《Married To The Don》F I F T E E N


Why did I choose to wear this mini tight skirt today. I mentally groaned in my head. It had been a pain in the ass to run around in this. Well, technically I was on Seth's back for haft of the way here but still.

" Do you really like heels? " Seth asked out of nowhere.

We were sitting in front of a fire pit that he managed to make before it got even darker in this stupid forest.

" Why do you think I wear them? " I asked him with a blank expression on my face.

" Is it comfortable to run in? "

" Of course it's not, dumbass. " I rolled my eyes at him.

" First of all, don't roll your eyes at me and I'm not dumb. " he glared.


We sat in silence after that. I was shivering in my wet from head to toe clothes as it was drenched from the water. I held arms around my body trying to warm myself up but failed miserably.

" Are you scared of skin to skin contact? " Seth asked with a smirk on his face.

What a jerk.

" With you yes. " I said smiling.

" We have done more than that, mi amor. Don't be all shy now. " he said smirking.

Seriously, what was his relationship with the smirk?

" After today encounter with Talissa I'm a bit scared you know. What if I catch std from you. " I huffed.

" Talia. " he corrected.

" Whatever. " I scoffed.

" Come on you're cold. Let me hold you. " he offered.

I thought about it a for few seconds before I giving in. I meant don't blame me, his arms were warm and his chest was amazing, who would miss a cuddle session with Seth.


He pulled me onto his laps and wrapped his arms around me before looking down and gave me a full smile. A full fucking smile. I swore I almost turned into a jelly from that smile, it was so rare that I would do anything to bring it out.

" You have dimples. " I said poking his cheeks.

" What about it? " he huffed looking away.

My shy husband.

" It's gone. " I pouted as he stopped smiling.

" Bring it back. " I demanded.

" It just a dent in my cheeks, Alana. " he scoffed.

" Please. Pretty please. " I begged giving him my best puppy eyes.

" The things I do for you, mi amor. " he scoffed before giving me a smile.

I giggled while playing with his cheeks, to be honest I didn't even know I could giggle until today. This guy made me do weird things.

Ayla was right. Everyone was right. I was a reckless person, having no fear, and not even cared about my life at all. Here I was in a death penalty sitting comfortably on my husband's laps, talking and messing around with him liked we were on a camping date in the middle of nowhere.

Seth sighed snapping me out of my thought as he looked into space, trying to think of a way to get out of here, maybe.

" Do you have any idea how to get out of here? " I asked. He shook his head.

" We can't risk it and just run out without backup. They must be still looking around and we have no guns. " Seth sighed.

" I think I have a blade. " I gulped trying to look anywhere but his eyes.

I still had the blade that Ayla had given me on our wedding day. I never went anywhere without strapping it to my thigh, it somehow made me feel connected to my sister liked she was here with me, and that made me feel safe and secured.


" You think? " he asked cocking an eyebrow at me.

" The one blade you strapped to your body all the time? " he continued with a smirk on his face.


" I might have shamelessly eye-fucked you on our wedding day and every other days after that. "

" Perv. " I said hitting his chest.

" I'm your husband. " he stated.

" You don't have to rub that in. " I rolled my eyes at him playfully.

" Do you think a blade can over powered guns? " he asked mocking me. Bloody asshole.

" Yes if you're good enough. " I shrugged trying to sound cool.

He gave me an amused looks before laughing like a mad man.

What was I saying? It didn't stand a chance near all those guns but I would never allow this dumbass I called a husband to make fun of me.

" Go to sleep. " he said rubbing my back.

" You want me to sleep in this situation? " I asked looking at him in disbelief.

Who knew what could happen when we fell asleep.

" Sleep I will wake you up when they are here to pick us up. " he said.

" Huh? " I said dumbfounded.

" Brandon. I am sure he should have found out about our whereabouts by now, if not remind me to fire him later. " he shrugged.

" And, why do you think he has already found us? " I asked.

" I might have put two or three tracker on you. " he said scratching the back of his neck.

" You did what? " I almost screamed my lungs out.

" Look, I'm a genius to think about putting them on you alright. Look as us now, we might survived and get out of here, all thanks to my trackers. " he said.

" Where did you put those? In my body? " I asked in horror.

And, if he did when did he put it in? How did he even put it in without my knowledge, maybe because I slept like a dead person? No. That couldn't be right.

" Alana, calm down. The only thing that will be inside you is me. " he smirked making me glared at him.

My husband was the king of pervs.

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