《Madam Mafia》-Go


From the moment I saw Rose, it was like my life began going again. Like someone pressing resume on a movie.

I almost lost it, wanting to run up to her and just keep her in my arms forever. But I kept it under control and right now, I need to get her to safety.

Gunshots fly through the church as the most of my men fight outside on the open yard against the backups and some in here against the audience members.

Rose and I hold our ground, as she takes one of the machine guns from around me.

"You don't need it." I say.

"I want to protect you too. I won't go for kill shots though, these are my people and the only thing they did wrong was getting involved with this family. My family."

I nod at her.

It seems she's done a lot of growing up here. I'm sad I couldn't keep her from going through this but she didn't break under the pressure, no, instead she learned to rise above it.

That's my girl.

My thoughts are interrupted as Rose steals a knife from my belt and begins slicing through her wedding dress. I cover her, shooting at anyone aiming towards us.

"Sexy, I like it." I say, as she disregards the scrap pieces to the side of the altar.

"It makes it easier to move, stupid it's not for you. Plus, I never liked the stupid thing." She says, smirking adjusting herself so she's ready.

"But I guess you liking it, is a bonus. Let's go." She winks at me and jumps into action, taking out the enemy by shooting at their legs and hands, not missing even one target.

"Damn, I fucking love her." I murmur under my breath, unable to control the smile playing on my lips.

"Wait for me!" I shout slightly, jumping from the altar to the aisle, after her.

We work together as a team, watching each other's weak spots and openings, making sure to cover them.

Just the closeness of her body has me on a high. I'm back where I belong.


She lightly pats my shoulder, signaling me to duck as she shoots the feet of the attacker behind me.

I smirk as we almost dance around each other, avoiding gunshots but on offense as well.

She suddenly freezes, staring behind me, as an arm quickly comes around my neck and pull me harshly backwards. I instantly struggle.

"Rose, call them off. You know I love you, but you can't leave with him." From the tone, I realize it's her dad and calm down a bit.

After what happened earlier, I don't think he's such a bad guy anymore and I know Rose is hurting. She cares about him a lot. How I see it, she was a little girl who loved her dad but he disappointed her, and that disappointment turned into resentment. There was never any real hate, just pain.

It was something I couldn't save her from, no, that's a job only for her father.

"Stop talking to me like that, like you're being cautious or something. Tell it to me straight so I can get mad."

Her father's grip loosens but is nevertheless present.

"You can't just fall in love with some punk. Do you know who he is, what he does? It's no worse than us and you hate this group, so how can you accept him? Sooner or later, you'll regret ever loving him, seeing how brutal he can be."

His voice cracks on the last sentence. He sounds like he's speaking from experience.

"This is nothing like what happened with you and mom, ok? I don't know if it was threats making you treat her like shit, but Ryder would never do that to me, he knows better." Rose shouts at her father. She seems on the edge of tears and my hands itch to comfort her.

"You think he cares about you?! He's probably looking for more power. He'll steal this organization from you in the name of his gangs one day, and I don't want to see it. I don't want to see you broken." His grip tightens again.

"He didn't even know who I was when he picked me up and choose me." She deadpans.


"I really just love your daughter." I state, with the little air I'm able to breathe.

Alexander scoffs.

"You've got her so brainwashed, but after you leave her life I can save her. Make her and her mother happy."

"Just like before, right Dad?" Rose remarks.

"If you force me to leave here today, without Rose, I'll just keep coming back. I need her. I love her." I state, looking at Rose. She stares right at me and her forehead wrinkles, like it always does when she's worried. How cute.

"Then die for her." He pushes me out of the headlock and points his gun right at my heart.

I don't move. Dropping my gun, I grab the tip of his gun and pull it to rest on my chest.

"If killing me will prove to you I love your daughter, then shoot." I look into his eyes, more determined than I've ever been.

"Ryder!" Rose shouts.

"No, Rose, I have to do this. I know how much you care about him, so I'll whatever I can to get his approval. Youd be more hurt if I didn't." I say this, still staring into her father's eyes, daring him to question my love.

His finger twitches on the trigger, as he slowly begins pushing back on it. I stay in the same position, never looking away. I do love her and I do need her.

Alexander chuckles, pulling the gun from my chest and nodding.

"I guess you're right, Rose, he does love you. In all my years, no one has ever stared death in the face as if he were challenging it. I'll let you two go. I just had to make sure." He smiles sadly and steps onto the near by altar.

Firing three shots in the air, the fighting stops and everyone looks to him.

"We're done here. I've caused my daughter enough pain. Everyone retreat."

The men say a collective 'yes sir' and file out the church.

My men look to me and I nod. They file out as well hopping back into the cars and vans.

It's finally over and I'm going home with the love of my life.


My father walks towards my mom and they both look to me. Waving shyly, they walk to the exit.


Ryder wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight to his chest. I do the same. I'm leaving this cursed place, with Ryder. I can't stop the beaming smile that settles on my face.

"Rose!" Caleb, it sounds like shouts, as he runs towards me.


A gunshot goes off just as he reaches me and he falls to the ground. I pull away from Ryder and get on the floor, with Caleb. He just took a bullet for me. Who the-?

I look up and see a Busken member, readying his gun, aiming at me to shoot.

I pull out my own gun, but not before he shoots again, getting me in my arm, as I drop the gun.

Ryder fires his gun and the man drops dead.

"Rose, your arm! Fuck!" Ryder rips his shirt and wraps my arm.

I focus on Caleb and watch as blood seeps from his chest.

"Why the fuck would you do that, stupid?" I try putting pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, while Ryder yells at someone to call an ambulance.

"I... was finally useful to you. I told you I love you. I wasn't lying about...that." He breathes out.

My heart races in my chest and I begin to breathe faster.

This isn't what was supposed to happen. Caleb can't die.

"Stop talking, you'll be okay. Just shut up." I say, nodding, mostly reassuring myself.

"You do...care about me. I'm happy...I can die happy now." He reaches up weakly to graze my cheek.

"Hang on, you can't die. Just listen to me. Please!"

"I'm sorry...for everything I did." With that, his arm drops and so does my heart.




Yeah guys I'm really stressed rn so I'll get back to yall later. Love yall tho. Big love.


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