《Madam Mafia》-Call


I spin on my heel and take another pic of Ryder.

He winks, throws up a peace sign and puckers his lips, turning his head slightly to the left.

"Am I getting your good side?" I ask, chuckling, as I walk backwards, passing a bench, still snapping shots of him.

"I don't know, are you?" His voice comes out higher pitched and he stops, putting both hands on his hips and tilting his head up towards the sky.

"Oh em gee! Yes, Brit, I just found the perfect angle for you!" I snap another pic, crouching down and bringing the phone to my chest.

Ryder and I meet eyes for a second, pausing, looking at each other in silence.

He bursts out laughing and I can't help but do the same. He holds his stomach, cackling and I get up, walking back over to him.

I stop in front of him and just as he calms down his eyes meet mine, I smile and we burst into laughter again.

After deciding to go have lunch, Ryder and I found ourselves at the park instead of at the restaurant, because I need my pictures.

Ryder grabs my hand and we walk with our arms swinging between us. He looks down at me and smiles. The corners of his brown eyes crease and his nose perks up a bit.

I'm melting. Ugh, he's so cute.

I bring up my phone and take a quick picture of it.

"I thought I was done being your model today." He leans in and asks.

"You're my model everyday, get used to it." I push off the balls of my feet and touch Ryder's nose with mine for a moment.

He pouts.

I scoff.

"What?" I grin.

"Don't bring your lips so close to me, if you're not going to kiss me." He mutters.


I blink at him.

"Crybaby." I cough, avoiding his eyes.

Suddenly, Ryder's lips are on mine and his hand comes to my back, pressing me against his chest.

His tougue slips in and I smirk. I hold the back of his neck as he explores the inside of my mouth and I don't fight him.

It's kind of fun being bossed around in kisses, makes me feel how desperate he is.

He pulls away and breathes heavily. His heart pounds hard and quick against me.

"I'm not a crybaby now, right?" He asks, smirking down at me. I chuckle and shrug, pushing him off me to walk on my own, away from his side.

He follows.

I look back at him and he looks at me with confusion.

"Can I chill for a second? Alone." I joke, plastering a complete serious expression on my face.

He looks at me stunned and blinks.

"Ok..." He moves to walk behind me, quiet and I hope he can't see the huge grin on my face.

A minute goes by.

Five four three two one...

My grin morphs into a smirk.

"Rose, I don't wanna walk without you." He slides right next to me. I snicker and his eyes widen.

"Stop playing with me like I won't take you behind these trees and bend you-" I put my hands on his mouth, grinning.

"Okay, okay, shut up crybaby." I wish Caleb and his crew weren't listening, these moments should only be shared with Ryder and I.

I clench my teeth.

Stop thinking about it. You said today would just be about Ryder, so calm down.

I take a deep breath.

Ryder stares at me with narrowed eyes.

"What are you thinking about? You just looked really pissed for some reason. What's wrong?" He asks, stopping us.


I look in his eyes as he does me.

Should I slip everything and kill off Ryder's gang just so Ryder and I can run away? Or maybe I can get rid of these clothes and tell him everything, bringing my father's men here?

Everything leads to a dead end, I have to go. I have to do what I've already promised myself I would do.

Face my father.

If I don't go with Caleb, I'll probably never get to fight my dad the way I want to, so this is fine. I don't want to run away anymore.

But...I don't like keeping things from Ryder, I don't want to leave him. It's not like I'll never see him again. I'll make sure we meet again even if the plan doesn't work. It's okay. I'm fine.

"Rose...?" Ryder holds my shoulders and I blink several times, coming back to my senses.

"I'm fine. I'm just hungry. We took our pictures now let's go get food." I take his hand off my shoulder and squeeze it tight.

He still looks at me hesitantly but nods.

Suddenly, my phone rings and I reach for it in my pocket.

I just got this, who has my number?

The caller id shows "Unknown" and I swipe the green button.

"Hello?" I say.

"Rose, I hope you didn't forget our deal. I'm calling cause just now you seemed like you were about to say something. Remember-"

Of course it's him. Why the hell would he call now? What type of game is this?

I wave at Ryder, telling him to stay put and walk away.

"I fucking know, ok?" I whisper, as my finger hovers over the end button and look back to see Ryder right behind me.

I gasp, freezing.

"What's wrong?" Caleb asks.

End the call, end the call, end the call dammit!! I chant to myself, but my body remains frozen under his gaze.


Ryder looks down at me with hard eyes and takes the phone from my grip.

All I can do is watch. It's like all my strength is gone. I should've just hung up the moment Caleb said anything.

It's over.


"Rose, are you there? Don't ignore m-"


"Why the hell are you calling her? How'd you get this number? You better stay the fuck away from Rose." I state into the phone.

Silence fills the air for a second.

He hangs up.

I look at the phone for a minute.

My mind is blank and all I can feel is a mix of emotions racing through me.

"Rose." My eyes go to hers.

She tenses and avoids my gaze.

"Can you please tell me what the fuck is going on?"




Hi guys we hit 700k!!!! This is so crazy I'm so hype.

I really love you all so much the support is...you guys dont get how happy you make me.

I'm kinda close to 1k followers right now and im thinking of updating every day for a week if it happens (yes, that was a bribe, dont be mad one time thing love yall)

Thats all i have to say today but if you guys remember, can you tell me how you found this book? It's really cool having readers and I just wanna know how I got lucky.

Anyways that's all the next update will be in three-five days depends how the edit goes.


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