《Madam Mafia》-Need


The phone slips to the floor and I can't help the suffocating feeling absorbing me. I put my hand on my heart and try to contain the pain of what seems like a thousand cuts washed with alcohol.

I begin hyperventilating as I fall off the couch, on to the cold tile floor.

Why would she say that?

I don't need you.

No, no.

I said yes.

Stop, don't lie.

I'm breaking up with you.

"I don't want to hear it!"

There's a reason. I know there is. But those words still cut so deep. She couldn't have meant it. She loves me, she's doing this to protect me again, keeping me in the dark.

I can't sit around and do nothing this time.

I have to go to her. I have to go alone, the men aren't for war yet and I can't let them die meaningless deaths. Not after having them train so hard for this battle. I just need to see her.

A life without her at this point...

My lungs feel tight as I struggle to breathe. My body begins shaking and I wrap my arms around my knees.

I can't lose myself to my nightmares, Rose wouldn't leave me for fucking Caleb.

Caleb's been really sweet to me...

Being sweet wouldn't win her over, especially not after he kidnapped her and brought her to her father. It's a lie. It has to be.

"Ryder, are you in- Ryder!" Lucas and Ethan rush to my side.

"What the fuck happened?" Ethan kneels close to me while Lucas crouches near the couch.

"Get Will. Tell him I need the fastest flight to Italy right now and also where Rose is." My voice shakes as I try to get up. My legs feel heavy and I'm a bit dizzy but there's no time to worry about it.

"Wait, Ryder. Rose said to stay here-"

"I don't give a fuck! I'm going. Don't try to stop me, seriously. I don't feel stable right now. I might do something I regret. Get off me." I shrug their hands off me and ignore the trembling, trying to make my way to Will's office. Ethan and Lucas tail me.


"Ryder, listen, you have to tell us what happened. Why are you being like this?!" Lucas jogs pass me on the stairs and blocks my path.

"Talk." Ethan sits on the steps next to him and I can barely hold back my anger.

"You're fucking shaking, Ryder! What's wrong?" Ethan shouts, getting up now along with Lucas.

I clench my fist and squeeze my eyes closed.

"Rose called me, just now. She told me not to come, and that she was getting married to Caleb. She said she was happy with her new family and that if I showed up, she might be the one to kill me. That's what you wanted to know, right? Now move!" I push pass them and avoid their eyes.

They wouldn't understand.

I burst into Will's room and quickly go to stand in front of his desk.

"Get me a plane ticket to where ever the fuck Rose is in Italy. Find me an address too. Please."

Will looks up at me and nods, turning he begins working on his computer. I feel a bit of my tenseness relax. Ethan and Lucas run in and up to the desk.

"Will, you have to tell him to stop. Rose is going to kill him, but he insist on going to her. We all know Rose, to have Ryder this shaken...she wasn't playing around." Ethan pleads with Will.

"I can get you a flight today, or I can bring in a private jet." Will says.

"Private jet. Address?"

"16th century Palazzetto 45*."

"Will!" Ethan shouts.

"If we keep him here, it'll be like killing him. Look at him. He needs her."


"Ethan. It's enough." Lucas urges him to stop.

"Rose gave you your task, so let me do mine. She trusted me to keep him here and judging by that phone call, now more than ever. Ryder please."

I avoid eye contact with them and keep my head down.

He's right, I do need her, just as she needs me.

"I'll have the flight here in 30 minutes. I'm sorry, Ethan. He has to go. Imagine if this was you, would you stay here?"


Ethan becomes quiet.

"Just promise to come back alive." Lucas puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I can't."

"Ryder!" Ethan walks up to me.

"But its fine. No matter what happens to me. Save Rose. I'll go get ready."

"Ryder," I stop and turn back to Will, "Come back ready to fight."

"If I make it, then sure. If Rose kills me, I don't want you going there for revenge, save her." With that, I head towards my room for the one thing that might make her put down the wall she'll put up to protect me.

No more waiting. I'll see you today.

You can't go of me so easily, Rose. I won't let you carry the burden by yourself, not again.

I lay on my bed and stare up at the ceiling with my phone clenched in my hand against my chest.

Tears spill from my eyes and I can't bring myself to look through the memories we shared. I let him go but I'll always hold on to this corny ass love that filled my heart and made me feel alive.

Now I wait to be married off, to fucking Caleb. It's hard not to want to kill that boy, it's even harder lying here instead of hunting him down.

The summer storm rages outside and I can't help but chuckle. My feelings are reflected pefectly out there, except when the clouds clear, my storm won't stop.

It's all for good reason though. Ryder will be safe, so will the boys. They're lucky they got on my good side. I'm willing to stay here for their lives.

I chuckle as the sobs I was holding back, bubble up and burst. I cry out and breathe heavily as I wrap myself in my covers, letting everything out.

I'll never see him again. I'll be trapped here for the rest of my life and forced to be my father's puppet in leading this place. Like Caleb was today, like he'll always be. A cowardly puppet. I can't help those with such weak will, maybe he was born with it.

I hate him.

"Rose..." A voice comes from behind the door

Speak of the fucking devil.

The door begins to creak open.

"All I'm going to say is, if I see your face, I'll make it so I don't ever have to again. I'll fuck you up. You have no idea how crazy I feel right now. In this moment, I don't know what I'm capable of and if you want to find out, come in, I'm itching to find out too. " I lie tense in bed, clenching my fist, trying not to attack him.

The door slowly closes and I scoff.

"You're such a baby! You shouldn't be the reason me and Ryder aren't together!!! You, out of all people, shouldn't be the reason. You won't even come in here to get the ass beat you deserve!" I sob out, sitting up.

"Damn it." I fall back on my bed and hit at the mattress.


Something knocks at my window and I feel my frustration almost overflow.

My window? Really? Who is it now? Who wants another piece of the heart I already ripped up?

I get up and stomp over to the window, throwing it open.

I freeze.

My emotions whirl and my body stiffens even more.

Outside my window, Ryder sits, staring at me. I blink.

Oh God, I've really gone crazy.





What now??

I decided I would write a bonus chapter for Ryder's pov last chapter, along with anyone else you guys want just comment whos pov and what part here and I'll write them all. They'll be at the end of the book.

Ex. Ryder pov: Goodbye.

Or if you just a peek in their heads not any chapter just say their pov.

Thanks as always for the support. On Dreame, This book is now officially there. Its free for now and im letting out special chapters there after today so tune in. Also my other book Tormented. Please go take a look!

Dont worry this book isn't getting taken down from here. Trust me.

Love y'all.


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