《Madam Mafia》-Act


They had guns pointed at him the whole time.

I'm sure he knew he could've been shot and killed coming into the house, but he did it anyway.

He left something that almost made me jump out the window and chase him. My letter. I found it on my bedside after he left.

This isn't good for my heart. I'm breaking apart having to leave him.

The moment I noticed the gleam of the rifle, I turned him around and kissed him. It's what felt most natural. I shouldn't have done it.

It was goodbye but it opened up a new door of more heart-aching pain, I won't forget the touch of his lips.

It's been a couple hours since he left and I haven't moved from my bed. I can't, why would I? All I've been doing is holding the paper towel to my chest.

The door swings open and my dad walks in, with my mother close behind him.

I have absolutely no energy for their bullshit today, or ever again to be honest. I've already given up enough for these worthless humans.

A pained expression crosses my fathers face and I roll my eyes. His acting is getting better, I guess. My mom gasps and rushes over to my bedside, seeing my tears.

She acts like she cares about me but she only wants her life back in order. Perfect family, loving husband, caring daughter. She's trying to pull all of us under her umbrella of delusion but I'm not budging.


"What was that, honey?" My mom kneels close to me.

"Fake. All of you. All of this. What you want, my hopes, my dreams, my freedom! It's all not possible! Fake!" I curl under my covers and try to block out the world. Just like it turned it's back on me, I'll do the same.


"Rose, listen, we can still be happy, here with your father and Caleb, you and me are home. Why aren't you glad?"

This dumb bitch...

I ignore her and go back to the park that day with Ryder. It's one on the best days of my life. A simple date is one of the best memories I have, I'm not complaining, I just want more of those times.

"We saw that boy who broke in come in here, then leave. It's that Ryder guy, isn't it?" My father questions.

"So what?" My voice comes out muffled from being underneath the blankets.

"I told you to cut him off. What was he doing here?"

"Don't worry, he came to say goodbye in person. He cares about me. You wouldn't understand." I sit up, pulling the sheets off my head and glaring into my father's eyes.

"Why did you have guns on him?"

"Why wouldn't I? He was an intruder." He shrugs.

"Why didn't you shoot?" They had time to, before I saw and got in front of him, and even after that.

"He's one of the strongest things I have against you. Threatening you with someone you love is much easier than with just some servants. Did you want me to shoot him?" My dad looks at me a bit confused.

"If you had shot him, you would've lost me. That's all I'm saying. I don't ever want to talk about him again."

My father nods.

"You and Caleb are getting married in five days. It's been decided. We'll be getting you ready in the next few couple of days. Don't try anything funny."

I lay back down and under my covers.

"I don't have any more tricks left, I don't care what you do with me anymore. You guys are my parents but for some reason, you hate me. It's fine, I don't car-"


"We don't hate you." My father interrupts.

I slide the covers off my face and look at him from my spot on the bed. He frowns and avoids eye contact with me.

"So this is just how you treat the people you care about? Or maybe you don't feel anything towards me and I'm just a tool for this dumbass alliance to you?" I stare at my father.

"Sweetie, no, it's-"

"I want his answer."

My dad continues looking everywhere but at me. It's annoying when they try to act like they care, especially this bitch next to me.

"Rose, your father, everything he's done, it's been for us. The reason-"

"Rachel! Stop. Let's go." He turns around and leaves the room.

"Alex! Alex, wait!" She gets up and follows him out.

I snuggle underneath the covers and ignore the thoughts wondering what the hell my mother was talking about, it doesn't matter.

But what if...

No. They took from me someone that I could never live without and force me to get married to a traitor. Forgiveness isn't an option at this point. I don't care.

My only escape is my dreams now. My mind is the only place Ryder and I can be together. So I'll sleep and sleep until I don't feel this pain in my heart.

I'll sleep until I'm consumed with numbness.

I step back into the house and go outside to the backyard where most the men train.

I see them lined up doing their exercises as usual, while Ethan and Lucas stand watching them. I climb on a chair.

"Guys I have an announcement!"

Everyone freezes, finally noticing I'm back.

"We going to Italy in four days. I need you all ready. Train harder than you ever have before, dont wear yourself out, but sharpen your skills. This is it, boys, it's all out war." I jump down and head back into the house. I hear Ethan and Lucas follow me.

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you guys in Will's room."

I burst inside the room and Will smirks as he sees me.

I stop in front of his desk.

"I like that look in your eyes. You look ready, I'm glad Rose straighted you out."

"I'm not surprised she did." Ethan remarks.

"I need you to find a cathedral where a wedding is happening in 5 days."

"What?" Will looks at me confused.

"Rose and Caleb are getting married, and I need the address of the church, hurry up. We'll need it."




Thx so much for the views its been a week so here you guys go.

I hope this isnt too bothersome as readers.

Love y'all


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