《The Alpha Broke the Omega》dynamí


(raise your hand if you love this movie too💕)

It only took a few moments before I saw her.

I couldn't contain my smile when I saw her. I turned to Ian with joy and he was also smiling at me.

But Dynamí didn't look too happy. Instead, she looked perplexed, anxious and troubled. She also shew her wolf.

"Chári." she said. My eyes widened. She recognizes me, she knows me, but why does she look so conflicted?

"Dynamí, it really is you."

I was starting to get worried, Dynamí didn't look too well. I was going to speak again, but then tears started making their way down her pretty face. My heart broke for her.

She must've had a hard time. I'm sure that it wasn't easy being a rogue.

No one spoke, they just watched us.

"I know it must've been hard, but if you allow me, I will explain everything to you. You don't have to be--" I didn't finish what I was saying because she slowly collapsed. But before hitting the floor, Alpha Chase caught her.

"Maddie! Maddie!" he called to her.

Maddie... So that's her name.

I held Ian's hand and I was glad when he held it back, comforting me a bit.

One of the Alpha's men stood closer to us, maybe the Beta. "I'm sorry Alpha Ian, it seems we will have to leave for now." he said. Ian nodded.

"No problem, let's communicate again soon." Ian said formally. The man merely nodded and the projection disappeared.

For a while, we all just stood there, processing the events.

The shock must've been tough.

I understand, I understood her. I went through the same thing.


After the meeting with Alpha Chase's pack, Ian decided to take me out on a stroll. I complied because if I stayed inside, I would just be worrying nonstop about Maddie.

Ian held my hand as he helped me skip over the rocks of the stream and I thought I successfully crossed through all of them when my ankle gave out and I almost fell into the coursing river.


"Geez, so clumsy." Ian retorted as he carried me off to land.

"Well, that's the reason you're here aren't you." I answer him. This earned a shake of the head from him.

We walked along the pack territory and talked about anything. About the Strays, about Maddie, about travelling down south.

Ian decided to stop and sit at the banks of the river. He took off his first jacket and laid it down the ground so our clothes wouldn't get dirty when we sat.

And then we ended up talking about us. It was rather weird because we never really talked about us like this.

"Well you were a complete jerk when we first met. I genuinely hated you." I admitted.

"And what made you change your mind?"

His question took me by surprise for a second. I thought about it for a bit, trying to remember. And I smiled, a bittersweet one.

"I don't know when exactly, but I did it for me, not for you. See, I've lived my life as an Omega and to be obvious, it wasn't easy. I lived in anger and hate for the longest time. When I met you, I was filled with hope but you were so easy to crush those hope." I chuckled lightly of the events that occurred months ago.

"But then one day I realized. I'm thankful enough to have gotten my wolf, I'm thankful enough to have been given another chance to live. It'd be a waste if I lived it in anger and hate because of you." I smiled towards him.

Ian stared at the river and put his head down. I could feel through the mate bond his hurt and regret.

"But all that is in the past now, Ian. We're here now, aren't we?" I say, taking Ian's face in my hands. He lifted his eyes, the blue in them deepening as he stared back into my eyes.

"Why are you like that?" he asked again. I tilted my head towards him, not really understanding his question. "I mean, why are you so forgiving? The me from months ago thought that that's weakness, but now I don't really know." he says and laughs nervously.


Upon hearing that, my heart kind of broke for him.

I rested my head on his shoulder and he naturally put his arms around me.

"That's because you've been too hard on yourself. You were so obsessed with being strong to protect your pack after your dad passed that you didn't realize that strength can be found in the wind, at the simple crashing of the water against the rocks." I explained thoughtlessly.

I mean, that's how I understood Ian and his craze for power.

He wanted power and strength to make sure that no one would ever dare hurt his pack again, to make sure that no one would ever hurt anyone close to him again.

The trauma of his father's passing created the strong Alpha persona that he worked so hard to maintain.

Ian didn't answer and I knew he found comfort in our silence. He held me closer to him, planting kisses on my head as we stared at the water.

If only... if only this can last forever.

Flashbacks of a dream I had came to mind and I couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"So what are you scared of now?" I ask.

Ian breathed in deeply and hugged me tighter as if he was scared that I was going to disappear.

"I'm scared of not being with you. I'm afraid it will kill me not having you by my side."

Listening to it, it seemed like any other cheesy line from a movie, but Ian said it with so much honesty, it was how he truly felt.

My heart gripped at that and I turned my head so I could look towards him.

"You fool, don't say things like that. Promise me that no matter what, you will keep on living."

This time, my heart was pounding hard. Somehow, the words seemed ominous, but I had to know that if anything bad happened, Ian will still live on.

Ian stared at me but then he smiled.

"Don't say things like that, we will both live."

I forced a smile and nodded.


And again, the silence settled.

I breathed deeply. I have a feeling that the coming days will be hard, but I guess I will be fine as long as Ian is beside me.

As I was about to close my eyes, I felt something weird.

I felt something familiar. My wolf suddenly got alert too.


Is it really?

And then Ian and I received a mind link from Alec.

'Alpha and Luna, you need to come to the pack borders right away. There's a woman at the border...' Alec said.

My heartbeat sped up. My wolf shew herself, I knew this time, I was moving as Chári.

Ian noticed this and chose not to say anything. Instead, we picked our stuffs up and raced to the borders as soon as we could.

I had a very strong guess on who the girl was.

Well, at least I don't have to look for her, she willingly came.

It took us less about 20 minutes to arrive to the pack border considering how far we were initially.

As soon as I caught a whiff of her scent, it confirmed my suspicions even more.

I saw Alec and a group of guards standing defensively at the edge of the pack border. I noticed that barrier was still glowing and still strong, but then I noticed the girl standing right at the edge just enough so that she wouldn't be considered trespassing the pack lands.

She was wearing a cape so I couldn't see her face very well, but when she must've sensed that I was near because she lifted her head and looked around.

She stopped when our eyes met.

I saw the familiar glowing crescent mark in her eyes and that's when I knew.


The third warrior.


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