《The Alpha Broke the Omega》warriors


| warriors |


Hair as warm as the sun. Emerald eyes as cold and empty as glass as if she had nothing to lose. In a way, maybe I looked like that back when I was an Omega.

She was running, she kept looking over her shoulder as if someone was chasing her. She was panting heavily as she ran faster.

I tried to look for whoever was chasing her, then behind her, I saw something familiar.

A person in a cape chasing her, gaining tremendous speed. There were werewolves in their wolf form chasing her too. I quickly recognized them, Strays.

I concentrated on the person chasing her, the one who was wearing the cape. Who? Who have I seen wearing that cape?

Dynamí was panting hard as if she was so tired, and I could feel that she must've been very exhausted. Looking at her, I can see that she hasn't lived an easy life.

The scene changed.

Now, Dynamí was lying down a bed, three men standing over her. They seemed to be talking. The three men were high ranking wolves, that's obvious enough. If I'm not mistaken, the one with the light brown hair was an Alpha. The one standing beside him must be his Beta and the other one on the other side looked like a pack doctor.

"Chase, she's your mate?"

I opened my eyes.

A dream?

Lately, my dreams have been of the other warriors. I remember the moon goddess telling me to look for the others, but how could I do that when I had no clue?

But connecting the dots, I figured that these dreams must be the clues. I dreamt about Dynamí a lot though. Most nights, when she appeared in my dreams, she was on top of a tree, overlooking the forest.

I concluded that Dynamí must have been a rogue because in my other dreams, she always fought rogues.

But today, it was different. She looked like she was in a pack clinic, and those three men. Most importantly, her mate.

If I remember his name was... Chase?

That was the closest to a clue that I could get. So Dynamí's mate is also an Alpha, his name is Chase...

To my knowledge, I don't remember any nearby packs with an Alpha by the name Chase.

I decided to sit up my bed and think for a while.

Lately, more smaller packs have been totally destroyed by the Strays. Panselinos has already sent a few warriors to other packs to try and help, but still. We needed our own warriors to protect our pack.

Everyone was worried, I could feel the pack's uneasiness as we sent the last batch of warriors off to the eastern packs.

As the Luna, I only assured their families that they would be back as soon as we find out who is controlling the Strays.

Ian has been busy these days dealing with other ally packs, most of them seeking help from us, but we could only help so many packs.

It was frustrating, I could feel Ian's frustration through the mate bond. Even I felt frustrated.


The reason why we were sent here was to help the were kind fight the Strays off. But here I was, safely tucked in the pack house of a highly protected pack.

I felt like I was useless. I needed to be out there, find the other warriors so we can all work together and end this danger.

I had regrets as I sent off our warriors, knowing that if only I can find the rest of the moon goddess' warriors, we can put an end to this sooner and the pack warriors didn't have to be separated from their families.

I have to talk to Ian.

First step to finding Dynamí, find an Alpha by the name of Chase.

I got up the bed, fixed it and took a shower. When I had changed and prepared myself to go out, I went down to the kitchen first where I saw Dana and Lauren already eating for breakfast. They smiled when they saw me enter.

"Good morning, Luna." Dana greeted as she smiled sweetly at me, bidding me to sit beside her. I gladly sat beside her.

"Good morning to you too and Lauren. What's the menu for today?" I ask with a smile.

Lauren had already stood up and prepared my breakfast in a plate. She set it down in front of me as well as a glass of water and apple juice. I smiled, thanking her.

Pancakes and mashed potatoes for today, I see. Classic.

Dana had just informed that she received news that a few more packs have been attacked by the Strays but thankfully, because of the warriors that we sent to help, the casualties were less, although they weren't a hundred percent prevented.

I sighed, I have to do something and quick.


Where are you?

And then I remembered. Chase.

An Alpha named Chase, if I find him, surely he's set to meet Dynamí. I don't know if the dreams I have of her have already happened to her or not, but it was surely bound to happen.

My appetite jumped out the window as I thought for a way to look for Dynamí. I looked at the two ladies in front of me. Would they know an Alpha named Chase?

Maybe Dana would know. She used to be the Luna of Panselinos she must probably know something.

"Uhm..." I hesitated, interrupting their Lauren in her theories of the Strays. They both stopped and looked to me. "I just have a question. Dana, would you happen to know a pack that has an Alpha with the name of Chase?" I asked, eyeing her desperately.

Her eyebrows knitted as she thought.

"Hmm... Chase, you say. Let's see. There isn't one nearby because I know most of the Alphas and their sons' names, I don't know any Chase." she said and shrugged.

To my dismay, I nodded in response. "Alright, that's fine."

"Any other clues? How about a family name? Is their pack an ally?" she inquired, trying to find any other information that can help us find Chase.


But I sighed and shook my head defeatedly. That was the only thing I knew about him, his name.

Dana thought a bit more and her eyes lit up as she seemed to remember something.

"Ah! Come to think of it, there is one famous Alpha by the name Chase. He's the Alpha of the strongest pack in the souther territories, but I'm not sure he's the one you're looking for. We're the strongest pack in the north so our pack rarely interacts. How do you know him?" Dana yapped. My hopes went up.

An Alpha of the south? Maybe it is him!

My smile almost reached my ears as I stood up from my chair. Yes! It should be him! And if it isn't, well, it's worth a try, isn't it?

"Thank you so much, Dana! I love you!" I thanked her and ran out of the kitchen.

Excited with the piece of information I had just received, I made my way to Ian's office where I knew he would be.

I sensed that Alec and Elliot were inside.

I knocked first and when Ian allowed me in, I opened the door and went.

They all looked up, peeling their eyes away from a map that was spread on a big conference table.

I smiled at all them, excited at the news I was about to share them.

Ian smiled as our eyes met and I quickly walked towards him.

"What's got you so happy, this morning?" he asked, feigning jealousy as he placed a peck on my cheek and he put his arms around my waist, embracing me.

"Definitely not you." Elliot commented from the side. We both looked towards the Gamma. I knew Ian must've been sending him death glares by now and all I could do was laugh.

Alec inserted his own share of comments too and Ian merely reprimanded them.

"I have a clue." I started. I saw that Ian and Alec's eyebrows rose, maybe wondering what I was talking about. "I have a clue of where Dynamí might be. I saw in my dreams that she has mate, he was an Alpha by the name Chase."

When I dropped Chase's name, Ian's eyes hardened and his hold around my waist tightening, as if he was already against the idea. My hopes went down, why do I feel like this is going to be harder than expected?

"Chase... Emmerson?" Elliot asked.

I turned to him, breaking free from Ian because I could already feel that he whatever preposition I was going to say, he would be against it.

"I'm not too sure, but Dana said that the only Alpha she knows by the name Chase is the alpha of the strongest southern pack. He could be the person to lead me to Dynamí." I explained.

The three high-ranking wolves exchanged looks within themselves and I sighed. Never mind that, Ian wasn't the only one who was gonna need convincing.

This whole trio seemed to already be against any idea that I was going to present.

"O...kay and what do you intend to do now?" Ian asked from beside me. His tone was stern and interrogative.

My heart beat started beating fast, I expected him to understand me at least.

"I need to go there. I need to make see if Dynamí is the--"

"No." Ian said, turning me down cold and flat.

I turned around and looked at him straight in the eyes. I could see that he was totally set on this decision.

"Ian, I'm going. Dynamí might be there, I need to find the other moon goddess warriors, you know that."

"And how are you sure that she will be there? It's dangerous outside the pack borders, Hannah. Strays are practically everywhere and the Chase Emmerson's pack is down south while we're up here in north." he reasoned out, I could understand that he was concerned with my safety, but there was no other way.

"That's why I'm going to there to check and if the second warrior is there. It's the only way Ian. I have to find Dyanmí, one way or another." my voice raised a bit.

"You're not going anywhere." Ian said with finality.

In a way, this argument took me back to the first times we met, we used the same tone of stubbornness and hardness in our voices, trying to have the upper-hand in the situation.

But this was none-negotiable.

I have to find Dynamí.

Ian closed his eyes as if calming himself down and I took a deep breath to do the same.

I only remembered now that Alec and Elliot were here and that Ian and I had just fought in front of them.

Well, oops.

Awkward were on their faces, they clearly didn't know what to do in. Under any other circumstances, I would've laughed at the look on their faces, but right now, there were more important matters to take are of.

"It's a no, Hannah. I can send someone else, but not you." Ian said.

I bit my lip and I couldn't suppress my annoyance at my mate.

"No, Ian, I have to go. The sooner I find the other warriors, the faster we can--"

"No." Ian said again, but this time it was different. He used his alpha tone.

I saw that even Alec and Elliot were shocked at what Ian had done. Ian must've realized it too because regret quickly appeared in his face.

As for me, I felt even more annoyed and upset.

"How dare you? You know how important it is for me to find the other warriors and help you and this pack fight the Strays. I can fight for myself, Ian." I snapped at him before I stormed off the room.

I heard him call after me as I left, but I ignored him and left.

I was super pissed at him right now.



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