayed me by trying to hurt my wife, and no one betrayer of mine live. " Seth said taking my hands into his.

" I need to finish him. And, to do that I need to keep Talia, his daughter the only person that bastard cares about, close to me. "

" I need you to trust me, Alana. " he said kissing the back of my hands.



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