《Madam Mafia》-Fear



I hear my alarm go off and I quickly dismiss it, not wanting to wake up Rose.

She's stressed out nowadays, keeping secrets from me and it kills me inside.

I stretch out my arms, reaching for Rose's waist, just to hold her closer, she's too far away. I can't feel her.

My arms land on the bed and blankets but no Rose. Panic sparks in my heart and I jump up, looking around for her and yet the bed remains empty.

My eyes shift up to search around the room but again find nothing.


She promised. She promised. She promised.

The words repeat in my mind over and over.

"Rose!!" I yell, getting up off the bed, rushing to the bathroom.

I look inside. The bathtub lays as vacant as the rest of the room.

I almost lose it.

"Rose!!? Where are you?!" I shout louder, leaving my room only in my boxers to look around the house.

I go room to room.

She said she would stay. She's Queen now. My woman, my-

I freeze in the entrance to the kitchen and watch as Rose bites into her sandwich.

She notices me and smiles.

"Oh morning, do you want one?" She says with her mouth full," I can toast up some more bacon really quick, I want another one anyway so I'l--"

I cut her off running to her, grabbing her waist and pulling her to my chest. I feel my tense muscles relax as she stands in my arms.

"Don't ever scare me like that ever again." I whisper against her forehead.

"You were scared? Just now? For what?... Wait, was it cause I wasn't in bed?" She suppresses her laughter as her eyes wonder to the sweat beading on my face.

"You big ass baby! I got hungry, chill out. I'm not going anywhere." She says this looking at my cheeks holding both sides of my face in her hands.

"You left before once, so don't blame me if I'm careful." I say under my breath, pouting.

She loves my pout.

"Aww, Ryder thinks he's cute. I'm going upstairs to get ready. Could you give me another one of these if you make some?!" She shouts getting further away.

I pout for real now.

"Sure!" I respond, leaning against the counter.

I hear a thanks in the distance and smile to myself.

She's not going anywhere.

I sigh, calming myself.

She's not leaving.

I stand outside next to Ryder in front of the gang.

I look down at my new watch I stole from Ryder's office as 6:00 am hits.

"Okay, you guys know the drill let's run!" I shout, beginning my stride. Ryder starts, at my pace, right beside me and we lead the group around their laps.

Caleb stays behind today but Lucas easily finds his way next to us.

"Hi boss, hi boss's wife so what are we doing today?" He smiles brightly at us and out of the corner of my eye I see Ryder smirk at the word 'wife' but honestly thats the least of my worries.


Caleb's piercing stare stabs into the back of my head constantly and I can't even think straight.

I'm not the type to be scared but right now I'm...afraid.

I can't let my father find me now, I'm not ready for him, I need more time. A lot more time.

We round another corner and I vaguely hear Ryder and Lucas talking about some tv show. Not important, can't care less.

I might really be caught this time. After all these years of hiding, the moment I decide to face my problems, they meet me in the middle.

I almost chuckle.

Suddenly, Ryder's hand shoots out in front and blocks my path.

I stop, looking up at him with confusion. He stares down at me with concern.

"Are you...ok?" He asks, now holding my arm as the whole group waits for us to continue.

I nod but he doesn't let go.

"I've never seen you this out of it. What happened?" He persists.

I stare at him, feeling a bottle of emotions in me shake and stir and almost demand to be let out.

But nothing escapes my lips as I shake my head and move his hand off my arm.

His eyes stay on me as we resume running and I avoid his gaze.

I twitch a little, feeling two stares on me, watching silently.

It's so annoying.

We finally stop reaching the deck again and I tell them to brawl like the practice before.

My eyes meet Caleb's and I slightly flinch seeing him smiling at me. It's so creepy. I don't like it.

I don't like this whole situation. I've been pushed into a corner plenty of times in my life but right now I feel like I'm the one putting myself there.

And it feels like shit. I'm so close to going up to Caleb and squaring him right in his jaw. That would be so nice.

I sigh and close my eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

Calm down bitch, deep breaths bitch.

"Ryder, can you take care of them out here? I'm getting a protein bar and some water really quick." I say, already walking off towards the door.

"Yeah, get me one too." He responds loudly, while I enter the house, shutting the door behind me.

His comment brings me back to this morning.

I chuckle. Ryder is the cutest boy I've ever met and he's all mine...

But I'm not his. I mean...shit forget it.

I shrug to myself.

Going into the kitchen, I open the fridge to get the water and set them down on the table as I go to collect the bars.

I reach up to the cabinets above the sink and open their doors taking the two snacks.

At times like these, though I'm not that religious, I thank God for my height.

A sudden warmth behind me interrupts my thoughts and I freeze.

Arms come around my waist and I turn around sharply and come face to face with Caleb.


"What the fuck? Get off me." I push against his chest, but he doesn't budge.

"You're still just daddy's little girl, aren't you Rose? Why don't you come back? I could take you to him right now." He whispers in my ear as I struggle to escape his hold.

Damn it I should've been working out all these weeks instead of playing hard to get with Ryder. Ugh.

Looking up at him I see his smile, again, despite me beating on his chest. I snap.

"What the fuck do you want from me?! If you want to take me to my bum ass father, take me!!! I can't deal with your uncomfortable stares and weird looks. I don't like you at all and if I could beat your ass, I would. Just leave me alone, don't you have better things to do? You found me, woo fucking hoo, now you get to stare at me everytime you see me you dumbass weirdo!!! Get the hell off of me! Stay away from me!" I shout, feeling all my emotions burst out my mouth.

"But I can't do that. I need you just as much as your father needs you. So when the time comes you're leaving with me." He whispers, again, into my ear.

I shiver in disgust. Ew, his breath coats my cheek.

"Okay, whatever I don't care anymore. I get it. Now fuck off me." I say, just feeling complete exhaustion.


My eyes turn quickly to see Ryder, standing in the kitchen doorway, with narrowed eyes.


"Caleb...?" His breathing visually gets heavier and I watch as he suddenly storms in, and rips Caleb's arms from around me.

I instantly put my arms around Ryder, as he stumbles back from his assault on Caleb.

The few kicks Ryder just got in as Caleb hit the floor, probably broke a rib or two.

I nearly laugh.

Ryder pushes and moves away from my arms trying to continue his beating on the now unconscious Caleb.

His chest rises up and down quickly against my hands.

I move to in front of him and grab his jaw, forcing him to look down into my eyes.

"Ryder, Ryder, listen to me. It's okay, nothing happened." I try to reason with him, but he closes his eyes, almost in pain and shakes his head.

"What were you guys doing in here? Is this why you've never said you love me? Is he the reason you don't want me, why you're going to leave me one day?"

I guess he saw through my lie earlier.

"No, Ryder, I swear I don't feel anything towards him except h--"

"Bullshit! I want to kill him, Rose. I've known him since I was 13. I've spent 4 years of my life with this man, made him my third in command, became brothers with him and I want him dead because of you. That's how crazy I've become about you! But you're going to leave me... and you won't tell me anything!! Why?!" His arms come around my waist and he pulls me on to his chest.

I feel tears prick my eyes and I try to contain them.

I can't be weak in front of anyone, that's becoming dependent on the person and I don't like it. I'm... scared. My walls are like glass at the moment. Even a small rock could break them.

I feel a rapid beat on my cheek as his hand holds my head to his heart all of a sudden.

"I love you, Rose."

The boulder he throws crushes my defenses in one blow.

My eyes tear up completely and for once I don't try to contain it. I let them go.

For the first time since freshman year, 3 years ago, I cry.

The droplets fall fast and hard and Ryder stiffens.

Immediately though, he relaxes and holds me close with both arms around my back.

"I'm scared, Ryder. I-I hate to say it but I'm fucking scared. I don't want to see my father again, I don't want to go up against him by myself. I just don't want anyone else to get hurt and broken like my mom was. I need to do this alone but Ryder he's my dad. My Dad. We used to be happy but then I don't know what happened. I don't know. I don't know." I press closer into him, just for once second not holding up my own problems.

"I-I love you, Ryder. I'm sorry for giving you so many doubts about us and me. I didn't want to say it cause I have to go but I really love you and it's breaking my heart having to leave but I don't want you to get hurt and I know how you are. I can't do that to you. I won't. I care about you too much."

Ryder seems stunned, holding me and I can't help but laugh through my tears.


"I'll tell you everything," I nod, "Let's go upstairs first."

I glance at Caleb and decide to deal with him after I tell Ryder the situation.

Ryder bends down and locks his lips with mine and I respond letting go of all my usual tactics, just kissing him back.

I love him.

I love Ryder.




(2003 words btw my longest chapter ever!!!)

Hey guys I'm sop sorry For the wait can yall comment when you want me to update this week and how many times next week its break so all im going to be doing is letting out chapters for you guysss.

Plussssss oml guys were at 300k I meannnnn im soo soo soo gratefull I love all of you soo much.

What do you all think of the new development?? Hmm??

Anyways love you guys soooooooooooooooooo much.


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