《Madam Mafia》-Unlimited



Lily sits across from Ryder and I, same place my parents did before.

She plays with her fingers, nervously as most of the gang watches her.

We came to talk in the huge sitting area downstairs at the hotel. The men, being who they are, saw a member of the Mafia and said they had to be at this meeting just in case, but I think they're just being nosey.

"I-I just wanted t-to say thank you for everything." She manages to squeeze out.

"How did you find us?" Ryder deadpans.

She flinches, blinking rapidly while breathing hard and swallowing. I smack Ryder's thigh.

"Be nice. I like her." I whisper to him.

He nods after watching me for a second.

"Don't be so scared. I won't let them hurt you. They wouldn't anyway unless you gave them a reason." I assure her.

She visibly shakes, but takes a deep breath and kinda calms down.

"I want to thank you. You saved us servants again and again, treating us like actual p-people. You're the kindest person I've ever met."

Her eyes shine with gratitude, a lot different than the dead eyes I saw before. I'm glad.

"Rose? Nice? I'm sorry, maybe you've got the wrong person." Ethan remarks.

The whole group laughs. Ryder snickers next to me and I scoff.

"Har har har, shut up Ethan. Shut up all of you, I'm talking." They eventually calm down and Lily seems much more relaxed.

Ok, Ethan. I see what you did there.

"I just wanted you to know that we'll be fine. I'm sure you've heard that the Killats and the Busken are being disbanded, and I knew it would make you feel like you had to do something again, because that's who you are, madam, you care so much for everyone. It saves lives, but you give up so much. We would love you as our leader, even the Busken after seeing how much you care about Caleb, but you don't have to. You have the choice."

Every word she says strikes my soul. My father's words come back to me.

Is this what he meant?


I guess work as a servant leaves you observant. She has me all figured out, it's scary.

I notice Ryder's gaze turn to me out of the corner of my eye, but I keep mine in Lily.

"All of us are really happy you helped us, so they sent me with our message. We want you to live the life you were fighting so hard to go back to. Stop caring about us. I can see you have an enormous amount of people willing to die for you, and you deserve that. We'll find a way to make it." She nods to herself and looks back up at me.

I'm speechless for the first time in my life. I feel exposed.

Ryder puts a hand on my thigh and runs circles into my knee.

"Right now seemed like the perfect time to tell you guys I'm staying here with Rose. Most of you know how I got without her, so I've decided never to leave her side again." Ryder announces.

The crowd seem shocked.

"Ryder, you dont have to do this for me, I-"

"No, Rose, I'm doing this for me. I told you I need you."

"So what about us?!" Lucas shouts out from somewhere. I find him next to Ethan on some chair.

"Those who want to go, can go and those who want to stay, can stay. If you guys want a new leader, then by all means, elect one. I'm staying here, though. I know Rose is going to stay and take care of these people, she'll die of regret if she doesn't." He smiles softly at them.

"Ryder, no, this isn't necessary."

"We can stay with you and boss lady, right?" Someone shouts out from the group.

"Then why the fuck wouldn't we?!"

"Yeah, just put us together with boss lady's guys!"

"We followed you here willing to die, that should say enough." Ethan pipes in.

My heart beats faster.

"Damn straight, we're staying right the fuck here!"

I laugh. Ryder does too.

These boys are stupid, so stupid.

"What about your lives at home?" I ask.


"What lives? This is our life!"

They all burst into cheers and the whole scene feels too corny to be real.

Things dont just work out like this. They never do.

"Ryder..." I turn to him.

"I guess the boys want to be a part of the Mafia." Ryder states.

"This is unbelievable."

"It's what you sparked. You gave the guys something other than drug deals and debt collection to pursue. They've made their choice."

All these years of being so alone and somehow along the way, I picked up a family.

Moisture heats my eyes and I try to blink it away.

Ryder pulls me to his chest and strokes my hair.

"You'll never be alone again. You have friends, family, and me." Ryder whispers in my ear.

I nod into his chest as my tears wet his shirt.

Something warm coats me, as if the sunshine on a sunny day.

This is what I've been looking for. Love, peace, happiness, and freedom. Who knew I'd find it at the place I left to pursue it?

"Call up your people, tell them we're coming to that house Rose was locked up in." Ryder urges Lily.

She nods and runs to the landline on the wall.

No more hard decisions, no more keeping secrets, no more pain. I'm free.

"Let's go meet everyone." Ryder tells me, getting up and pulling me up with him.

"Yeah." My cheeks hurt from my smile.

The guys all hurry out of the hotel into their cars that are parked in the back, following the address Lily gives them.

"So now that we put the groups together, are we a gang or The Mafia?" Ryder smirks, holding my hand as we walk out the hotel.

I shake my head, trying to calm the overwhelming joy in my heart. The relief. The beginning of something so unknown.

"Obviously, Mafia. We're stronger. There's more punch in our name." I shrug, unable to stop grinning.

Ryder puts his arms up in surrender, and opens my car door for me, bowing almost.

"Then please take your seat, Ms. Madam Mafia."

I laugh and hit his arm, getting in the car. He comes around the vehicle and hops in.

"You're not funny, Ryder."

"Madam, I think that's what's she called you, that girl." He starts the car and we drive off.

"Yeah, she's adorable, isn't she?" I smile.

"Weird, but she did great today. I like how she thinks of you."

I nod and hold his hand tight. This is all so crazy.

We reach my old prison and I chuckle at the irony, getting out the car. Ryder's right beside me, walking up to the gates.

They swing open and in the front yard stands all the members, Killats, Busken, and the gang.

We stop and I look around at the massive amount of people surrounding me. Ryder grabs my hand and I glance over at him.

His face reflects the same smirk on mine.

This is the start of new lives, for both of us. For all of us. But we're here together and the burden isn't just on one person's shoulders.

Ryder squeezes my hand and I tighten my grip on him as well.

He's the reason this of all happened to me. He's my beginning and my forever.

We'll always be together. This time, nothing can stop us.

The look in his eyes mirror mine, as we both take our first steps towards anything, everything, but maybe nothing.

Let's go fuck everything up and live this crazy ass life, to absolutely, no limits.




This is it guys

But.....request bonus chapters right here, I'll do every single one of them

I really love yall and this ain't the end go check out my other book Psycho love and I'll have another new title coming out soon so also look out for that.

If u have any words please PM me also an epilogue will be coming out by the end of the month as well as all the bonus chapters.

It doesn't matter when u suggest one I'll do it

I think that's all and I'm glad and also kinda sad this journey is almost over.

I love you guys.


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