《The Alpha Broke the Omega》effyía


| effyía |

(effyía at top)

I put the cup of tea in front of the newcomer.

Ian, Alec, Elliot and I were currently in the pack kitchen with Effyía.

I observed the third warrior as she so elegantly took the cup in her hands, blew the hot air and took a sip from it. When she noticed that we were all looking at her, she made an "O" face and quickly put the cup down.

"Oh my, how rude of me. I have not even properly introduced myself, it was just too cold and the tea was so enticing." she said as she sweetly smiled and set the teacup down.

Alec seemed to have fallen in love with her, well I couldn't blame him. The girl looked like a painting and the way she moved was so elegantly poised, of course everyone would be looking at her. This told me that she must have grown up as a high-ranking wolf.

"My name is Hazel Sage and as you already know it, I am the third warrior of the moon goddess by the name of Effyía." she introduced. Her voice was so charming that all of us took a moment to answer and she just kept smiling.

"And how did you know where to find Hannah?" Alec asked. Hazel turned to Alec, cloud 9 to Alec.

"Well, my, my, Mr. Alec. It seems you are unaware that everyone knows of the appearance of the moon goddess' warriors. I mean I know your pack is sort of closed off, but to not know what's going on outside your borders, that's not good isn't it?" she says innocently.


I couldn't help but laugh.

Hazel acted like an airhead but she definitely wasn't and she definitely had a way with her words.

Elliot hit Alec at the back of his head. "Of course we are well aware of what is going on outside the borders, it only seems that someone hasn't done their homework." Elliot reprimanded as he sent death glares towards Alec.

Ah, sometimes it really made me wonder who was of higher rank.

"How is it that you know that you're part of the moon goddess' warriors?" I finally asked her.

"Oh, that. I'm sure you've been getting your share of insightful dreams about the moon goddess and Luna Flumine, her kingdom. I've been getting them since I was a child and I always suspected that it had something to do with her. However, when I heard the news about your appearance, that's when I remembered everything." she explained.

Interesting, so she's been getting recollections ever since she was a child.


Unlike me and Dynami who obviously had no idea of who we were.

"And to what pack do you belong to?" Ian questioned beside me.

Hazel turned her attention to the Alpha and her baby blue eyes reminded me of his.

"I've always wanted to meet you and here you are. You're as stiff as the rumours say you are." she chucked lightly.

Her laugh was infectious. Hazel is quite... a personality.

Ian didn't mind though, he probably agreed too.

"You don't want to answer my question? You may be a warrior, but you're still in my pack without formal consent." he threatened. At that, I turned to him and gave him a deadpan look.

I was going to tell her that it was fine, but then Hazel calmly took a sip of her tea and set it down. "Hmm, that is understandable. It seems I have cause quite the ruckus, I apologize for that. However, it's not like you don't already know which pack I belong from, right Alpha?"

I raised an eyebrow over to Ian.

Although I did pick up the distinct smell of her pack, I didn't exactly know from where it came.

Ian sighed and started rubbing the temple of his head as if he was getting a headache.

"I see how it is. You're a far way off your pack, Luna Hazel." Ian sighs like he was starting to have the biggest headache.

I cocked my head towards him. So he knows her?

Well, it's no big surprise that she's a Luna, though.

"Luna Hazel? Of the Lunata Lillium?" Elliot asked, also surprised.

"Ah! Archer's Luna?" Alec asked, clearly disappointed. But then he got over it quickly because he seemed to be having a quick hit of realization remembering who she is.

"Wow, so it is true that you are well acquainted with my stupid mate." she says.

Ian grumbled beside me. "This is why that guy has been pestering me."

This is the first time I'm seeing Ian truly annoyed about something after a long time. It was rather cute seeing him grumble like that.

"Wait, Hazel. So you ran away?" I question her. She pouted and turned her face away.

"I didn't run away, I came to meet you. We have important things to do you, know. And please don't tell anything about me being here to that monster." she says. Yup, she definitely ran away.

Why though?

Does she not get along with her mate?

Are all of us warriors destined not to get along with our mates?

Huh, that's quite cruel.

"Unfortunately we can't do that. Don't you know how hard Archer has been looking for you?" Ian reasoned out.


Hazel crossed her arms. "Fine, tell him. It's not like he can do anything about it anyways." she said, sure of herself.

"Elliot tell someone to prepare a room for the Luna ple-- ah, while you're at it, prepare other rooms. I have a feeling that we'll be receiving other guests from the western pack soon." Ian commanded, Elliot nodded and excused himself for a moment.

"It's fine, you don't have to go through all that trouble. I'm not here as my pack's Luna. I'm here as Effyía. Besides, Archer won't bother coming through all the trouble coming up here." Hazel explained.

As expected, she must've had a fight with her mate or something.

"Wow, I'm actually quite amazed now. I did hear that Archer's mate was troublesome, but you don't quite look like it." Alec said, making as if it was a compliment.

Hazel laughed heftily as if proud of her accomplishment.

"Never judge a book by its cover, Mr. Beta" was all she said.

I stood up finally and walked towards Hazel.

"Okay, how about Hazel and I go for a walk while the two of you try and contact her pack?" I suggest.

Ian stood up also and walked towards me. He planted a kiss on my forehead first before walking away. "Don't go too far, it's getting dark. Take care of her for now, Archer will start a war if anything happened to her." Ian said.

That made me smile for some reason. Archer seemed like a charming person.

"Oh my, you make it seem like he cares for me Alpha Ian, I would appreciate it if you don't do that." Hazel commented. Although she was still calmly drinking her cup of tea, it was clear that she was giving a warning to Ian.

"We'll see about that when he gets here." Ian said and left along with Alec.

Hazel and I were walking around the pack centres, most of them were closed now, but there were lamp posts illuming our steps very well.

She was telling me about the troubles that she encountered while travelling here and listening to her adventures, I was only glad that nothing bad happened her.

"Gee, don't do something so reckless like that again. You never know what can happen when you're alone." I tell her, I was the one getting stressed by the troubles she met.

Hazel chuckled softly as he stretched her arms up high.

The moon was full above us and I noticed that she stopped walking to stare at it.

"It's strange isn't it? That's supposed to be our home, but we only remember so little about it. We can only stare from below." she says.

I followed where she was looking and stared at the bright moon ahead of us. "It is."

Recovering from her random thoughts, she turned to me with a bright smile on her face.

"Right! How about Dynami, have you found her yet?" she asked.

"Yes, I have. She's down in the southern pack, she is Alpha Chase's mate." I tell her.

Her eyes widened and then she squealed happily.

"Oh my goodness! She is Chase's mate? What a lovely coincidence! I'm sure she and I will get along just fine." she says.

I tilt my head towards her. "You know him?"

"Of course! We've been friends ever since we were little since our families have always been close."

Well, that's good news. With Hazel here, maybe Alpha Chase could ease up a bit towards us.

"I'm planning to go there soon to meet her, it seems she has no recollections about being a warrior. We contacted them today through a Voca Orb and she must've been so shocked that she collapsed." I sigh remembering the events.

"Oh my, can I go with you when you leave?" Hazel grabs my arm and sways it pleadingly.

I smiled at her, but then I remembered something.

"Wait, didn't you run away from your pack? Did you have a fight with your mate or something?" I ask.

Her demeanour changed right away. Oops.

Hazel let go of her hold and she turned away from me. Again, she looked up to the moon.

"To be exact, I didn't run away from my pack. I just... wanted to get away from my mate." she stilled for a bit.

Hazel's energy was on a constant up and down, it was hard to keep up. She is clearly a strong girl who can fend for herself, but seeing her like this, I had a sense of wanting to comfort for her.

I put my hand on her shoulder and she turned to me. "Whatever it is, I'm sure you two will work it out."

She observed me for a second.

"That's not possible, but thanks for the effort." she said and smiled.

I was going to say something more, but I decided not to. I didn't want to pry.

"Alright, how about we go and eat and have you rested up, I'm feeling that the next few days will be very hard."





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