《The Alpha Broke the Omega》end


I was sitting at a rocking chair at the backyard of our house, Austin sleeping in my arms. Yes, our house.

Since we had a child now, we moved at out own house just a few minutes away from the pack house. Although, we still stay at both places whenever the circumstance require it.

Austin turned four months old today and he was currently sleeping in my arms. I was watching the afternoon sunset as we waited for Ian to come back home.

It had been over a year since all the Alphas and Lunas who are dealing with the Strays have gathered. Although the current happenings were still alarming, Maddie and Hazel were handling it well as well as the other Alphas.

There is still no news about the fourth warrior. Cassian still hasn't found her and the last I heard, he was starting to give up.

I had no more dreams or visions or clues as to where or who she might be, but all I know is that we aren't the only ones looking for her. Our enemies are trying to get to her first.

Outside our pack borders, things are a bit chaotic and each pack is trying to keep themselves safe.

We have sent many of our warriors for those packs who are especially in need, but that's just a damage control. Sometimes, they still get attacked.

Archer and Chase have updated us and apparently, there was a connection between the Strays and the Council.

To be honest, I wasn't surprised. I already had a bad feeling about them for the longest time before. Archer and Chase merely confirmed it.

As for Ian and I, we are taking each day at a time.

It was a bit weird at first because even at the midst of troubling times, we were still able to be a happy growing family.


The simple smiles of Austin was enough to wash away our worries and somehow, the chaos happening outside our borders are forgotten.

The wind blew my hair as I gently rocked on the chair when I picked up Ian's scent coming nearer. Soon enough, I hear the back door opening and closing.

I turned around only to be met with Ian's smiling face and shining blue eyes and I smile back at him.

"Austin's still sleeping, I see." he whispers and sits down at the long chair in front of me. I stood up and sat beside him.

I lifted Austin up and Ian took him from me slowly as not to wake him up.

Silence settled in as Ian carried our baby and watched him sleep. I rested my head on his shoulder and stared at the orange hues of the sky.

"I don't mind." I say lowly and smiled bittersweetly.

Ian's eyebrows furrowed as he met my eyes with an inquisitive look.

"You don't mind what?"

"I don't mind spending the rest of my living days like this. With you. With Austin. With our future kids. With this pack. I don't mind."

Again, Ian smiled sweetly and even with Austin in his arms, he was able to crouch low enough and kissed me.

"I wasn't going to give you any other choices, Hannah." he teases and we both chuckle.

"Tsk, you pushed me to almost leave, remember? But it's okay. I don't hold grudges."

Ian stayed silent for a while and I could feel his regret hanging in the air.

"You know, I was reading this book about the legends and do you know what Chári means? It means grace and the name Hannah also means grace." he starts explaining and I looked towards him trying to understand where he's trying to get at.


He smiled, a bittersweet one. "That's how you've been to me, Hannah. Ever so graceful although I didn't deserve it. I gave you many reasons to give up on me, but you stayed. And for that I can never thank you enough. There are not enough words to explain how I feel towards you and I'm sorry for that." he takes a deep breather before restarting as if his words weren't already making my heart beat so fast.

"Sometimes I think that all of this is just a dream, but then you smile at me and I know that there's no way this can be an illusion. I love you. And no, it's not just the mate bond, I truly love you, Hannah Davis."

I became teary eyed and I didn't even notice it.

"What's with the sudden speech, dummy? Now you've made me feel all sappy." I complained as I sat up straight to wipe the threatening tears.

Ian smiled and who was I not to fall for it for the thousandth time?

"And you're not the only one, Ian. I love you, truly."

And while we were staring lovingly into each other's eyes, Austin must have cringed because he started whining and soon enough, he started crying.

We immediately turn to him and give him our undivided attention.

"Is he hungry?" Ian asks, gently rocking him, an futile attempt to stop him from crying.

"No, he probably wet his nappies." I guess, checking his diaper.

"Come on, let's go inside. It's getting cold."

"Let's go."

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