《Madam Mafia》-Reunion



Great, now I'm crazy.

Maybe I'm seeing things.

"Ry...der?" I reach my hand out to touch the illusion, and like a mirror, it holds out it's hand to meet mine.

My fingers touch the warm skin and I yelp, flinching back, landing on the floor on my ass.

"What the fuck?" I ask as Ryder, actual Ryder, the man I'm in love with, climbs through the window and starts towards me.

I crawl backwards on my hands and feet, trying to ignore my rapid heartbeat. This can't be happening.

He walks towards me slowly, staring me down, refusing to break eye contact. His hands are clenched in fist, each step he takes seems tense and stiff, as if he was holding back.

My back hits the wall and I try to stand up so I can escape, jump out the window, hide...something, but Ryder crouches down right in front of me and plants each of his arms on either side of me. He leans in and pushes himself right in between my knees, bringing his legs under mine to get as close as possible.

His forehead touches mine and his arms curl in to rest at the back of my neck and down at my waist. He hugs me to him and all I can do is shudder.

"I missed you, Rose." His voice trembles and he moves his head to lay in the crook of my neck.

It's taking everything, everything in my heart, my soul, everything that I am, not to wrap my arms around him and whisper the same words.

God, I needed this though. This hug, just being in his arms makes me want to stay and never leave them. I'll remember this.

"Rose, let's go home. I can't live thousands of miles away from you anymore. I'll ignore what you said before. Come with me." He pushes back and looks me in my eyes again and its like someone's poured a cold glass of water on me.


I shake my head as I struggle to escape from his hug. I can't let myself go, I can't want this, he has to go now. He's in danger. We all are.

"Ryder, let go."

"No." He holds me tighter and my heart cries out but my mind remains firm. If I leave now, those who were willing to fight for me, would die. Ryder's gang would be abushed before we even got back there. I can't go, all the odds are stacked against us, there's no escape this time. I have to say goodbye.

"Ryder get the fuck off of me!" I finally manage to push him off me and stand up. He gets on his feet as well.

"You need to leave."


"You really want me to leave?" I ask, stepping closer and closer, itching to lose it but controlling myself is all I have in this situation. I won't lose it, if I do, I'll lose her. All I want to do is hold her, kiss her, love her. She still looks as beautiful as ever. Damn, after what seems like forever, actually seeing her feels like a weights been lifted off my chest. She looks healthy, nothing's hurt.

I feel relief spread through me. If she was hurt I don't think I could help what I'd do.

She avoids eye contact with me.

"Yes. You have to go. We have nothing to do with each other anymore-"

"Stop fucking lying! You and I, we're always going to have something to do with each other. Even if I leave here today and promise never to come back, your heart would always be mine, and mine always yours. I know, at least, my feelings will never change." I point between us and pat my chest. A place that only belongs to her.

"Ryder, I-I already told you. I'm happy here. C-caleb treats me well and my parents finally care about me. I played around with you, I'll admit it, I had my fun, and now that I've let go, you won't. Like I said before, you're clingy, its not cute. Go home, you have the gang, and I'm sure girls wanting to replace me. Live your life, Ryder, don't worry about me." She still looks everywhere other than my eyes. My eyes fall on her lips and I'm not suprised to see her biting them.


"Why do you always try to protect everyone but yourself? I told you before, I'm yours. I promised myself I would protect you from your father. The first time you opened up to me, it was about your dad. How can I even start to believe everything's better now? You're shuttering, Rose! Whatever blackmail they're using, even if it's my life, I don't want you pushing me away. It's ok to share the burden, I'm here." I reach her and try to pull her in to my arms, but she resist.

"Ryder, I... I have nothing else to say to you. Get out. Good bye." She looks down and sounds like she's about to cry.

I lean down and come inches from her face. She finally meets my eyes and I press my lips to hers, softly and slowly, savoring what I can until we see each other again. She relaxes and brings her arms around my neck, to return the kiss, while turning me around.

It becomes passionate as I feel her tongue slip into my mouth and my hands hold her waist. A tear drop falls on my cheek and my own eyes fill with water.

She pulls away and stares at me, letting herself cry freely.

"Go Ryder, please. Consider that my goodbye." She steps out of my arms and goes to sit on the bed. My heart feels like it's bleeding.

"I'll be back for you. I don't know how to let you go at this point, so I won't. I can't let you suffer alone for the rest of your life. I love you." With that a tear flows down my left cheek and I climb out the window.

This war isn't over until Rose is safe in my bed with me and I don't care who has to die for her to be home again. I'll kill whoever, no matter how many, until she feels she can come back.

For now, I'll hold on to her kiss and tears to keep me stable.

Next time I come here, I'll leave with Rose and the lives of those who tried to keep us apart.




Sorry im so late...but guys i have news.

First as you guys already know I have uploaded tormented and Madame Mafia onto dreame if you want to support me as an author by actually using your money then by all means please go check me out there

but we have new news I have been accepted into an author affiliate link program at inkitt and the link should be on my profile in my bio really soon so watch out for that

at inkitt you should find earlier chapters bonus chapters and the different point of views and stuff earlier than on Wattpad to be specific one week earlier

you don't have to pay anything it's just you click the link, read the chapter, and I get a portion of money.

If you dont have inkitt its freee at the google play store and apple store.

I'll be putting out an authors note for this soon and the link will be there soon too.

Thanks for your support and I look forward to seeing you guys there.

Love y'all.


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