《The Alpha Broke the Omega》born


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8 Months Later

My heart was beating fast as I sprinted towards pack clinic.

I could feel the pain that Hannah was feeling at the moment, but I knew that the pain she was feeling was far greater than the pain that the mate bond transmitted.

The clinic finally came in sight, I hurriedly opened the door and tracing Hannah's scent, I was able to arrive in her room in not even a few minutes.

She was covered in sweat, her face red, her hair disheveled, yet she still managed to steal my breath the moment I saw her.

I ran towards her side and held her hand, Andrea and my mom stepped back.

"She'll be giving birth any time soon now, Ian." Andrea said, excitement yet nervousness could be heard in her voice.

"The midwife is on her way, she'll be here soon." my mom said, her hands clasping and blowing them out of restlessness.

I realized that I was feeling extremely excited too, but at the moment I was panicking for my mate. She was whimpering in pain as she held onto my hand tightly.

I placed kisses on top of her hand and her forehead to let her know that I was right beside her, that I wasn't going anywhere.

"Hannah, you can do it, alright." I whisper onto her ears and she nods. For the first time, she opens her eyes, and those grey pair of eyes looked back at me. She was full of pain, yet she looked so strong.

"It hurts, Ian, oh gosh." she says as she winces again.

I held tighter onto her, hoping to transmit her my strength.

"The midwife's here!" someone from outside screams and soon enough, I saw an elderly lady who I recognized to be Gloria rushing inside.


She quickly prepared all the tools that she was going to need and both Andrea and my mom were helping her.

The next minutes was Hannah screaming in exhaustive pain and agony and all I could was comfort her and try to get her through till the next push.

Hannah screamed when she was instructed to push, a shrill piercing through all of our ears, but I could feel that the whole pack was hoping for Hannah's safe delivery.

It was in moments like these when the pack bond was especially strong and you could even sense it in the air.

"More, Hannah! I can see his head!" my mom said.

I looked at my mom then to Hannah. I wiped the sweat away and held her hand tighter, planting kisses on her forehead when she was taking a small rest in between.

"Push Luna!" Gloria instructed and Hannah did so.

My heart was racing. I was a mix of emotions and it was between joy and agitation.

And there it came.

The room was filled with the loud cry of a newly born infant making his presence known for the first time on this world.

You may not believe me, but I swear the world stopped when the baby cried.

My heart got in caught in my throat and suddenly I was dumb.

It felt like the first time I met Hannah, when our eyes met during that rainy night at her worthless pack.

Finally, it was Hannah that brought me back to my senses, as always. I hadn't noticed that tears had started flowing from my eyes and I hadn't noticed that Hannah was now carrying our son.

He was so... small.

He was so fragile and I knew that I had to protect him at all cost.


He was still crying, his voice, although small, was heard throughout the whole room. Like a madman, I started to laugh.

"Hannah, h-he's here. You did it, Hannah." I managed to say as I crouched towards them and observed the baby boy that my beautiful mate was carrying.

Hannah was panting after all the labour that she had done, but as she was carrying the baby, her face lit up as if she had forgotten the pain that she just went through.

"Ian, he's so beautiful." she says, her voice filled with amazement at the life she was currently holding.

I put my arms around her as we both observed at... our son.

Hannah gently shushed him and pulling him closer to her. "There, there, it's okay. It's me, mommy." she says as she ignores the tears that flowed through and she looked at me. "And he's your dad."

My face must have lit up more when she mentioned me. "H-hey there, little bud." I managed to say without stuttering.

Hannah's voice must have soothed him because he slowly stopped crying.

"So, what was his name again?" Andrea asks from beside us, teary eyed herself.

Hannah and I looked at each other and instinctively, we both smiled.

"Austin. James Austin Fortis will be his name." I answered.

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