《Madam Mafia》-Time



How do I do this? How the fuck am I going to pull this off?

I stand in front of the mirror of the hotel room we checked into, naked, while the shower runs.

My clothes are tucked deep into the laundry basket and covered by a towel. I'm sure whoever's watching will understand that much.

I look around for anything I can write on. After taking a pen I found on the ground at the movie theatre and hiding it in my pocket, while pretending to throw it away in a napkin, I had got my writing tool.

Now I need some paper.

I look around the bathroom, only seeing paper towel and tissue as my options.

I shrug.

Grabbing a sheet of paper towel, I start.

I need you to gather all the men you have from everywhere if you want to save me. Train them. Make sure their ready then come find me in Italy. Do not come alone.

9 14554 251521 2015 71208518 11212 2085 13514 251021 81225 6181513 522518252385185 96 251521 2311420 2015 191225 135. 20181914 208513 131125 1921185 2085918 1851425 208514 315135 69144 135 914 92011125 415 141520 315135 11115145

I write this all in a code I learned when I was little. One that's simple, letter to number. Just in case Caleb sees this accidentally in the next couple of days.

The trick about this code is you don't know if a 1 next to a 4 is the letter N or the letters A and D. I hope this isn't that hard for Ryder and the guys.

I write the rest of the notes, one to Ethan, one to Lucas and another one to ryder, all in code.

I trust Ethan to keep Ryer from chasing after me. As stubborn and annoying he is, I know he's one of Ryder's most loyal followers and that's why he doesn't like me. I'm a danger to his leader, and he knows it.


I want Lucas to help train the men with Ryder. Other than Caleb, he was the only one who could keep up with me easily. I wrote a lot of attacks he should teach the guys and what they should expect from my father's side. The more they know, the better.

To Ryder I wrote a goodbye letter just in case none of this works out. One I hope he never has to read.

I look around for a place to hide the notes.

The cabient or the toothbrush holder would be good if we didnt share them.

I sigh, quietly.

I spot a tissue box and an idea comes to me.


Taking the tissue box, I stuff all the paper towel to the bottom and pat down the tissue down so none of it shows. Good.

I take a deep breath.

This is all I can do. For myself and for us, Ryder and I.

Tip-toeing back into the shower, I try to relax my tense mucles under the hot water. I wish I could lay back in Ryder's arms, instead of some water.

I decide to give the notes to Lucas. I believe he's the only one who won't discard them out of emotion. He'll know what to do with them, I left instructions.

If none of this works it doesn't matter, at least Ryder would be safe here.

I've fallen in love with a fool. A real dumbass that should be locked up for all the shit he's done to me.

I guess I'm an even bigger fool though for loving him.


Rose sits snuggled into my side as we look through the options the hotel offers for a movie to watch.

"We should watch something scary." I suggest.

She shakes her head.

"I want to watch the Notebook." She slightly cringes saying this.


"...Are you sure?" I ask, she doesn't seem like she wants to.

"Yup, and since I cry every time I see it, I'll go get some tissue." She says quickly.

"But--" She hops off the bed and jogs to the bathroom, coming out with a tissue box pressing against her chest.

She jumps back on the bed and moves to where she lies inbetween my legs. Scooching upwards, she stops when her back is pressed against my chest.

I smile, bringing a hand to play with her hair. She grabs the remote and keeps searching for the movie, rubbing against my area.

"Can you grab the snacks?" She asks, grinding against me now.

I clench my teeth and reach for the food we ordered eariler. She doesn't stop.


"You're playing with fire, Rose..." I warn her.

She tilts her head back and blinks innocently at me.

"What are you talking about?" She acts clueless.

I chuckle.

Holding her tighter, I press her closer into me.

"This." I say, watching her flinch slightly from the feeling of my jr.

She smriks, pushing into me more.

I pause, then laucnh my attack.

Tickling her suddenly, she jumps away from me, putting the tissue box over with the snacks. I lunge after her, continuing my assault.

She giggles and curls into herself. I flip her over and run my hands down her sides, causing her to burst out laughing again.

"Ryder...I can't breathe...stop." She manages to wheeze out.

I hover over her, stopping, staring at her face as she calms down.

Her laugh is the cutest thing I've ever seen. The smile staring up at me warms my heart.

I lean down slowly, but Rose doesn't wait, wrapping her arms around my neck, kissing me deeply.

I respond, dropping my arms, letting my body weight fall on her as she plants mulipte kisses on my lips, sucking at my bottom lip as she pulls back each time.

She stops and we stare at each other.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you."

I didn't think I could feel so much for someone, but now I can't imagine myself without this feeling. Without Rose.

I'm hers, forever.




I'm sooo sorry I'm late guys I suck. But....what do u guys think will happen?????

Love yall. And thank you all for the support.


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