《Madam Mafia》BC: Wedding



My heart races as I sit across from Ryder.

"Are you sure we're not rushing this?"

"Why would we wait any longer?"

"It's only been a week and a half."

"Do you not want to?"

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't say you did either."

I sigh, and reach across our bed to grab his hand.

"I already said yes when I agreed to marry you."

Ryder pouts and turns my hand in his to hold it back.

"You're pregnant and the next year of our lives is going to be hectic, everything's already been arranged." He squeezes my hand.

It's not like I'm opposed to it, I want to but I want it to be thought out. Something we'll never forget.

"You just want to throw something together and expect me to love it. Ryder, it feels like you're just trying to get it over with." I never talk like this, I hate being pregnant.

"You're right." He says.

My mind blanks and I try to slip my hand out of his, but he holds on.

"I can't wait for you to be mine. I know we're already together, but this feels so fragile to me. I want marriage so I can finally call you my wife. That word comes close to the way I see you in my life, who you are to me." He leans in.

Sunlight shines through me and I look to my side. He always knows what to say.

If you look at it that way...yeah I'm ready to cuff him.

"Once we say I do, you can't get away from me. You're stuck with me forever, Ryder."

"That sounds like a dream, Rose. I can't wait." He lays down and pulls me gently down with him.

"You really wanna get married by the end of this week, though?" I ask, getting settled within his arms.

"Is that cool with you?" He asks, looking a little cautious.

I put my cheek against his chest and smile.

"It's perfect."


"Christine, please not so tight, I'm 2 months pregnant, remember?" I wince at Ryder's mother as she tightens my dress.

"Today's the big day, Rose, suck it up." She says, loosening the ties.

"Yeah sure." I chuckle.

"That should be great then. Aw, darling, you're beautiful." She takes a couple steps back as I turn to face her.


My hair still has to be done but looking in the mirror, it's not too bad.

I take a deep breath and let out an even bigger sigh.

"What if this isn't enough? What if everything's a disaster? What do I do?"

"Honey, c'mere."

I walk into her arms. She's become a mother to me over the short time I've met her, and given me the motherly warmth I never had.

"I don't care if he leaves me after he realizes he doesn't want to spend the rest of this life with me." I lie. I'm used to people leaving me. Who says he won't too?

"Oh Rose, you know Ryder. He loves you and you love him. I've never seen my little boy care so much about someone. You're starting a family together. Trust him." She holds me tight and I nod.

Ryder's always been there. I can't imagine my life without him.

I smile and pull away.

"You're right. As usual." If there's one woman who can order me around, it's her. She does my job better than me, the boys know not to even try to bitch her.

"Let's hurry up and get out there, don't want to keep my son waiting. He'll show up here."

We laugh. He would.

"Yeah, let's go."

Finally marrying the love of my life and I couldn't be more terrified or excited. I can't tell which feeling it is right now.

My body is so full of jitters, every move I make looks like a dance move.

Fuck, I'm so lame. Rose'll laugh at me.

I take a deep breath for the 100th time today. It's supposed to calm you down. It's not working.

"Ryder, are you okay?" Will laughs, standing beside me alongside with Ethan, Lucas, and Caleb.

"Ha-ha, shut up."

"No, for real though, you're all shakey." Lucas adds. He's the only one I know cares and would show it.

"Nervous." I take another breath.

"Stop being a bitch. You know Rose hates that shit." Ethan comments.

"I'm already on edge, don't push me over it. Lily, tell him to suck my toes." I say, and she snickers.

Lily and a few of the females in the group were selected as Rose's bridesmaids.

"Don't drag her into this." Ethan rolls his eyes.

"Ethan, suck his toes." She states, smirking.

"I see Rose has been a great influence on you." I chuckle.


"Lily!" Ethan starts.

The door opens and the room is hushed immediately. My heart jumps to my throat and I begin breathing a little harder.

The music plays softly and Rose, arm and arm with my mother, walks in. I stare in awe.

Her veil covers her face but the smile under it can't be hidden, while her mermaid tail dress fits her body, showing off all her curves then flowing out at the bottom.

I've never seen anyone so beautiful.

As she takes slow steps towards me, our memories like a slideshow flash through my mind and I can't help the moisture that comes to my eyes.

She's been taken away from me, again and again, but today I can finally say she's mine and I'm hers. We're becoming one.

The world disappears behind her and I can only watch her moving figure as it comes towards me.

Something wet falls on my face and I wipe it away from my cheek. I absently feel the moisture on my fingers but can't look away.

My mother lets her go and my eyes follow as she comes and stands in front of me.

She looks at me and a small irk of her lips brings me back to the moment. I'm getting married. I'm marrying Rose.

My smile grows huge.

"Are you crying, Ryder?" She whispers with a bit of amusement in her voice.

"Huh?" I suddenly realize the moisture from before was a tear. I was crying. No way.

A blink brings another tear down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. My face feels warm.

I'm such a punk.

Rose chuckles.

"Don't be too embarrassed, I'm just as happy." She breathes out.

The ceremony begins before I can say anything.

The priest goes through the readings and a bunch of stuff, I don't pay any attention to. Rose's constantly shifting expressions give me much more joy.

"...and now you may say your vows."

"Ryder, as much as you piss me off, I can't imagine my life without you. We've been through so much together and even though we should've left each other ages ago, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life together with my best friend. Thank you."

I stand stunned, unable to process any of my emotions. I feel choked up.

"And you Ryder?"

"When I met you, I thought I'd met some girl who annoyed the hell outta me, but now I know it's because I met my match. My soulmate. Rose, you came into my life at a time I didn't think I really needed anyone, and made yourself one of the strongest pillars in my life. I'll never let you go and I hope to build a life with you that lasts longer than our lives, something that goes into death."

It sounds crazy but the limits of life scare me. Our lifestyle will put us in danger and knowing that that chance is there, makes me want to fight it.

This is the best way I can. Declaring us truly together forever in the face of whoever out there that dares challenge it.

Rose nods and I can see the determined gleam from her eyes.

"Do you Ryder take Rose as your lawfully wed wife? Through sickness and health?..." His voice fades off and I can't wait to whisper the words.

"I do." I say, after he finally finishes.

Rose beams at me and I never want to stop looking at it.

"And do you Rose take Ryder as your-"

"I do!" She cuts him off and jumps into my arms, kissing me.

The crowd laughs and cheers, while I hold her in my arms, deepening the kiss, as each second passes.

Soon enough the cheers quiet down, I ignore it and continue pressing my lips on hers, invading her mouth and running my fingers through her hair, letting her veil fall to the ground.

"Get a room!" Someone yells and we finally separate. I stare into her eyes and she does mine.

"I love you." I whisper in her ear.

"I love you more." She says, kissing my drying cheeks.

"Let's get out of here, huh?" She suggests.


I adjust her in my arms, cradling her knees and back, careful to hold her gently.

I walk with her out of the church, with her arms around my neck and the excitement of just what life will throw at us next, hanging in the distance.

As long as it's with her, I know life with be an adventure.




Just a little something for you all. No sample chapter cuz it's been a long min.

I've been chilling dealing with a lot of school shit.

What bonus chap do u guys want next?

Love y'all for almost 5 million views!!!! That's soooo crazy.


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