《Madam Mafia》-Before


I burst in the house and find the guys right where I left them. I sit down where I was before and try to calm my racing heart.

I lay the paper towel on the table and show it them the numbers on it.

"This is the letter?" Ethan stares down at it suspiciously.

I nod.

"Are you sure it's not just someome doing their taxes or something, I mean it's on a paper towel-"

"I'm sure, on the back it says it's for me."

I watch as Will pulls over the sheet and begins chuckling, looking over it.

"What?" I ask. Was I wrong? Is this some sick prank the guys put together quick to make me mad? Cause I don't think I'll let them get away with it this time.

"It's a love letter. She used a code kindergartens could read. This is so basic. If you had a cool head, you would've read it by now." Will shrugs and hands it back to me.

Why can't he just get to the point?

"What's the code?" I grit out, trying not to crumble the note in my fist.

"Where I'm from, they call it A to 1, or the more common name, Letter to Number." He leans back in his chair.

I look down at all the bunched up numbers and blink. I don't have time to go through this and decide whether 11 means A twice or the letter K.

"Translate it." I give the letter back to him and he looks at me uneasily.

"From what I've seen so far, there's some seriously personal shit in here. Are you sure you want me to read it out loud? Right now?" His tone sounds cautious.

I just need to know. It doesn't matter how.

"Yes. Hurry up."


He takes a deep breath and nods.

"First of all, if you're reading this I'm probably gone already. Sorry, I couldn't tell you, I was being watched. I wouldn't have told you anyway. The risk was too high. I don't want to lose you, so consider this my way if protecting you. If you've already read Luke's and Ethan's letters then you know what to do-" Will stops and looks at me.

"Ryder, I thin-"

"Keep going."

Will watches me for a minute and nods.

"-I won't talk about that in this one though, because I'm talking to you. If this is the last thing you ever get from me, I want it to matter. I'll start from the beginning when you were the new boy and I was the nerd. I don't know what you saw in me those days that led you to kidnap me but you were deadass annoying. I really used to hate you at a point."

Something stabs through my chest and the pain sprouts from an already open wound.

I don't blame her, I was the biggest fool ever. I thought force would get me what I wanted, her. But it pushed her away. I understand that now, but I need her back here with me. I'll use as much force as I have to, to do that.

"But then, I realized you woke me up. You changed me in a way I needed and hopefully the way that'll get us through this. You started being kind and warm and I couldn't ignore it anymore. I fell in love with you I think the day you kissed me in the car..."

I look up at Will who stops for some reason.

"Are you sure you want me to-"

"Don't stop. Please, just keep going."

I put my head in my hands.


I miss you, Rose.

"It was like suddenly everything was confusing. I wanted to get away but I also wanted to stay with you. I didn't want to be weak like my mother, I think that's why it took me so long to say it. That I love you. And I always will. You're my dumbass and I can't live without you, so hurry up, get ready and come get me. If you haven't found the others letters they're in their lockers at school. I'm going to hold on for you so don't mope around too long. I hope to see you soon. Love yours, Rose."

My legs jitter as I sit, trying to comprehend everything.

My heart feels wrapped with her love and the determination in me grows solid.

"I have to go to Italy. Right now. She's waiting for me." I stand up.

"She said to get ready." Lucas comments.

"We have to get their letters first before we make any move. She sounds like she wants us to do something." Wills adds.

"I don't want to wait anymore. We've already wasted hours here. You guys can read those letters while I go."


"She was so scared when she talked about her father. The first time she ever showed me any kind of weakness wasn't when I kidnapped her. It was when she thought her father would find her. Now he has her and we have no idea what's going on. She could be dy-dying right now and I'm just sitting here going crazy."

"We should do what the letter says first. We should listen to what Rose is trying to say to us. Rose is the one who wants this, don't you get it? She doesn't want you dead either. She left to protect you and if you go now you'll throw that all away! Don't make me repeat myself Ryder. Let's go find the notes first." Will sits up in his seat and looks me in my eyes.

I breathe heavily and my mind races with millions of thoughts, all of them about Rose.

"This-this letter scares me. It's like she's saying goodbye...and I don't know how I'd live if she's gone." I whisper, closing my eyes tight and lacing my fingers in my hair, trying not to think of her without me.

"Don't rush into things that might kill you off, too then. This is exactly why Rose didn't tell you, she's knows how stupid you can be when you're trying to protect someone. Imagine if you died. How would Rose take it? For right now, you need to trust that she knows what she's doing with this plan she has." Lucas stands up as well and the rest follow suit.

I nod. He's right.

I trust Rose. I just have to hold out a little bit longer until I see her again.

A little bit longer, Rose, so wait for me.

"Let's go break into a school, then." Ethan smirks, walking out the door, we follow close behind him.

My face remains blank but the spark of hope in me grows stronger.

We'll save you Rose. I'll shoot a hole in Caleb's head for betraying me and taking you away, I promise.

This is the beginning of something your father will wish he never started.




Day 6 guys tmr and we're done. I mean done with you guys reward I'll go back to updating every 3 to 2 days after this, sorry.

Im at lunch again so yeah that's all.

Next chap will be in Rose's pov so...

Until tmr


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