《The Alpha Broke the Omega》rift


The last time Ian and I spoke properly was a week ago.

I was still annoyed at him that he used his Alpha tone on me.

The first two nights, he slept in his office. He must've been calming down too or afraid to face me, I don't know.

When he lied down beside me at night, I made sure to turn away from him, but that quite failed because in the morning, we found ourselves tangled to each other. When he asked questions, I answered him at the bare minimum. When he tried to bring up about finding Dynamí, I told him that I was still going to find her and it ended with us arguing some more.

"I will send Elliot and Alec if you want, but you cannot go with them. You are Panselinos' Luna, you cannot leave your pack." Ian said, which made perfect sense. I understood where he was coming from too.

I breathed out loudly. "I know, but I am the moon goddess' warrior too. We are here for a reason, Ian and that's to stop the Strays. And to do that I need to find the others. They may even be unaware of that they are warriors."

Ian ran a hand through his raven hair, a habit he had when he was feeling frustrated.

I could see that my stubbornness was worrying and hurting him, but there was no other way. I wanted to hug him, but I fought that desire. We had to be in the same page about this one.

"It's dangerous." he said again, low and calm. He was just telling me the facts, but it's not like I didn't know that already.

"I will be fine, Ian."

When I said that, he didn't answer and just ran another hand through his hair. After that, I laid down the bed and turned away from him. I also didn't know what to say anymore.

He stepped out the room, but not before pulling the blankets up for me and giving me a kiss on the cheek.


"Please try to understand me." he whispered on my ear and gave me another kiss at the side of my head. With that, he turned around and I could hear his footsteps getting further away.

But to be honest, I missed him too.

To take my mind off of him, I focused on finding more clues to finding Dynamí. I tried getting more information about the southern pack but as expected, Ian had forbidden those who had access to the informations to tell me.

Should I just go and find the southern pack on my own?

No, no, no.

That's a crazy idea.

I don't even know where it is other than it's in the 'south.' I also didn't have any relations to Alpha Chase's pack so they wouldn't even talk to me if I do somehow manage to get there. They would most likely just throw me to jail right away.


I found myself in the library, taking out a book about the four warriors.

As I read about the description of me, Chári, it made sense. Almost all of it made sense. Even the powers enlisted there, they were things I was able to do now. Especially healing.

But there was the downside effect of my healing powers.

Back on the attack of the Strays, when I healed a lot of pack members, I fainted. It was my first time using my power on many other people. I overexerted myself when I am just getting used to it.

Another thing, when I heal others, afterwards, I feel the pain that they felt with their injury. Yes, it also hurt me to a degree, but it's nothing I can't handle.

There was also that time during the challenges... I can make someone feel the physical pain of others. Like when I gave Sierra's pain to Abigail.

My new abilities were overwhelming, to say the least. It's not something to mess with. I have to use it with care, because it can also end up hurting me.

I skimmed over to the details of Dynamí.


'Brave, oh brave warrior.

Always taking more than you can handle.

The strongest of your peers,

keeping all safe within your barrier.

Down south you will go

and troubles you will meet.

Strays that follow.

People to lead.

You who they call Queen.'

Down south you will go...

Why hadn't I seen this before?

Maybe if I read more of these, it will tell me more about her.

The next two days was me spending my time in the library and finding all clues I could about the rogue warrior. But the closest thing I could find was that: she will be in the south, she is very strong, she has been fighting Strays from a young age so that meant that she most likely was a rogue herself.

There was a part I don't understand, the part where it says that people around her called her queen. There was no royal blood in the were kind, merely pack hierarchy and the Council.

Was it only a title? A nickname?

Ah, my head hurts from all this reading. I should go lie down for a bit.

I made my way out of the library and started walking to our room.

As I was massaging the temple of my head as I walked the pack's hallways, Ian's smell fill the air.

I was shocked for a moment and my eyes lifted, looking for him. It didn't take me long because then I saw Ian and Alec at the end of the hallway.

Great, another headache.

I tried not to mind him just because.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked as I arrived in front of them. I made sure to give Ian a blank expression first and then looked to Alec with my best smile.

"Just a little headache from all the reading, trying to find Dynami." I say, the smile still plastered on my lips.

Alec snickered and nodded. "Still fighting, aren't we?" he says lowly. This made Ian and me glare at him immediately and he only shrugs. He starts walking away while laughing. "Ah, now I'm excited to meet my mate. I feel lonely with all these mates around me. Ian, give me a two month vacation to go find my mate or something." he jokes as he went down the stairs.

"Go further north, maybe you'll find your sorry mate." Ian commented before Alec disappeared completely and all that was left of him was his echoing laugh.

When he was gone, Ian and I were left there standing in front of each other.

We stared at each other for a while.

For a second, I contemplated whether I should hug and kiss him or just leave him without saying a word.

As the strong woman I was, I chose option B and turned away. However, before I could turn away completely, my feet were swept off the ground causing me to scream.

Ian was now carrying me bridal style and I looked at him incredulously.

"What are you doing? Put me down!" I protest and tried pushing him away.

He started walking away. "You have a headache right? I can feel it, too. Go rest first."

I stopped moving so much. "That was my plan, dummy." I said which earned a snort from him.

Not too long after, we arrived at our room and Ian set me down the bed slowly and gently. He touched my forehead, trying to see if it was warm.

Why was he even checking?

I didn't say a word and only watched him care for me as he started taking my sandals off.

"What?" he asked.


Ian stopped and then looked back at me. For a while, he didn't say a word and then he sighed.

"I'll allow it." he started.

My eyes widened and I sat up immediately, trying to confirm what I heard. My ears weren't lying to me right?

"Wh-what did you just say?" I ask again, my eyes squinting at him.

"I'll let you search for Dynamí."


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