《The Alpha Broke the Omega》ruckus


It was close to lunch when Alpha Archer and his company came. I was knocking in Hazel's room, but I knew she wasn't there. I tried to look for her scent inside, but I couldn't find it.

Ah, I should've known.

All the pack helpers were rushing here and there to make everything perfect. I remembered when Dana came back from her sister's pack when she heard about Ian getting his mate. The pack helpers did their best to make sure everything was perfect.

I tried to follow her scent, trying to find where she was, but at the moment, I couldn't. She must've went out for a run or something, I can't sense her anywhere near.

'Hannah, they're here.' Ian linked me. That was a sign for me to go down and meet Hazel's mate.

I rushed down and met with Ian by the doorframe of the pack house. Alec, Elliot and Andrea were already outside, I saw even Dana and the elders waiting.

Soon enough, three black jeeps pulled over. Come to think of it, even our pack's car consisted mostly of jeeps, what's up with that.

I was still very much worried about Hazel, but I had to set that aside for now. One by one, the car doors opened. My attention was directed to a man that just came out.

He was tall and very lean. Dark brown hair similar to mine and very light brown eyes it was unreal. As the sun hit on them, they looked even brighter.

You'd think that due to his eyes, you'll be able to read him easily, but that wasn't the case. He had a blank face which sort of reminded me of Ian's.

"Well, look who we have here." Ian says quite jokingly. At that, Alpha Archer cracked a smile and shook his head.

"Unexpected turn of events, right?" the Alpha says. He looks towards me and smiles also. "I'm assuming you're his unfortunate mate?"

I smiled and laughed. "I am. Nice to meet you." I greet.

Alec and Elliot equally came. "Woah, we haven't seen you ever since you were appointed to be the Alpha. You've aged so much." Alec poked. I saw some of Archer's companions coming nearer, one of them approached us. I was guessing it was his Gamma.

"Allan! How have you been?" Elliot asked as he put his arm around his fellow Gamma and patted his back.

Wow, this is a whole reunion isn't it?

I heard that the future high ranking wolves such as Alphas, Betas and Gammas all go to the same training camps. This went on for years ever since they were young. Ian had told me that it was where he met Archer and his Beta and Gamma.

After greeting us, Archer and Allan also greeted Dana and the elders.

I saw Archer touring his eyes around the place, searching for someone else. And it wasn't hard to guess who he was looking for. When he caught me looking, I could only smile. He approached me as we were walking to the pack house to get lunch.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. I did try my best to convince Hazel to come." I said.


He sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it, I can feel that she is here. I will look for her. And please, do call me Archer. No need for formalities." he said.

I nodded.

*i know this isn't Hazel's and Archer's story yet but I just wanted to include this scene here

I had to excuse myself after the lunch with Panselinos's leaders. Although no one said anything, the reason why was obvious.

I followed Hazel's faint scent. I wasn't even inside the pack yet, I already smelled her scent. It relieved me like a cold water being poured onto me on a hot day. Her scent was sweet and calming, it easily distinguished her from others. I could always find no matter what.

It has been around two weeks since she ran away.

Being the moon goddess' third warrior, Elpída, she had the ability of command tone that was even more powerful than that of an Alpha's. No, you could say that the command tone came from her.

That's why people who would've met her for the first time, lowest ranking wolves would be naturally compelled to listen to her. She could simply be speaking and it would come off as a command to others, but Hazel kept her command tone under constant check.

She rarely used it. But she did so that she could run away, she commanded the patrol guards to lower the barriers so she could pass through.

After around fifteen minutes of following her scent, I saw her sitting at the feet of a tree. She was leaning against it, her eyes closed. She must've sensed me by now, but seeing that she hasn't reacted in any way yet, I knew that she fell asleep.

I sighed and felt somewhat irritated by how careless she was. This girl had no sense of danger whatsoever.

I walked up to her and confirmed, she was asleep alright. I bended in front of her, staring at her sleeping face. Her face was hit by the sunlight and her golden hair was being blown away by the wind.

I decided not to wake her up and sat beside her instead. I pushed the strands that were getting blown on her face, tucking them behind her ear. I expected that she would wake up, but she didn't.

Just how tired is she?

When our shoulders touched, the sparks erupted and it almost shocked me. It was almost as strong as the first time we touched, it must've been because we haven't seen each other in a long time. I'm sure the mate bond was hurting her even more.

Still asleep, Hazel's head dropped onto my shoulder, leaning on it. I didn't' move. I tried my best not to.

I sat there for a while, waiting for Hazel to wake up, and that's when my mind drifted to the fight that we had, causing her to run away.

"I'm so tired of fighting for someone who is mine."

That's the last thing she told me. She was crying when she said it and that was what surprised me the most. It was the first time I saw her cry.

Scratch that, it was the first time I saw her breaking down and out of control. I really angered her.


I felt Hazel stirring beside me causing me to look at her, her head moved as if trying to place it better on my numbing shoulder. But then, she opened her eyes wide and when she saw me, she bolted up and moved away.

Wrong move, she hit her head on my jaw. My hand immediately went to my jaw, rubbing it from the impact.

"A-aw!" she screamed and rubbed her hand on her head.

"It wouldn't have happened if you didn't jump like that." I say calmly. I could see that her face was already reddening, that's how fast I could make her mad.

"And now it's my fault?! You're the one sneaking up on me while I was asleep!" she says, already pissed at me and already pouting.

"Since you already look so well and energetic, we can travel pack in two days after Ian and I finish discussing about the Strays." I tell her and got up.

Hearing what I said, her eyebrows furrowed at me and her blue eyes were already a raging sea. Uh-oh. What did I do this time?

She bit her lip and got up as well. Without saying a word, she started walking ahead. Faintly, I could feel her emotions. She was hurt.

I walked up to her, grabbing her arm. "What's wrong?"

Hazel didn't look at me, she kept her head turned away as she shook her arm off my hold. "Leave me alone and don't show yourself to me while you're here. I won't be going back with you to your pack. I will be travelling with Hannah down to Chase's pack and meet the second warrior." she said coldly and walked ahead of me.

Chase? Alpha Chase? The southern pack?

I was sitting by the backdoor of the pack house, waiting for Hazel. Archer came back hours ago, but Hazel still hadn't. I was getting worried, but it was best to give her her own space.

The sun was beginning to set when I saw Hazel emerging out of the woods. Her face was sullen, her usual smile wasn't there and I could feel how heavy she must've been feeling.

Her dress was a dirtied with mud, she must've ran for hours on long. I quickly noticed red cuts everywhere her arms and legs. It was blood. And then I saw her feet. Her feet were bleeding, but it didn't seem like she cared.

She looked soulless as she was walking aimlessly. I got up and ran up to her.

"Hazel! What happened to you!" I ask her, shaking her to wake some sense into her.

Slowly, she lifted her head and met my eyes. They were so empty, devoid of the radiating cheerfulness that I've been used to seeing in her eyes.

Ah, mates. They really suck life out of you, don't they. I remembered that this was probably how I looked like when Ian and I were literally killing each other.

It didn't take long when I sensed Ian and Archer coming. I sensed everyone else behind too. Archer's eyes widened when he saw his mate. Hazel sensed him too and looked at him. This time, her eyes carried such a hurt expression it made me feel really bad for her.

Ian and Archer were going to come near but I shook my head, motioning him not to come over. Ian got the message and held his friend back.

"Let's get you patched up first, Hazel." I tell her, carefully leading her on the steps where she sat down. "Don't worry, you'll be fixed in no time." I say and smiled at her.

'Leave us alone, I'll take care of her.' I linked Ian. In no time, everyone left.

I started healing her feet and they gradually went back to normal as if she had never been injured. I did the same for her arms and legs. When her wounds were gone, I brought her to her room.

I had already commanded some pack helpers to prepared a hot bath for her so when we arrived there, she quickly took a bath.

I waited for her to finish and I prepared warm clothes that I left at the bathroom for her.

When she was done, she came out.

This time, when our eyes met, she smiled. I felt relieved.

"I'm so sorry for causing all this ruckus, Hannah." she apologized sincerely and sat on her bed. I followed her and sat beside her.

I shook my head. "Not a problem. I'm just glad that you're safe."

I heard she chuckle nervously, but then I saw her eyes tearing up. I stayed quiet for a bit, unsure of what to say or do.

Oh gosh, what should I do?!

I'm so bad at these situations.

I cleared my throat. "I-it'll be fine, Hazel." I try to say. What if it won't though? Oh gosh, I'm so dumb.

Hazel started furiously wiping her tears and looked up to suppress the tears, but it didn't work. "Why am I crying? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for being so dramatic." she says and turns her face away so I won't see her cry.

My heart broke for her, she looked clearly hurt.

I wondered what happened between her and Archer to cause her this much pain? Hazel was a strong girl, she was the type to never let herself be put down.

"It's okay, Hazel. I understand, I've been there too. Ian and I didn't get a long at first too, in fact we both hated each other first. As you've probably already heard, I was an omega, for Ian who wanted a strong Luna, it was revolting. It was hard at first, accepting each other's differences, but it all worked out." I don't know why I suddenly started telling Ian and my story, but it seemed appropriate at the moment.

Hazel seemed shocked for a second. "Really? That Ian who gets mad at me for stealing you away from him?" she asks.

The way she worded it made me laugh.

"I don't know what's between you and Archer, but I hope you two will work it out. Your mate is your other half, after all."



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