《The Alpha Broke the Omega》reconcile


(not sure if the gif works????)

"I'll let you search for Dynamí." Ian let out, but his disappointed and disapproving look was still there.

My face elated, my eyes widening and my lips formed a smile automatically.

"Really? Will you really let me?" I asked.

I had to make sure that he meant what he said. That he wasn't going to take it back later, well either way, I would still go.

He sighed and sat down at the bottom of the bed. "On one condition." he said.

Ah, of course there would be a catch.

"What is it?"

"I will be going with you and the moment it gets too dangerous, we will be going back."

"Going with me? Ian, you can't you have to stay with the pack." I reprimanded. I stood up and moved a few inches closer to him.

"It's fine, Alec and Elliot will be here. The elders will also be there to help them if there's anything too hard for them."

I looked at him directly in the eyes. "Are you sure about this? I know how much the pack's safety means to you."

Ian smiled and took my hands into his.

"I already sent a message to Alpha Chase. We will be having a call with them tomorrow, we'll speak directly with him. I'm not sure how things will turn out since it's practically the first time we've ever made contact ever since both of us took over our fathers' spot." he said. I nodded while playing with his hands.

"Don't worry, I think we have the leverage on him. He'll want to hear us out."

Without warning, Ian came nearer and hugged me.

It was tight and I almost couldn't breathe, he must've noticed because he loosened his hug and chuckled softly.

"I'm sorry, I just missed you. It's not easy having you mad at me." he confessed.

My heart seemed to have softened at that, making me smile. My headache was naturally a goner now. I hugged Ian back because he wasn't the only one who had a hard time.

"And whose fault was it." I poutingly asked. Ian's lips already made their way down where his mark was.

The sensation that it made me feel was uncontrollable. Especially after being separated from him due to our fight, the mate bond must've recognized it and now the bond was stronger than usual.


It was like a craving, I needed to have him.

It must've been the same for Ian because before we both knew it, our lips were already intertwined, our hands on each other's body like magnets.

"You're going to drive me insane one of these days and you don't even know it." Ian whispered before claiming my lips again.

I could only smile and pull him closer.


The next day, around noon, I couldn't stop pacing back and forth as we waited for the call from Alpha Chase's pack.

Ian's office door opened and I saw Alec coming in. When he saw Ian and I both in the same room, he stopped whistling and switched looks between Ian and me.

A knowing smile displayed on his lips and before he could even say a word, Ian had already thrown something at him to keep from saying anything. However, he docked and unexpectedly, Elliot was right behind so the mysterious object, which was a book, hit Elliot's muscled chest before falling down the ground.

"What the heck Ian? Is this how you say hello?" Elliot says, confused rather than hurt by the object.

Alec started laughing. Elliot must've realized that the throw was aimed at Alec and accidentally hit him so as revenge, he kicked the poor Beta.

Oh, Alec. What will we ever do with you.

"What's the big deal Elliot!" he started and was going to start a fight, but then Andrea entered the room.

Her eyes looked around the room until they fell on me. She immediately ran to me.

"Hannah! I haven't seen you for a while, I see you've been busy." Andrea said.

"Busy with--" Alec didn't finish him sentence because Elliot had again tried to hit him.

I could feel my cheeks getting warm. Alec and his big mouth. So what if Ian and I made up already? It was natural!

"Busy with looking for clues about finding Dynamí, yes." I clarified, clearing my throat.

Andrea laughed.

All commotions stopped when the Voca Orb lit up. It was basically a magical orb that let you call and see the people you are speaking with.

We all stood up straight and stood in position. I stood beside Ian, on the other side was Alec and behind us were Elliot and Andrea. When Ian made a slicing motion over the orb, the light expanded and a sort of hologram showed with three wolf males standing.


I guessed that the one who stood in the middle was Alpha Chase. The first thing I noticed were his hazel eyes. They were so bright and so clear, it was pretty to look at.

The second I noticed about him was his smile. Unlike most Alphas that I met, they were usually overly intimidating even if they smile, but Chase looked like he was just genuinely happily smiling.

The other man beside him had a stern and serious look, unlike his Alpha. And the other man on his left, who had similar features as his Alpha only stood with a smile.

"Greetings, Alpha Ian Fortis and your interesting Luna there." Chase spoke.

I tried to look at their surroundings that was projected through the orb, I tried to see if there were any traces of Dynamí.

"Greetings, Alpha Chase. I'm sorry to have called upon you so suddenly like this, but we have urgent matters to discuss regarding the growing number of Strays." Ian stopped and looked towards me first before continuing. "And my mate seems to have reason to believe that you will be of great help."

Chase raised his brow and looked straight at us... or that's how it seemed. But looking closely in his eyes, he was looking at something else, not at us though.

"Interesting, shall we hear it, Luna Hannah?" he says rather amused.

So, he knows me.

"Greetings, Alpha. I'm sure that you know that I am a warrior of the moon goddess?" I ask.

"Who doesn't know of you? An omega to a Luna, you made a name for yourself." he said. By the sound of his words, you would think that he was flattering or being sarcastic, but I didn't mind it.

I nodded. "So you must know that there three other warriors. I am currently looking for all of them. And... I believe that your mate is one of them."

The three men of the south stared at me for a good few seconds. The two men behind looked at each other and passed questioning looks.

Oh no, is it possible that he hasn't met her yet?

Impossible, they already met. I saw it in my dreams.

Recovering from the shock, Chase rubbed the temple of his head as he chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Luna. What you are saying is actually quite hard to believe because I haven't met my mate yet." Chase said and smiled.


But then again he didn't sound like he was lying.

So were my dreams wrong? Have I been hanging onto false information?

No, that can't be.

He must be hiding her. Or hiding the fact that he's already found his mate. Yes, that would make sense. After all, he hasn't announced that he found his mate already.

I returned the cunning Alpha's smile.

"Please, don't lie to me. I know that she is there with you. Hmm, perhaps behind the Voca Orb? You seem to be very interested on what's behind your orb."

At that moment, his clear eyes turned icy, sending me a dangerous glare. Ian immediately tensed up beside me at the threat that Chase was sending, but I held my hand out, holding Ian back. Telling him I could handle this.

"Are you calling me a liar, Luna? Why do you not believe my words when I have already told you that I haven't met my mate yet. Are trying to start conflict between us?" his amused tone was gone. He was done with the formalities.

Alright, so that's how he wants to play it.

I closed my eyes for a bit and let the power flow through. When I opened them again, I knew that my eyes were now a glowing grey, a lying down crescent would have also appeared in my pupils.

An added strand of my hair would have also turned grey whenever I decided to use this power, the power of the moon warrior.

"As a moon warrior, I have the ability of Verum Quiedum which lets me know if you are telling the truth or not, Alpha."

Chase's eyes widened. I noticed that the two men with him had a hard time keeping their heads up. That was another proof that Chase was a mate of a warrior. Only our mates would be able to stand it when we were in our warrior form.

Chase sighed. "Fine. I apologize, great warrior of the north, Chári. Yes, I have already met my mate."

Victoriously, I smiled.



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