《Madam Mafia》BC: The Birth of Adam


Really long chap


"What the fuck?!" I punch the wall beside me.

Christine laughs.

"It's not funny. I'm about to lose my mind." I glare at her.

"I've been pregnant before Rose, as much as you love your bundle of joy, the ninth month feels a bit dragged. Come sit down." She smiles softly, gesturing to the leather seat to her right.

My huge baby bump tries to work against me as I make my way to my dining table. It's so much work.

"I feel so useless. I can't help out at all. I'm always either mad at something or really forgiving. I love my baby boy but damn, he kicks the fuck outta me all the time now." I sit back on the chair and look towards her.

"You love it, don't you?"

"It's really cute. He'll be strong. But still..." I sigh.

"You're going to be a great mother, the baby is due any day now so the wait won't be long." She assures me, grabbing my hand.

"I hope so. I just want him out of me already, so I can hold him. Teach him. He'll be so loved." I rub my bump, looking down at him.

"Of course he will. I can't wait to meet him, all of us can't wait."

I nod, lifting my eyes to meet hers with a smile.

"I'm hungry. My snacks aren't here. If you look in my pantry, all you'll see is tortilla chips, tons of ranch for some salad, chocolate chip cookies, and this cookie that's made 3 blocks from here. I checked before I came. That's how crazy these cravings are." I roll my eyes.

He's such a fat baby.

"Is he craving that cookie right now?" She smiles, getting up.

"You have no idea. My hormones are making me feel like I need it, I'm bout to start bitching in a few minutes." So seriously.

"I could go get some really quick. You want to come with me?" She grabs her coat off the rack, going into the living room.

"My ankles ache, so no I'll sit this one out. Thank you so much, I'm about to die."

"I'll be right back. Call me if anything happens." She leaves and shuts the door behind her.

I sigh and try to get up. I need some water.

Looking around my mother in law's home, I smile softly. Ever since I got too pregnant to do anything, I've been stuck over here. I hate the feeling of being too useless to do my job, run our group.

Ryder's been so busy nowadays and yet he still comes home and stays up with me. I can see him wearing down.

I take slow steps to the kitchen, keeping my hands on my back and cautiously moving.

I reach the fridge and grab a cold bottle of spring water. If I was at home, the members of our group would've fought to get me this. Like I can't walk or something. I can't let them follow me here, I'd break something trying to get them away from me.

I wobble to the living room and sit down on the white leather couch. Grabbing the remote, I turn on the news channel. It keeps me feeling useful.

"Ugh!" A stabbing feeling echos from my pelvis area. I drop my water and spill it all over myself and the floor.

"Damn." I seethe out and take a deep breath.

Calm down, baby. The kicks are getting really aggressive.


I look around and groan. I made a fucking mess.

I wipe the front of my dress and get up to get the mop.

Another pang of pain guts me and I double over. What the fuck? It's never been this bad.

The water all over me seems to spill more on the ground as I make my way back to the kitchen. I look behind me and gasp.

A trail of water, too much to be from the bottle, follows me.

My heart races as everything sounds out and the only thing conscious to me is my baby.

I'm going into labor right now.

Another strong pang of pain confirms my thoughts and I can barely breathe. Shit. Fuck. Woah. This is the worst timing ever.

I have to go to the hospital.

The pain is constant now, no one's here to help me. I have to do this myself.

I groan, turning around to head towards my car outside.

I grab my keys, grudgingly, trying to breathe as the contractions come faster and stronger.

Just fucking move. You have to go. The baby is here, he's ready, so you have to be ready too. Let's go.

I make it to the front door, get out and walk out to my car. My body screams with hurt but I unlock the door and slowly move into the car.

I pull my phone from my bra, starting the car and speed dialing Ryder.

I take a couple of deep breaths, pulling out of the driveway, and speeding out towards the hospital.

"Rose?" Ryder answers.

"The...baby, he's coming." The line for silent for a couple of seconds, but then is broken by a loud intake of breath.

"Where are you?" He asks, sounding increasingly worried.

"I'm- driving to- ughh- Santa Maria Hospital, meet me there." I manage to say.

"You're driving? What? Meet you? Rose, are you alone right now? Wait ok, let me- oh God, Rose-"

"Take a- deep breath Ryder, just go there, I'll be there. I'm pulling- into the hospital right now. I have- to go." I breathe out, ending the phone call.

I pull up in front of the emergency entrance and hop out the car. I drag myself through the doors, running on adrenaline.

"Can you guys get someone to help me! Fuck!" I groan out and quickly I'm surrounded by nurses and put on a bed. They roll me to some room and relief spreads throughout me.

I made it.

But everything's just begun.


I rush into the hospital and up to the counter.

"Where the patient Rose Brown?" My legs shake and I can't control the twitching all across my body.

I'm late. I'm so late, I should've been glued to her side this week. The baby was due 2 days from today.

"Yes, take a left there and she should be in room 242-" I dash off in the direction the person points to.

I round the corner, sprinting pass the small lobby and into room 242.

I burst into the room to see Rose with her eyes shut tightly while she breathes in deeply.

"Um, who are you sir?" Some nurse asks.

"Her husband."

Rose's eyes open and she narrows them at me.

The tension in my body relaxes a tiny bit. I'm here.

"Ryder, come right the fuck next to me, right now!" She groans out, sweat glistening off her forehead.

"Of course." I murmur to myself, running over and sitting down on the small stub there.

Rose grabs my hand and digs her fingernails into it, grunting in pain.


"This is all your fucking fault. Shit. Why the fuck do I have to give birth? Why couldn't you? Bitch. Bitch!" Rose shouts, turning her head to face me.

"I'm sorry baby. If I could, I would. I promise I would." I say. I squeeze her hand. I mean it.

Her eyes shine as the tears in them gather in them. My jaw clenches.

"Ryder, this hurts like a bitch."

"Yes baby, I know."

"But I'm not no bitch."

"Of course honey."

"So I can do this."

"Fuck yes you can."

She nods, smiling weakly. She takes a deep breath and exhales.

"That's right Rose breathe." I take a deep breath with her and we exhale together.

We do that a couple of times, as we had done in the months prior, practicing for this moment.

The door burst open and my mom stumbles in. She sees Rose and cries.

"Rose, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." She comes up to the other side of the bed and snatches Rose's other hand.

"It's fine. My baby already likes- to prank his grandma." She stifles a grunt.

"Kakakaka." A sound I'm all too familiar with comes out my mother's mouth. Her horrible laugh.

Usually I'd comment on it but not today.

My boy's here. He's coming. After all we went through to protect him, he's coming.

I'm going to get to hold him in my arms.

I give Rose's hand another squeeze.

"Our baby's here, Rose. Thank you."

"Thank me after he's delivered. I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I kiss her forehead, not minding the sweat. It's beautiful. She's so beautiful.

A knock sounds at the door and the nurse opens it to reveal, Ethan, Lily, Lucas, and Will at the door. Caleb stands behind them.

"Move!" Caleb shouts, pushing pass all of them.

He goes to the side my mother's on and grabs Rose's hand from her. It's at times like these that I get to see Caleb's feelings for my wife.

I know he still loves her.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"No Caleb, I'm fucking not."

"Just breathe ok? I'm here. I-I mean, w-we're all here." He blinks rapidly while stuttering.

"Thank you, guys." Rose relaxes for a second as it seems the contractions have stopped for now. I stroke the back of her hand with my thumb.

"What stage is she in?" Lily asks from the door to the doctor.

"Active. From the rate of her contractions, I'd give her a couple of hours before she hits Transition."

"Thank you." She says.

A couple more hours, huh?

I look back over at Rose and the guys talking.

She groans in pain, grins and breathes. Every time she hurts, I hurt.

A couple of stressful hours.


Time flies by, a lot of cussing, sharp stabbing pain in my back, hips, every where.

The doctor comes back into the room, after having left for a while. Ryder pauses my massage and looks up at him.

"Don't stop." I say.

"Oh, yeah of course baby." He resumes.

He's been acting so sweet, not even like usual but in a 'she's fragile' type of way.

I don't hate it. He might just have to keep this energy the rest of our lives.

He speaks with the doctor.

The pain peaks, as it did 5 seconds ago, again. They're coming so much faster now. Fuck, ugh.

My heart pounds hard in my chest and I feel it echo throughout my whole body.

A surge hits.

"I think I have to push now." I whisper.

"What?" Ryder ask.

Another surge hits me. Stronger.

"Now! Right now!" I scream, getting in position.

The doctor checks my pelvis area and nods.

"Ok Rose, you can do this." Ryder starts breathing just as hard as I am.

I begin panting and doing the breathing techniques I've practice the last couple of months.

Ryder holds my hand tight, as the doctor slips on some gloves and gets in front of me. Two nurses stand beside him.

I feel the head of my baby, urging to out.

"Ok, push." The doctor says.

I tense my muscles and squeeze. I groan out and look to Ryder.

He blinks, sweating almost as much as I am with tears in his eyes. He leans in close, putting his forehead on mine, while the tips of our noses touch. I close my eyes.

"You can do this baby." He whispers, gently putting his lips on mine. He pulls away. My heart warms.

I'm doing this for us. This is our family. I can do this.

"Get him the fuck out of me!" I scream, pushing my hardest.

I push again and again and again. Ryder by my side, pretty much in tears encouraging me, wide-eyed at the sight of childbirth.

I been up and down the moon for this child. Ankles swollen. Mood crazy. Life bed bound. He's coming out and it's happening right now!

I scream out, putting my last bit of everything into the push.

Finally, a loud crying sound fills the room and I relax.

I did it.

Tears flow onto my cheeks.

Ryder stands up, planting kisses all over my face, eyes filled with his own tears.

I weakly laugh, as he grabs my whole face and press a long peck on my lips.

Lily stands in the corner of the room, staring at the child in the doctor's arms.

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" Ryder looks at me and I attempt to roll my eyes, nodding. He staggers up and I watch as he glances between me and the baby.

The doctor shows him where to cut and Ryder shakes as the scissors are put in his hands.

"Hurry up. I want hold our baby." I breathe out. Ryder cuts through it and the doctor gives the baby to a nurse to wrap. Ryder comes back to my side, eyes still wide.

"He's beautiful, Rose. So beautiful. I love you so much. Thank you." I lay a hand on his cheek and smile.

"Of course he is. I love you too."

The nurse comes over with our baby and gently puts him in my arms.

Caleb, Ethan, Lucas, Will, Christine, and Lily gather around me. They had been vocal during the process as well but only Ryder's voice reached me. Weird but expected.

The baby stares up at me, innocent and tiny.

I can't help but stare back.

"He's so cute." Lily says.

"He has his Mom's eyes." Caleb adds.

I softly pull the baby's arm from the wrap and he immediately grabs my finger.

I guess I'm stuck here forever cause he's too adorable to let go of.

"He's strong like his parents, look at that grip. Damn." Ethan says.

"Language around the baby, idiot." Lucas smacks him upside his head.

"He'll be cussing up a storm by 4 years old, just like his Dad." Christine says.

Ryder laughs and holds the baby's hand, holding my finger.

"Adam. Let's call him Adam." Ryder says, kissing my cheek and the baby's.

"Like the Bible?" Caleb asks.

"Sure. That's perfect." I agree with Ryder.

"No, like the name. He's our Adam." I smile at his words.

This new addition to our family is going to stir things up, just wait till the whole group sees him.

I can't wait to see him grow and become his own person.

Our Adam.




So yea ik it's 2 am (NY) but I just wanted this out. Love y'all. Happy love day.

Any other bonus chapters? Request them here!


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