《Madam Mafia》BC: Rose meets Ryder's Mom



My heart beats quick and hard in my chest. Sweat glistens off my forehead and my leg bounces off the balls of my feet. I chew on my lip as the car drives closer and closer to the airport.

This is fucking with my nerves. Badly.

Ryder glances at me while driving, chuckling.

"Rose relax, she doesn't bite." Ryder squeezes my leg with the hand on my lap. He likes grabbing my thigh too much, weirdo.

"Liar. " I whisper. If she rasied this loaf, she must bite and scratch.

We turn into the airport parking lot. Fuck. She's seconds away. What if she hates me? I have a habit of doing that to parental figures.

Ryder parks the car and we both hop out and make our way to the ever-crowded airport. We get inside and weave our way through the masses, searching for the exit of Christine's, Ryder's Mom, flight.

As much as Ryder talks about her, which is really not at all, I think I could recognize her. I already have a vague image of his mother.

A woman with dark brown hair and eyes, maybe few gray roots. Very serious, very intimidating and she might even scare me. I've only thought of the disapproving face she'll make when she sees me, so her body is a blur.

"It's here." Ryder says, stopping.

My foot bounces as we stand waiting. Ryder grabs my hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

I put on a smile and flash it at him. A hand hold isn't going to make this feeling go away. It's cute he cares though.

"There she is." Ryder pulls me along as my heart pounds quickly in my chest. This isn't even that big of a deal, she's human just like me.

Ryder drags us towards a petite little woman, dark brown hair and eyes. I called it.

"Mom!" He raises his voice a bit to catch her attention and she looks over, kind of... annoyed.


"Now you care about me? What happened the last month when you suddenly decided to move to a whole different continent for a girl?! Leaving me!" She walks up to him and scolds.

"Relax Mom, we hadn't lived together in a long time so I didn't leave you. But let me introduce you to-"

"You did leave me. I told you to go get her and come back, not to get stuck here." The woman glances my way and flinches, seeming to just notice me. I offer her a small wave, but she turns back to Ryder.

He sighs.

"Mom, this is Rose. The woman I love, ok? Rose, this is Christine, my mom." He gestures to me.

I could've say hi myself.

She finally turns and keeps her eyes on me. A stern frown stays constant on her lips as I reach out a hand to greet her.

She looks at my hand and scoffs, taking her luggage and walking away.

My arm falls to my side, defeated. I knew she would hate me. My jitters all leave me as disappointment and sadness sets in.

I just wanted Ryder's family to at least like me.

"Rose, don't let her get you down, she's just angry her son moved to Italy without telling her beforehand." Ryder wraps his arm around my shoulders and places a small peck on my lips.

I nod.

"Something like this wouldn't get me down." I smirk to him.

I'm crushed.

We follow his mother, and lead her to the vehicle we came in. She and Ryder talk among themselves, while I walk quietly besides them. This sucks.

We get in the car as Ryder throws her luggage in the back. Her gaze burns in to the side of my neck. For some reason she got in the back with me, instead of taking the passenger seat, I left for her. I won't question it.

We sit in silence.

Ryder hops back in the driver's seat and we get to driving back home.


She hates me. My mind repeats.

I lean against the car door and stare out into the city.

She hates me. Of course she does.

A sudden touch on my leg turns my head to look at Christine.

She holds her hand over her mouth and then burst out laughing.

Ryder looks back through the mirror at me and I shrug, glancing between her and Ryder, who pulls the car over.

"Mom?" Ryder asks.

She catches her breath and looks at us, still chuckling a bit. Her hand on my leg, now sits on the seat.

"I got you guys good!" Her laughs again.

"Huh?" I say.

"You looked like a sad puppy, oh my God I'm so sorry. I was going to keep it up until we got in the house but I couldn't hold it anymore." She beams at me.

I look to Ryder confused. He shakes his head at her, smiling as well.

"You're a kid, mom." He turns around and starts the car.

"What am I not getting?" I ask.

"I was just kidding, sweetheart." His mom says.

"Just kidding about what?" What is she saying?

"You know, walking off and acting like I didn't like you. I just wanted to see your reaction, and you were so adorable. I'm sorry."

I stare at her.

"So you do like me?"

"Of course honey. My son is in love with you. How could I rain on that parade? You seem like a really nice girl. If someone had ignored my handshake, I would've said something but you just...put your hand down and got really quiet. I'm so sorry, come here." She grabs and pulls me in for a hug, wrapping her arms around me.

I hug her back, as my heart warms with relief. She does like me.

She's a funny woman. I see why Ryder is so quick to touch me now, he wasn't raised to be standoffish.

She pulls back and looks me in my eyes.

"I can tell how much you love my son by how sad you were when I seemed not to like you. Besides whenever I call Ryder, you are all he goes on about." She pinches my cheek and I smile.

"Really? He talks about me?" I ask her, scooching closer to her.

"Yeah, a lot. Like how much he-"

"Mom! Can you please not?" Ryder complains from the front seat.

"If you're mad about this, you'll lose it knowing I brought all your baby pictures." She tells him.

"Mom, you're embarrassing me."

"This is just the start." She holds my hands.

I laugh. I've never seen this side of Ryder.

"But seriously, thank you." She whispers to me.

"About what?"

"My son completely fell into a depression when his father died and since meeting you, his spirits are better than ever." She tears up a little, trying to keep her voice low but I'm sure Ryder hears everything.

"Your son is the one who saved me actually, so thank you for raising him to be the man he is. I'm really glad to fucking meet you."

She smiles at me as a tear falls down her cheek, I pull her into my chest.

Ryder smiles at us as well, not keeping his eyes on the road. Stupid.

I tightened my hold on Christine.

Thank you for giving birth to the stupid love of my life.


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Go read my book Psycho Love here on Wattpad. Actually please read it on Inkitt!!!! Link is in my bio!!! ( It's called Psycho there)

If you love a good story with two serial killers obsessed with one another, Psycho got youuuuu.

Link in bio!!!!

Thanks for da love.


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