《Madam Mafia》-Fault



The car stops and I focus, pulling back from my daze.

I look outside and see a jet. I open the door, step out, and stretch. I hate road trips.

I look around and my eyebrows frow.

No airport sits near us. We're in the middle of nowhere with a private jet.

"I thought we had a flight at 11:50 am. At an airport." I question Caleb, who walks around the car.

The open road ahead of us spans out and he stops in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"I did schedule a flight, for you and I at the airport to Brazil, so that anyone looking would find that, instead of this. I know how Ryder works, he ran right to Will when he got suspicious, we saw and heard everything. So we worked around it. C'mon, lets go." He turns around and walks towards the plane.

I sigh. I knew Ryder was getting skeptical, but who's Will?

Suddenly, something hits me.

We saw and heard everything...

The house is still rigged.

The plan will be useless if 'Caleb and friends' are watching. Shit, I only briefly mentioned the cameras in my letter to Ethan. I knew something was wrong, that I was misssing something.

This might ruin everything.

I bite my lip and shake my head. I gave them a tip and I'm sure they'll understand. Ryder catches on pretty quick, even if he is my dumbass.

For now, I can only do what I'm told. I follow Caleb and hear small footsteps behind me. Mom.

I don't want to think about her right now. In her heart, I don't think I even rank as anything but an annoyance. Especially when we're with my father.

Thinking back, I don't know when it became my fault, but suddenly, my mother who had always taken my side, started to ignore me.

I thought she had come back to her senses when we ran but it turned out to be a moment of the mother she once was, slipping through for one last time. Then she disappeared.

I grab on the the handle bars, beside me and start going up the jet's steps, one by one, drawing out each.

My blood boils and my body feels tense.

I scoff.

I told myself I wouldn't think about her. I guess that was alot easier when Ryder was around. He kept me happy and feeling light, like the burdens of my past had been lifted off my shoulders and finally, I could breathe.

Without him now, the air feels thick and it's hard to move freely, every step feels heavy.

I need him. I need him here with me. I miss his laugh, his hugs, his kisses, and even his stupid smirks.

I don't know how long it'll be until I see him again but I know the pain that's going to haunt me until then, will be unbearable. It already is.

The only thing I have to keep me sane is my hope for his arrival. That's what I'll hold on to.


I take a seat in the furthest back corner I see, entering the plane. Caleb sits comfortably in the front, where a table with snacks lay and two couches on either side of it sit.

He makes eye contact with me but then quickly looks away. A red tone spreads on his cheeks and he seems nervous.

I blink and almost jog to the back, where, after the two couches, 5 stand alone seats are. I go to the corner, next to the window and sit.

Is he bipolar? Why's he all blushy and shit today? It's gross. Maybe he has a fever. I don't care.

The plane takes off and I stare out the window, feeling myself being torn in two.

I'll be back Ryder. I promise, I'll be back. I hope you find those letters.

I chuckle.

I've been hoping a lot nowadays. I didn't even believe in hope before. What's the point of hoping when you can't control the situation? I used to think it was like me throwing a pebble in a tornado and expecting it to land back in my hands. Impossible.

But now hope is the only thing keeping my dark days, a little bit brighter. So I'll hope as much as I can.

"Here." My thoughts are cut off and I look up to see Caleb standing next to me, holding out a bag of onion rings.

He waits for me to grab it, looking down at me with a weird expression.

"No thanks." I turn my gaze back to the window, dismissing him.

His presence crouches down next to me and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I turn my head slowly to face him. He looks everywhere besides my eyes.

"Rose, I know I've been a real dick to you and I'm sorry. I was doing what they told me and I got a little carried away. It's just- I've been wanting to meet you since I was 4 probably. When we get married, just know I'll treat you right. I-"

"We're not getting married." I state, cutting him off and turning back to look at the window.

He pauses.

"Rose, I'll do whatever you want. I'll be a good husband and no matter what I'll always l-"

"You'll do whatever I want? Even now?" I ask, seeing him from the corner of my eye.

He nods.

I completely turn to face him.

"Then I need you to turn off all the cameras you have in Ryder's house, or anywhere near him and his crew."

Caleb puts his hand on my knee and squeezes. It takes everything in me to not smack it off.

"Yeah, we already have you, there's no need for them there." His hand moves up to my thigh and my eye twitches.

I'll personally claw off his fingernails.

"Rose, I know we started off really bad but I just want to let you know, we're meant to be and I'll cherish you. So don't think about leaving. I was born for you and you were, me." He looks at me with this, almost brainwashed gaze.


His grip on my thigh gets a lot tighter.

I nod, cringing as far back into my seat as possible.

"I get it, thanks." I grab the onion rings from his other hand and he stands up, letting go.

"I'll talk to you later." I nod and he finally goes away.

My heart is in my throat and I can't help the goosebumps on my skin.

I hated his hands on me, but if I play my cards right, this could be an easier trip than I thought.


I could seduce him. Maybe then I could get a little connection with Ryder. It won't be hard, in Caleb's mind, I'm a central figure, if I'm correct.

I rub my arms and swallow down the knot in my throat.

I'll do whatever I have to, to get back to Ryder or at least talk to him.

No matter what.


The hours fly by and we finally land. I get up, immediately as we land and hurry out the plane.

I toss the unopened bag of onion rings back on the table as I pass it. I couldn't eat it even if I tried, I'm not hungry.

I step out the jet and hurry down the stairs. A group of people wait below is and one behind walking towards me.

In the dark night, I can't see his face clearly until he's almost right in front of me.

I gasp.

The figure of a man I hoped, prayed, cried never to see again, approaches slowly.

Each step he takes closer, makes my stomach churn.

It's him.

He finally stops in front of me.

I look him in the eyes and he smiles at me.

His hand goes up and suddenly the side of my face stings badly and I'm looking at the ground.

I'm on the ground.

I scoff.

"Hi Dad, did you miss me?"

Like sits next to me as Ethan drives us to Will's house.

I look straight and keep my eyes on the road. The car is slient and the air is tense.

"Ryder...are you sure she didn't just run away?" Luke asks, hesitantly.

Why the fuck don't they-

"No, she didn't."

"Yes, she did, but she has you so fucking brainwashed you're not even listening to us! We've been by your side since forever and yet you're willing to put her first. I just don't get it, we're your best friends!"

"Caleb has known me just as long but I knew nothing about him. I was naive thinking just because he had been by my side all these years, he could be trusted. I won't make that mistake again." I clench my fist and keep my eyes ahead of me.

"We're not Caleb, though. Ryder, you're mad, really angry, but that doesn't mean you take it out on us. Caleb didn't bond with you like we have. I trust you with my life and I know Ethan does as well. We're going to find Rose, we're on your side." Luke places his hand on my shoulder and the heaviness I felt in my eyes and ears, lift just a little bit.

I'm not alone. But I feel incomplete. Rose isn't here.

I hear Ethan sigh.

"Yeah, whatever I still don't like that bitch but I saw how happy she made you, so I guess I can thank her for that. Next time you swing on me like that though, we're fighting. I won't give a fuck about your feelings." He smiles and Luke besides me chuckles.

I feel lighter but they still don't understand Rose. They're assuming she left because she wanted to, but things have changed since last time she went missing.

"You guys don't know Rose. You only know what you've seen. Rose left to save us. If she had stayed her Dad would've probably came down here with his goons and killed us all. She's the daughter of a Mafia leader. She ran away from him a while ago and he's been searching for her and her mom ever since. She acts the way she does because she didn't want any friends her father could threaten her with. So stop thinking she's this brat, I forced her into our house with us, she was protecting herself the way she had been since day one." The truth pours out of me and the emptiness in me increases. I was supposed to keep her from all this. From her father.

"I promised to protect her, but she ended up protecting all of us. That's the type of person she is." I cover my face with my hands and turn away from the two.

"I promised I would protect her. I promised! We have to find her. I need her, I can't-I don't know what to do without her. I just have to have her here next to me." Luke pats my shoulder.

"You really love her, don't you?" Luke says.

I look him in his eyes and nod. Nothing in this world could express it fully.

"Damn. I'm sorry, Ryder. I thought-" Ethan starts.

"It's fine. Let's just go to Will's house. He'll help us find her." I wipe my face down and try to calm my trembling hands.

We'll be there soon, Rose. I'll save you. I'll protect you just like I said.

Nothing and no one can stop me.

I'll get to you.




Hey guysssss. Day 3 out of 7 so far. I hope you liked the chap.

What do you guys think about Rose seducing Caleb?

And the notes...

I love you all and like always want to thank u for the follows reads votes and comments.

Until tmr.


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