《The Alpha Broke the Omega》miracle


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(adding GIF later cause it's not working rn T_T)

When I came to my senses, I blankly stared at the ceiling. I felt like all hope was gone. I felt like I had no strength left.

I wanted to cry again, but no tears dropped. I was too tired to even cry.

It was sunny outside, it must've been day already, but I felt like dark clouds covered the place.

My hand slowly and hurtfully reached to my stomach where my child's heart should have been beating. It rested there for a while.

My eyes widened and I suddenly sat up on my bed when I felt it. A heartbeat. It was frail and low, but I felt it.

I focused on my hearing and I was right. The heartbeat was still there, slow but stead. My child is still here, he's not gone.

I was suddenly rejuvenated, joy and relief overwhelmed me.

A miracle.

There's no other way, but a miracle. I whispered my thanks and then I notice that Ian was beside me.

Again, my eyes widened as I remembered what happened. He knows now... he knows that I'm pregnant and he knows that I put our child in danger. I wonder if he will be angry when he wakes up.

I felt guilty, of course, but there was no other way to heal Maddie. And who would have ever thought that our child could feel the pain too, I thought only I would.

I sighed and laid back down, getting closer to Ian. Unfortunately, that woke him up and like I reacted earlier, he suddenly got up.

His eyes were wide in panic and immediately turned to me.

"Hannah... our baby. I-I'm so--" he just woke up but he seemed like he was already going to break down. I quickly shook my head, taking his hand and placing it on my stomach.

It must have confused him, but he complied. We stayed still, making sure the silence reigned for him to hear clearly.

Ian's eyes lit up and looked at me, unbelief written on his face. I smiled widely and nodded. "He's safe." I said in a whisper as if anything louder will put a stop at the heartbeat once more.

Ian released a deep breath of relief and quickly took me into his arms. I chuckled and hugged him back. However, he quickly pulled away and put his hand on my stomach again. "He's still here, thank goodness." he says.


He sounded like heavy weights were just lifted from off his shoulders and he could breathe again.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you in advance..." I started, the guilt starting to creep in, but Ian shook his head also and planted soft kisses at the side of my head.

"No, I know why you did it. It's for everyone's safety. But please, don't do anything like that again, you scared me to death. You have to be more careful from now on." he said.

It surprised me, that's for sure. I didn't know he would take it this well. I even squinted my eyes at him to see if he was just being passive aggressive, but no. He was being sincere.

I smiled at him and nodded.

"I will, don't worry."

When I was feeling better, I paid a visit to Maddie who was now awake. I met Hazel on my way there and coincidentally, she was also on her way to Maddie.

I quickly remembered that she was there when I was breaking down so as we were walking, I held her arm and stopped her.

"You... you helped me with my child didn't you?" I asked her.

Hazel's eyes avoided, as she chuckled hesitantly.

"We-well. I'm glad it all worked out just fine." she admitted, but she still sounded hesitant, making me wonder why. Other issues aside, I quickly hugged her and started to thank her profusely.

"Oh, how can I ever repay you Hazel." I say starting to get emotional.

"Then, you can consider my stay at your pack as the payment. And don't worry about it, I was only doing what a warrior should be doing." she said and smiled, her blue eyes reminded me of Ian's.

That cleared my worries away and nodded and I let go of her. We started walking towards Maddie's room again.

"Right, so if you don't mind me asking. How were you able to do that?"

Again, Hazel looked hesitant as she smiled sadly. "I'm not sure if you know, but you have heard that Alphas have their Alpha command tones right?" she asked first. I nodded, of course I knew.

"According to the legends, the very first person who had the command tone is Elpída. When I was a child, merely speaking was already commanding others around me. That's how I helped you and Ian. I had to calm you two down first with my command and with the limited healing powers I have, stabilized the child's heartbeat while talking to him to be strong." she admitted and smiled.


I couldn't help but feel amazed. No wonder why people felt compelled to listen to her when she spoke. How cool is that?

"That's great Hazel!" I say, but I notice that she only nodded. She must not have liked talking about it too much.

We continued talking as we made our way to Maddie's room and when we arrived and entered her room, at first she looked scared of us.

Maddie had beautiful bright red hair, complimented perfectly with her emerald eyes, she was stunning. Why are these girls so beautiful?

Her skin was tanned, clearly used to the outside exposure as a rogue. I could sense she raised all her guards when we entered the room. She was already sizing us up, readying herself for a fight, but that didn't last long. I guess she must've realized that we didn't mean any harm.

"Y-you are..." she started. She was overwhelmed. The sight of us was already confusing her. I smiled at her and so did Hazel.

We both approached her.

"I'm Hannah, remember? I'm Chári, I came here because I wanted to meet you. I needed to make sure you were safe." I explained slowly.

She then turned to Hazel.

"Ah! So you are the one giving headaches to Chase! Good for him, keep it coming." she says and laughs.

At the mention of Chase's name, Maddie blushed madly. That made Hazel and I look at each other and giggled. Something must've happened between them.

Hazel proceeded to introduce herself and Maddie stayed quiet as she nodded. It was still too much for her, I could see that so we gave her the time she needed.

She asked about the warriors, she asked about the packs, she thanked me for healing her and finally, she asked about the Strays.

Maddie was hesitant about it. "D-do you know who is behind all of it?" she asked, but it didn't come off as a question. It was as if she wanted to confirm with us if we already knew who it was.

There's no way she can have an idea about it... right?

If so, then she knows who our real enemy is.

Hazel shook her head. "No. The four strongest packs are meeting up to trace whoever it can be. It's already great that we have the three Alphas from the north, west and south. We're just waiting for Alpha Cassian, the Alpha of the strongest pack of the east, he's arriving today from what Chase told me." she explained.

"Cass...ian?" Maddie asks.

I tilted my head questioningly. Would she happen to know him?

"Do you know him?" I ask. The question seems to have caught the rogue off guard and she immediately shook her head no.

"N-no way! I... it's just my head hurts." she said and smiled apologetically.

"Do you think you have an idea of who might be behind the Strays?"

Maddie's eyes widen as she looks back at me, she looked like she has just been caught red-handed. She looked down, but ultimately nodded very lightly.

My heart started to pound, but I reminded myself to remain calm. My baby still has to be safe no matter what.

"Yes... I might have an idea." she confessed. I was going to press on the matter, however, she looked so conflicted. She was unsure of what to do, she must've known the person and might possibly be close with him or her for Maddie who is a strong and straight forward person to react this way.

Hazel looked towards me, a perplexed look cast over her face and shook her head. I nodded, agreeing.

"That's great. Now, how about we leave all those matters behind and we go eat first? Let's wait for Alpha Cassian before we can start with all this affairs, all of us will be there. Besides, we still have to find the last warrior." Hazel says enthusiastically.

I smiled and got up from my seat. I extended my hand to Maddie.

"Hazel's right. Let's go grab some food. We never know when we can get the chance to have a meal again."

Maddie looked at my hand for a while. I was scared that she was going to reject me.

It reminded me of how I must've acted towards Andrea when I first came in the pack. Back when I wasn't used to kindness. Back when a hand was a symbol that I was going to get hit or beaten up.

However, Maddie ever so hesitantly took my hand and that had me feel so relieved.

I was shocked when I saw her look up to me and showed a smile.

A miracle.

Miracles upon miracles.


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