《Madam Mafia》BC: Ryder Proposes


"Hurry the hell up!" I shout to Lucas as he begins running down the field.

Why the fuck am I so nervous?

My palms sweat as my leg shakes up and down.

"What did they say?" I ask, looking straight forward.

Lucas reaches me, not out of breath at all. He passes me a note.

"That's what they said is available, boss." He pulls the chair across from me and sits down.

This piece of land I managed to buy from a local realtor has become the training ground and group hangout, over the years. We built a 3 story high building filled with toys and gadgets for all ages. We also use it as a venue that can be rented out. It was a great investment. Lucas and I sit behind it, in the backyard.

Lucas stares off into nowhere, tapping his chair with his shoe, as I read the note, looking up at him, almost annoyed

"Stop tapping your foot." I snap at him.

He looks up at me and smiles, bringing both his hands up in surrender.

"I'll let it slide cause you're stressed out, but there's no reason for you to feel this, I don't want to say it, but scared." Lucas states, letting his arms fall back down.

I shake my head.

"You don't get it, it feels like nowadays, Rose is getting tired of me. She sleeps early without me, snaps at me for little things, and rolls her eyes every time I wink at her. That used to be our thing. Ugh, and yesterday she gagged when I brought her her favorite seafood plate. She told me to "get that shit away from her" and stormed off like she was about to throw up. I don't know if she even...loves me at this point." I put my head in my hands and sigh.

"She been on edge like that with everyone lately, I don't know maybe she's on her period or something." He shrugs.

I shake my head at him and roll my eyes.

"It's never been this bad. She feels so distant." I pick my head up and look at the sunset in the distant.

"Well everything you asked for is set up and ready for tomorrow, so do you still want to go through with it?" Lucas asks and I smack him upside his head.

"Don't ask stupid questions. If I don't do this now, she might be completely out of reach later. I need her to be mine and me to be hers. Forever. For the rest of our lives."

She can't leave me. It would hurt to live if she did. I wouldn't be able to recover. I'd live with constant pain, pounding in my chest, alongside my heart beating.


Please still be in love with me, Rose.

"I'll tell the boys were on then." Lucas rubs his head and gets up, walking towards the parking lot.

I nod.

My hands tremble slightly as my emotions try to get the better of me.

Tommorow, everything changes and hopefully in the best ways possible.


I sit on the toilet, stunned at what I see.

Two lines clearly show on the stick I just peed on and I can't believe it.

I've been grouchy and sick for the last couple of weeks. I would wake up early every day the last week to throw up again and again, to the point where if I wanted a good night's sleep, I would have to sleep early. So I did.

A shoot of laughter burst through my lips and I can't help it.

I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant with the love of my life's baby.

All that throwing up was morning sickness, I knew it.

Happiness floods my system and my body begins trembling. Tears fill my eyes and fall slowly, one by one.

I'm going to be a mother. A mother.

A scoff of air escapes me.

I'm going to give this baby all the love I can. I'll never let them feel as if they don't matter to me. I won't let my baby ever have go through what I went through. I'll protect them with everything that I am.

I put a hand on my stomach and rub softly.

"Don't worry, baby, momma's always going to be right here for you. I'm always going to be right there. You're going to be loved, so loved by Mom and Dad. By everyone." The tears overflow on to my lap and I quickly wipe them away.

I have to tell Ryder. I have to tell him now.

I've been so weird but now I know it's cause my hormones are going crazy.

I don't know how he'll feel but he needs to know.

I clean myself up and wash my hands, leaving the bathroom to go find him. The house is eeriely quiet. Where is everyone?

I dismiss the thought. I have to find Ryder.

I look around as I run down the stairs and trip on a step.

My heart goes to my throat as everything is almost slow motion. I wrap my arms around my stomach and turn so my side would get most of the impact. I close my eyes tight and wait for the pain.

Please let my baby be okay. Oh God. Why do I have to be so fucking clumsy?

The hurt never comes as I feel my body hit something warm, hard but comfortable. Arms wrap around me and I'm saved.


I let out a shakey breath and look up to see Ryder holding me. He must've slid on the floor to catch me.

"Rose, be more careful ok? You're going to give me a heart attack." He tightens his arms around me, not too tight but enough so I can feel his rapidly beating heart against my cheek.

See baby, your father is already protecting you.

"I'm sorry, but thank you."

We both sit up next to each other and I stare into his eyes. Leaning in, I give him a quick peck on the cheek.

"I love you." I whisper.

He looks at me and smiles, letting out a breath.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me feel, hearing you say that." He kisses my forehead and helps me up to my feet.

"I wanna go somewhere today, Rose. C'mon." He grabs my wrist and hurries out our big cream front door.

"Wait, I have to tell you something." I add, but he shake his head.

"Later, for right now, just let me take you somewhere." He opens the car door for me and hands me a blindfold.

"Wear that." He shuts the car door, leaving me in confusion but nevertheless, I put the blindfold on.

The drivers side opens and Ryder hops in.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I wouldn't have gave you the blindfold if wasn't a surprise." He states.

"So you won't tell me?" I pout.

"No, I won't." I can hear the stupid smirk on his face as we pull out of our house and start driving somewhere.

I question him the either ride, trying to get him to spill something but his resolve stands.

The car stops and Ryder jumps out the car and runs to open my side of it.

"We're there, right?"

"Give it a couple more minutes."

I vaguely hear us going into a building as a door open and closes. The light seems to be off.

"Ryder." I start.

"Just a couple more seconds."

He stops me suddenly, and unties my blindfold, as I open my eyes, light turn on and I'm surrounded by wonder.

Chandeliers hang one after the other on the ceiling, huge stained windows circle the room and everyone stands around us with huge smiles on.

I gasp, wowed by everything.

"It's beautiful, are we in a...ballroom?" I ask, turning back around to find Ryder on his knee, with a small red velvet box open, to reveal a huge diamond ring.

I freeze.

"Of course it is. You're my Queen so I knew it couldn't do this anywhere else." His voice trembles.

"Ryder." I put my hand on my face.

"Rose, I know I've done some horrible things to you in the past. I know we've had our hard times but I'm asking you to spend the rest of your life with me. Since I met you, I knew you would be the only one for me, I can't live without you anymore, I love you. So Rose Amor, will you marry me?" I can see the small box in his hand shaking.

I can barely control my body as I fall to my knees as well, bringing my left hand towards him.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes." I blurt out. The crowd bursts out in cheers and good balloons start falling from the ceiling.

He slips the ring on the finger and we meet halfway in a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck as he moves his around my waist.

I pull back and out my head on his chest.

"I don't know what could make me happier right now. Rose, I love you so much." His smile beams, mirroring mine.

The news from earlier comes to mind.

"Well, um, I don't want to ruin the moment but I'm pregnant."

Ryder tenses up. The crowd around goes silent.

He pulls back and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"You're pregnant?" His smile is gone and he looks at me in shock.

Is he not happy? Was this the wrong time?

"Yes, I'm pregnant."

He lets out a laugh.

"I'm going to be a Dad?" His smile slowly returns.

"Yeah." I say.

"I'm going to be a Dad!" He shouts and the crowd goes crazy again, as he lifts me up and holds me to his chest.

"I've truly never felt this happy in my life. I'm so glad, I don't know what to do. Thank you, Rose. Thank you for loving me and thank you for being in my life." A tear falls out his right eye and I start laughing joyfully too.

He's happy, everyone's happy. This is the family our baby is coming out in, and I couldn't have asked for anything more.

"Ryder, you saved me first. I love you and I'm happy you're in my life too." I tear up as well.

Today has been quite the fucking rollercoaster of emotions, but as my life is, I love it and I'd never change it for anything.

Anything at all.

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