《Madam Mafia》-Memories


Three days... Fuck.

I lie down next to a sleeping Ryder and stare at his face.

There are cameras watching us right now, tapes recording us and all I can do is sit here?

Hell no.

Leaving feels best even though we'd still be recorded somehow by our clothes.

An idea pops into my mind and I feel a bitter sorrow that runs through me but is for the best.

"Ryder, wake up." I shake him a bit but he doesn't stir.

"Ryder!" I place my hands on his chest and suddenly, he grabs my hand and pulls me onto his chest.

I yelp and fall.

He chuckles, now holding me down with both his arms. I sit up on his lap and he lets me, loosening his hold on my waist.

I straddle him and he lifts his upper body, scooching back to lean on the wall. He leans into my face and I can't help the smile that appears.

"C'mon, we have to go buy me a phone." I say, running my fingers through his hair.

"Why? You've never needed it before." He draws circles on my hips with his thumb.

"I have a little money saved up and I want to spend it, so I want a phone. Just get the fuck up. I'm going to brush my teeth." I say, shuffling off of him.

"Damn... If you're trying to grind on me, do it right." He looks at me intensely and I roll my eyes, scoffing.

"Hurry up and get ready, let's make this a date. Maybe we can just go away for the next couple of days. Stay at a hotel, chill, eat, just do shit together. That's what I want right now." I feel the ever-present pain in me spark.

This is our last hoorah, I'll do what I've wanted to do since I felt this feeling towards him.

I'll go all out. I know it's selfish but I need this. These memories might be the only things keeping me happy when I leave.

Ryder looks at me, stunned.

"R-really? I'm not used to you being so honest. It's cute. So fucking adorable. Shit, you're trying to kill me." He puts his hand on his chest and pats it.

"Just let me calm my heart down, ok? You go ahead before I jump you or something." He waves me off, still touching his chest.


I almost giggle, who's the cute one here?

I walk into the bathroom and shut the door, looking into the mirror, seeing a bright smile on my face.

I sigh.

I'll miss him. I'll miss him so much.

These two days, I'll pretend like nothing happening. Like I'm not leaving, and everything's fine.

These final days will just be about Ryder and I. Nothing else.

I nod to myself.

The door bursts open as I reach for my toothbrush and my hand automatically fists as I flinch back.

Ryder grabs my shoulders and pulls me in, laughing.

"I didn't know you were such a scaredy cat." He says, still clearly amused.

"But I already knew you were childish, so hurry up and brush your teeth so we can go." I pull away from him, smiling.

"Yeah ok... Boo!" He shouts, putting his hands up.

"Don't make me have to beat your ass Ryder." I say, not reacting this time, picking up my toothbrush and spreading the paste.

He's such a kid. Damn it's too cute.

"You know I'm playing, baby." He brings his arms to either side of me and I relax, leaning on his chest behind me.

"Course, can't you tell I'm playing?" I ask, innocently.


"Cause I'm not."

"Oh... I should probably get started, right?"

"Right." I smirk.

"You're hot when you're bossy." He whispers in my ear, cuddling me closer and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You want a kiss?" I whisper, turning my head to the side, tilted up towards him.

"Yeah..." His gaze becomes clouded as his eyes lock with mine.

"Then brush your teeth." I spit and wash out my mouth, bending over the counter, pressing against his area.

He chuckles.

"You're fucking with me." He says standing with his body tensed.

"I kinda am." I wash my face and grab the towel, drying myself off and leave.

I smile, hearing the rushed sounds of brushing.

I'll miss him, but I won't leave with any regrets.


We jump into the car and begin driving to the phone store.

"What phone do you want?"

"What phone do you have?"

"An iPhone 7. Upgrades came out but I was good with this model." He watches the roads and I buckle myself in.


"I want a Samsung Galaxy S8."

Ryder takes a pause. My eyes turn to him as he suddenly chuckles.

"An android? Seriously? Why'd you even ask me what phone I have?" He seems offended.

"Why are you mad? I like the camera on it. I asked you just cause." He's so confusing.

"I thought you'd get the same kind and we would match, you know. Like a couple's pair." He rubs the back of his head and looks a bit embarrassed.

"...we could try that. You could get a Samsung too." I say, looking out the window.

Another pause.

"Rose, you're not serious. You're hot when you're being sarcastic, too. I like this." He slows to a stop at a red light and turns to me.

I chuckle.

He stares at my lips, a little dazed.

My eyes look over to the light and see it change to green.

"Ryder, go. Th--"

His lips connect with mine and he slips his hand behind my nape, pushing me closer into the kiss.

I respond, bringing my hands to his jaw, using my thump to stroke his cheeks.

He smiles against my lips and I use the opportunity to slip my tongue inside his mouth, deepening the kiss.


I jump off Ryder and turn to look out the window, seeing a line of cars behind us.

I throw up my middle finger and wave it at all the angry drivers.

I don't give a fuck. This is one of our last kisses. Don't beep at me, please and thank you.

I lean back in my chair and Ryder laughs loudly in the seat next to me.

I pout looking over at him.

"You should be mad." I say, feeling amusement slowly creep into my system.

He laughs harder.

"It's not funny." I can't help my smile.

He laughs even harder.

I burst out laughing next to him.

Ryder drives the car to the side of the road and parks for a second, stilling chuckling.

I am too.

"I really fucking love you." He calms down, smiling gazing into my eyes.

"You're not half bad yourself, dumbass." I grin at him.

"Is that a compliment? Oh shit, you're really so pretty today. What's going on?" He asks, putting his head in his arms, on the steering wheel, peeking at me.

"I just love you too. Today, I guess." I avoid his eyes. I'll miss him.

"Today? You guess? You better know before I confirm for you." He says, sitting up, unbuckling his seat belt, shifting his body towards me.

I scoff.

"And how the hell would you do that?" I sit back, turning to face him as well.

"I'll tickle you to death until you say you'll love me forever and ever." He leans in, putting up his hands, and flexing his fingers.

"Ryder...chill ok." I say, pressing myself against the car door trying to get as far away as possible.

Ryder's hands are on me before I can try and escape.

I scream and can't stop the chuckles that consume me.

"Say it! C'mon you know you love me."

"Ok," I gasp for air, "I love you. I'll always love you, Ryder."

The assault ends and suddenly I'm in his arms.

"I'm going to keep you to that promise." His tone sounds sincere now.

I nod.

These memories will be my treasure until the day I die, and if possible, after that.

I'll always love Ryder and its killing me that I have so little time to spend with him, but this is for the better. He'll be safe.

I bring my arms up and wrap them around his chest.

I guess this is why Romeo killed himself, seeing Juliet was dead. His only light had gone out and their time was up. The future was aimless and dark.

My light's going out soon too and our time is almost over but I have things to do and I don't want to die.

When I go back, it won't be about living, but surviving. So I'll do all I can.

Maybe then I might make it back here, to Ryder.

Or I'll live with these sweet, sweet memories.




Eowwwww happy New Year bitchesss

Dont hate me just yet

Anyways im in lunch in school rn, and I asked my friends if i should update and they said yeah so here y'all go.

Love you guys thanks sop much for 450k


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